30 seconds in the mind of a quizzer

Let’s enter the mind of a quizzer. Now remember, the mind of a quizzer plays in slow motion when on the “hot seat”. Everything seems twice as long. 1 second is feels like 2 seconds, one mintue is really only a half minute.

BZZZT! That is the sound of the buzzer going. You look, it’s yours buzzer, you made it in. You say your audible word, “Where”, parroting the first word the quizmaster said. That will give you 30 seconds to answer. You lean back in your chair. But this isn’t a retreat, it’s an attack. Time to do some heavy thinking.

You try to think about the answer, but too many things are going through your mind. You look to your left to two of your quizmates, looking at you in encouragement and wonder. You look to your right. Your quizmate on the end seat, which you like, has this smirk on his face. It’s the “I know the answer, and I buzzed in but lost to you by a quarter second. Let’s see if you know it.” You look at the front row. The first two seats the quiz coaches are sitting in. You had to prove to them at practice to start you today, and now you don’t want to blow it for today and future quizmatches. Next to them is the first sub. She looks on in encouragement and anticipation because she really wanted to get in this match. Next seat over is you have the second sub. He thinks he’s so much better than you. He’s got the same smirk as the quizzer to your right. Oh, how much you’d like to see the smirk wiped off by doing better. Behind is the second row. The row is filled with your family members. The one week they come, and you don’t feel confident about yourself. You look deeper in the audience. In the corner seat in the back row is the teen you have the biggest crush on. You would really like to impress that important person. How much you have just been inspiried.

It feels like 30 seconds have gone by, but’s it’s only been 15 seconds. Time to get serious and think about the question. You repeat the question over and over and over in your head. After some thinking, you are able to complete the whole question in your head. Now to figure out the answer. In your head, you are flipping through the pages in the quizbook in your mind, looking for the answer. There, you found the page. You know the answer is in the last paragraph. Since it’s a when question, you know the answer is highlighted in yellow. You think harder. There! There it is! But what if your wrong! Could it be another answer. Where you buzzed wasn’t exactly key. You see the timekeeper hover his finger over the “time up” buzzer. That is your 5 seconds left warning. This is no time to doubt, go with your instinct. You sit up and smile. You give your answer, trying to be as cool as you can. There is almost a lull between your answer and the quizmasters decision……

Official Countdown to the first quiz match of 2005:

4 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes

Quizzing Question of the post:

Who was in charge of the forced labor?

Quizzing or football?

Ahh, yes the question asked by all quizzing football fans. Every year, it seems like quizzing opens on the same day of the divisional playoffs. Therefore, you miss the divisonal and conference football playoffs. Which one do you chose? Skip quizzing and watch football or forget watching football and quiz?

Well, he’s my decision. I decided to quiz instead of watching the game. It’s hard, but I like quizzing more than football. I might try to sneak a walkman in. Besides, you know the Eagles will mess up in the Conference playoff. And you can still see the divisional playoff games on Saturday. At least the ACC quizing Conference has enough brains to have us quiz at 2 PM, so we make it home in time for the Super Bowl.

Official Countdown to the first in quiz match of 2005:

7 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes

Quizzing Question of the post:

What did Solomon describe?

First Quiz Practice of 2005

Yesterday, was my first quiz practice of 2005 and first quiz practice with Spring City.

Before the quiz practice, I was in panic. I got this feeling like I didn’t possibly remember anything. So I entered meltdown mode. I started rattling of all I meorized: 1 Kings 3, Situation Key Words with their answers, Number questions with their answers, the three sons of Mahol and Solomon’s nine daily provisions. I read the material over and over, as well as listened to it. I got so nervous I was pacing and couldn’t eat. So I gulped down a glass of Mountain Dew Code Red and went off.

When I got there, I filled out a Secret Sponser Form and met all the quizzers on Spring City. I knew Mike from previous years. All seemed nice and friendly. Christine, who was at Ark with me, was also there. I met new quizzer Josh. Julie wasn’t there. Mrs. Dietrich explained how Spring City quizzes, then we commenced with quizzing.

We started with reading the book. I didn’t read my section in 1 Kings 3, I quoted it out of memory. It amazed everybody. Mrs. Dietrich said it was the first time in Spring City quizzing that someone did that. Then we started working with buzzers in practice quiz matches. We had 3 practice matches and I quizzed out all three. Every quiz out, I was the first one to quiz out. In the 3 matches, I had a total of only 3 errors. The team is developing, and it seems they are only going to get better. I also feel more confident in myself.

It was so exciting to quiz again! I can’t wait until the next practice. Now I really really can’t wait for the first quiz match.

Official Countdown to the first quiz match of 2005:

9 days, 20 hours, 35 minutes

Quizzing Question of the Post:

Who ate, drank, and were happy?

A quizbook and a (somewhat) schedule

On December 31, I went to my new quiz coach’s house and got my quizbook. For the second half of 2004 (July-December), I think that was the biggest highlight. I was so happy! I can finally start more of a detailed study. I already marked off situation questions. I still need actually start highlighting, though. The cover color is orange and white. This year it has a table of contents, so it’s easier to find what page the material is on.

It was also nice to meet my coaches. We talked about quizzing a bit. I liked the fact that we met before quiz practice on Wednesday. I found at some information, too.

When I got home, I went on the official ACC quizzing website. Lo and behold, a particial schedule was up. It told dates, times, material, and possible places quizzing. I was right. The first quiz match will be January 16. It is now official. For a fact, we know the first, last and middle match would be at LMH. We also know for a fact that the ACC tournament will be LBC. We know the Invitational is in Ohio, but we don’t know where. Supposedly, the place that decided to host it in West Liberty dropped out. Now we don’t know if we will have it in West Liberty in March or if it’s in Northwest Ohio or Wayne County. All we know is we are going to Ohio. This deliema also adjusted the schedule a bit. Now, the tournament will be during Palm Sunday weekend. It is a bit upsetting since I would always get the Friday and Monday off from school. Now since I will already have the Monday off, I will only get the Friday. I also thought the material could have been planned differently.

OFFICIAL Countdown to the first quiz match of 2005:

14 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes

Quizzing question of the post:

Whose city is Zion?


(Unofficial) Coundown to first quiz match of 2005:

17 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes

Official Countdown to first quiz practice of 2005:

6 days, 4 hours, 55 minutes

Okay, I am now officially in melt down mode. I am really running out time now. The Good News: I fininshed writing 1 Kings 8 questions. The Bad News: I still need to type them up. The questions are still in illegable writing on scrap paper (most on the back of church bulletins). I really need to type them up, but other things are getting in the way. Over this winter break, on which I was suppose to do quizzing questions, my teachers assigned 3 projects, each one due the day I come back from break. EVIL TEACHERS, EVIL! So now on top of those projects, I have to type up quizzing questions. The stress builds.

Question of the post:

Where did Solomon sacrifice burnt offerings, grain offerings & fat from the fellowship offerings?

Merry Quizmas, I mean Christmas!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I had a normal Christmas weekend.

People ask me, “Do you like Christmas?” and I always reply, “I like Christmas, I hate Santamas.” Santamas is the name I give to the commericial Christmas. I hate it. Christmas is a holiday to remember the carnation of God the Son, the One who loved all. The same One who told us to love everyone and demonstrated His love for us by dying. But commerialism has turned it into a time to feel unloved and left out. For example, it is custom at my school to buy a candy cane from student council to give to someone. I got one, a pity candy cane from student government. The girl who sits next to me in class got 13 from friends. On top of that, you see everyone exchanging gifts. I got no gifts, nor exchanged with anyone. I really really hate being depressed Christmas Eve Eve.

On a happier note, Christmas Eve and Christmas was better. My mom’s family came for their semi-annual 20-hour visit. I got less presents than my sister, but mine were of greater cost. The one like the most were 3 special ones. The first one is the NIV Dramatized Bible on CD. I hoping this will help me greatly during quizzing season. Another one was a pack of highlighters. I needed new highlighters for highlighting my quiz book. Speaking of which, I changed the highlighting format for better studying. I hope it works. The third one has nothing to do with quizzing. It is a calender with bible humor. I like bible humor.

Now it’s time for mixing Christmas with quizzing. Rudolph is the luckiest reindeer ever! He has a built-in buzzer light in his nose! I heard many carols during Christmas season. There were two I wanted to hear, but didn’t. They are “All I want for Christmas is 2 Quiz Outs” and “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Quizzing Version.” Click here to find out what I mean.

I want to say I won’t say “Happy New Year” until the first quiz match, the start of the quizzing new year, the REAL start of the New Year.

Oh yeah, I recounted my countdown. It was a bit off. Sorry. I’ll fix it.

Unofficial Countdown to the first quiz match of 2005 (fixed):

20 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes

Quizzing question of the post:

Why did all of Israel hold King Solomon in awe?

I know you guys are asking….

I having a feeling everybody is asking, “Why did you do Judges 6?” Well, since your persistant, here’s your answer:

Well, it all started the day after quizzing. I knew we were quizzing on Gideon, Samsom, Solomon, Elijah and Elisha. I also knew the book we were quizzing from were Judges, 1 Kings and 2 Kings. Fred said he’d post the exact material later on. 2 weeks went by and NOTHING! I was becoming very impatient. So I assumed (which I never should do), “The material usually goes in chronological order, so it would be material on Gideon, then Samson, then Solomon, then Elijah, and finishing up with Elisha. I assumed in correctly. Fred posted Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Gideon, and finally Samson. Since I was already 1/3 the way through it, I figured I would finish it off, then get started on 1 Kings 3. Besides, with Judges 6 done, I could make a comeback near the end. Knowing my luck, Fred will end up not following how he posted and will go in chronological order.

(Unofficial) Countdown to the first quiz match of 2005:

24 days, 21 hours, 45 minutes

Quizzing Question of the post:

When did King Solomon bring in all the things his father David had dedicated?

Off-season progress

There are 8-9 months between quizzing seasons. Most people go back to their life with other hobbies. They do other sports, become active in school, etc. Some may just lay back and rest. For me, I quiz.

I believe the new quizzing season begins the Monday after the Invitational. That’s when you get started for the material of next year. I’m sad and ashamed to say I waited a whole week before I started on quizzing. Nonetheless, this year I did great progress. I did questions 1 Kings 3, 4:20-34, 5, 6:1, 6:37-38, and 7:51. I also did Judges 6 (don’t ask why, it’s a long story). That’s a total of 104 verses. Last season I did questions for 86 verses and the year before that 73 verses. It’s the best I have done so far. I keep improving and I’ll only do better. I still can’t believe I did 104 verses, and I’m still going! I’m in the progess of 1 Kings 8. I’m not sure I’ll get it done, though. It’s a whole 66 verses!

Since October, I have been doing buzzer drills. Buzzer drills are anything that I think will improve my buzzer speed. Buzzer drills may be something as simple rapidly pressing a clicky pen. My favorite buzzer drills are using my calculator to see how many buzzes I can reach in a minute. Last year I had a buzzer speed of 310 buzzes per minute. This year, only 300 buzzes/min. It is a bit upsetting and disappointing.

Since Thanksgiving, I have been doing some memorizing. I already memorized 1 Kings 3:1-18. I plan to finish off memorizing the whole chapter of 1 Kings 3. Memorizing is not needed for quizzing, but it is helpful. I started noticing that two years ago.

(Unofficial) Countdown to first quiz match of 2005:

26 days, 3 hours, 50 minutes

Quizzing Question of the Post:

Who are skilled at felling timber?

I claim my own blog!

With about a month until quizzing begins (or maybe even less), I finally claim my own blog. Yay! This is a blog dedicated to quizzing, year round. I will even post on in the summer. Discover my year – round progress. It may even make you a better quizzer.

When Quizzing season 2005 comes around, it will be my fourth year as a quizzer. However, it will be a first year with my team. This year I will be quizzing with Spring City. I hope I can wow the coaches into giving me a starting position. I would usually be nervous around new people, but I will have old friends as well. Christine is on the team with me, as well as Angela and Gillian (hopefully). Plus, I kinda know Mike from previous years.

I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL QUIZZING! I am so excited! Sometimes I just tremble at the thought that it’s sooo near! I can’t wait to feel the buzzer in your sweaty hands, staring the quizmaster right in the right in the eyes, and rattling off everything you could possibly cram into your brain. I think I might start jumping up and down!

Question of the posting:

Why were the people still sacrificing at the high places?