More details on the 2010 Invitational in Kidron, Ohio

I want to thank everyone who supported the quiz team from a distance by checking our Twitter feed as we went through the tournament. Yet I could only put so much on the Twitter feed because I was only allowed 140 characters (letters+spaces) per post. So let me take you through our weekend in more detail.

I came into the Dutch Wonderland with the busses around 7:45 a.m. Justin came on his own at 7:50 with donuts for the team. Sharon brought the rest of the team at 8 a.m. At that time, the busses opened and we loaded all are things in the busses, and took our seats between the middle and the back. We were with Media, Parkesburg, Timberline and Living Rock on Bus 5 (or as they call it, Boat 5. lol). Around 8:45, Becky Yoder showed up. Becky was our “team mom” for the tournamet, and she brought lots of snacks, which we were all grateful for. The busses left at 9 a.m. For those of you who know about Pennsylvania’s trips out to Ohio, that is extremely early, and we were happy for that.

The bus ride was pretty smooth with no traffic. We stopped around noon for lunch and around 4 p.m. for dinner. Each stop was for an hour. In Pennsylvania, we stopped at Somerset, as we do every year. Now eastern Ohio is not as fond of ACC Quizzing as Somerset, PA is. They didn’t want us getting out all at one place. So each bus went to separate restaurants. Bus 5 went to a McDonald’s. Some were upset about that because they were uninformed they only had one choice in Ohio and went to the McDonald’s in Pennsylvania. They didn’t want 2 McDonald’s trips in a row. Those people sneaked over to the local gas station, such as the Conestoga quizzers. The Conestoga quizzers got pizza, soda, and snack foods. Amanda got a meat stick, which she loved, but could not eat because she could not eat meat on Friday (even though she had chicken for lunch). I held down the fort until they came back. The busses also did have 10-minute stand up break at a rest stop once we entered Ohio. The bus ride was fun and very load, with people screaming they were on a boat. There were a few games of mafia, but I was too far back, so I didn’t want to play. I did play a few rounds of scum, though. A lot of time I was on my Nintendo DS, playing Pokemon. Through that, I found out that Laura from Parkesburg also was into Pokemon and we had 2 pokemon battles. She won 1 and I won 1.

The busses pulled into Central Christian School in Kidron, Wayne County, Ohio at 6:30 p.m., which is also early compared to past years. I got out of the bus as coached and waited 10 minutes for our host family. The daughter in our host family met us. She pulled her car around to the busses so we can unload. We had to wait for someone else to come because her car could only fit 3-4 people beside herself. Once a second person could drive us, we completely loaded in both cars and drove to the house. Her house was 15 minutes away. We were surprised to see snow on the ground, but they told us that a couple days earlier Ohio got 1-3 inches of snow, depending on where you were. The house, although not big in area, had 3 bedrooms (not including the master bedroom the host family was in) and 2 1/2 bathrooms. But it wasn’t all for us. We found out we were staying with another team. It was not another ACC team, but a West Liberty team. It was Covenant Fellowship 1. The team normally has 3 boys and 2 girls, but since one of the girls came up with family who was staying a hotel, that girl did not come, and the team only had 1 girl staying at the guest home. That one girl, Abigail, was tickled pink to find out her team, who was mostly boys, was with a team that was mostly girls. And I think it was good for Justin to have other guys with him. The teams got together to do rounds of questions for practice for an hour. Then they had the rest of the night to socialize and hang out. Some played the Wii our host had. Some played pool on the pool table. A lot of them ate and spent time with the family pet: an African gray parrot. Amanda was trying to teach it words like “Mountain Dew”, “stick your finger in the cage” (because the host told us not to put fingers in because the bird would go after them) and her favorite: “meat stick.” Everyone went to bed at a decent time, and I went to bed after watching March Madness. Needless to say I didn’t get a lot of sleep out of excitement for the upcoming tournament.

Everyone woke up to our host making egg breakfast sandwiches. We all ate well and left by 8 a.m. so we could get to Central Christian school for the 8:30 announcements. We arrived in enough time, found our seats, and waited for the morning ceremonies to begin. When it did, the Wayne County cordinator made explained the building layout, and made sure everyone had the right schedule and bracket. After prayer, teams filed out of the performing arts center off to their matches. Since Conestoga didn’t have a placement match until the 3rd round, we spent the first round watching our friends from Hope of the Nations quiz. To our surprise, they were quizzing against the Covenant Fellowship team we were staying with. In the beginning of the match, Hope of the Nations kept it close, but in the end, Covenant Fellowship took over and won the match. Still, it was an impressive job because we found out Covenant Fellowship 1 was the top team from the West Liberty conference, and Hope of the Nations is quite the opposite in our conference. In the second round, we just went to the classroom we were going to quiz in and hold out until it was our time.

Our first match was during the third round. It was a placement match, and it didn’t matter if we won or loss, we were going into the double elimination bracket. The advantage of winning gave us more time until our next match. The match was against Sonirse 2, a NorthWest Ohio quiz team. The team’s final record in the season was 6-9-2, but they had 2 of the Top 25 Quizzers in NorthWest Ohio. Since there was a couple minutes before the official start of the match, they asked a practice question, “Where are we?” Joy buzzed in and got it right by answering “Central Christian in Kidron, Ohio.” When the real match actually started, Denise started the match by quizzing out on question 3 with all buzz-ins. It got scary when Sonrise 2 took the middle of match to catch up and then some. After 12 questions, Sonrise 2 was winning 55 to 45. Sonrise 2’s top quizzer Jessica quizzed out, and their 2nd strongests quizzer Jacob was one away from quizzing out himself. On question 13, Jacob buzzed in, but errored, giving Joy a bonus. Joy got the bonus right, tying the score at 55. On question 14, Joy buzzed in and got it right, putting us up 65 to 55. Now with one question left, both Joy from Conestoga and Jacob from Sonrise 2 were one away from quizzing out. Jacob could take the match, and Joy could secure the match. On question 15, Jacob buzzed in, I held my breath. It seemed like it was going to be a repeat of our last match. Jacob gave an answser…and it was incorrect. Joy got the bonus question. She couldn’t give a right answer either, but it didn’t matter. Conestoga won the match, 65 to 55.

We didn’t have to quiz again until 10:40. It was match no. 71 vs. Calvary. They were the 2nd strongest team in West Liberty. I knew Calvary from before because they hosted Spring City when the Invitational was in West Liberty. It took a while for them to recognize me, but I could only remember one quizzer because I didn’t see Lauren there. And in 3 years, Lindy grew up quickly! I knew the strength that Calvary could be and warned my quizzers about it. But they handled it pretty well. Conestoga owned the first 6 questions. Densie took the first, Joy got question 3, question 4 went to Justin. Joy got questions 5 and 6 right to be the first one to quiz out. Questions 7 to 9 weren’t too pretty. Calvary errored 3 times in a row, and Conestoga couldn’t get any of those bonsues. It was worse for Calvary because that was their fifth error without points, and their scores were in the negative. But they were able to work it back up. After Denise quizzed out on question 10, Calvary took the last 5 questions. All of them were buzz-ins. They couldn’t get team bonus because the buzz-ins were only among 3 quizzers, but Kate from Calvary did quiz out. Calvary had no more errors from there. Conestoga won 80-50. Conestoga was staying in the winner’s bracket.

Conestoga’s next match was at 11:20 vs. Strasburg 4. This was an ACC team we were too familiar with. We had created a history with them this year. The first time we quizzed against each other was for the final match of both of our seasons. In that match, Conestoga beat Strasburg 75-30. The second time was Conestoga’s last match in the ACC Tournament. Both teams were quizzing against each other in the playoffs. In that match, Strasbug 4 won because the question 15 quiz out gave them the 5 points to win. So the Conestoga vs. Strasburg 4 series was tied 1-1 and this match would break the series tiebreaker and keep the team in the winner’s bracket. Denise started off Conestoga with a nice lead with 2 right bonuses, but then she would error twice, giving 2 nice bonuses for Strasburg 4. It allowed Strasburg 4 to lead 30 to 20. Things seemed to turn around with Amanda, Joy and Justin consectively buzzing in and answering correctly for team bonus, jumping us ahead 40 points. But Joanna from Strasburg 4 quizzed out a brought it close again with a score Conestoga- 70, Starsburg 4- 55. Justin got another buzz in right, but then Deanna for Strasburg 4 quizzed out, making it closer with a 70 to 80 score. On question 14, Denise, attempting to quiz out, errored out. Furthermore, that was our 4th error. So just like the ACC Tournament match, after 14 questions, Conestoga was only up by 10 points. But this time Strasburg 4 couldn’t get team bonus or a quiz out for a win. The worse case senerio would be Conestoga errors, 5 lose points, Strasburg 4 gets the bonus right, and wins the match. On question 15, Krista from Starsburg 4 buzzed in answered correctly for 10 points. It seemed like the series was meant to stay tied as our 3rd matchup was tied after regular questions! The teams and staff looked around as if their eyes were asking, “Now what?” Fred jokingly said, “Now we a flip a coin” 😛 But in all seriousness, we were going into an overtime with 3 extra questions. While the staff figured out new questions, the teams took a technical timeout. Since Denise was errored out, I gave her the option of staying up there or coming out, and she chose to sit up with her team and support them right there. I reminded the team of the 4 errors, but I also pointed that quiz outs would greatly help too. Conestoga owned the overtime questions, being the only ones to score. Conestoga won 105-80. As we shook hands with the other team, the Strasburg 4 coach said to me, “Let us never meet like this again.”

The team was relieved to win and ready for lunch. Lunch was chicken, beans, cole slaw, applesauce and a roll. The applesauce was nowhere near as good as Becky’s :). We found it funny the gave butter for our rolls but no knives. We improved with forks and spoons. Since seats were limited, by the time we got there, seats were all taken up. So Conestoga picniced on the floor with Hope of the Nations and Grace & Truth. Before the next match, I went to the brackets to fill out and find out our opponent. Instead of filling out a giant bracket, they did it on PowerPoint slides. It was a nice idea, but it went too fast and became very frustrating to write down.

Now in the sweet 16 of the winners bracket, the teams were getting harder. Our next match at 1 p.m. against Orrville, the championship team from hometown Wayne County. 3 of the Orrville quizzers were in the top 10 Wayne County quizzers. Orrville owned the whole match. Their top quizzer getting 2 errors was the worst that happened. Their top 2 quizzers quizzed out and got team bonus. The only points we got was 1 of the 2 bonuses. Else than that, we errored 4 times. When they scored 110 points after question 12, I called a timeout to honestly alert the team we lost it. Denise, tired and frustrated, asked to be taken out, and I fulfilled her wish. So Meredith came now. Now Meredith, having been in very little this year, was not about to let down just because we had lost. On question 13, the quizmaster asked, “Paul gave the brothers what, not solid…” and Meredith buzzed in. She answered, “Paul gave the brothers not solid food, but milk” and got it right! This was Meredith’s first buzz in of the year, correct answer of the year, and points of the year. Of course I was crazy excited! Must have confused the other team to wonder why I was so excited despite losing so much. On question 14, we errored for 5th time, losing 5 points, but Joy got last question, giving us a few more. Conestoga lost against Orrville 25 to 130. This put us in the losers bracket. Surprisingly, it gave us a 2 hour break until our next match.

Two hours later we had a match in the losers bracket against Bowmansville 2. Conestoga had quizzed against Bowmansville 2 in the season and won 95-30. Bowmansville 2 fought through 2 E-Town teams to get to this point and weren’t backing down now…or were they? Bowmansville 2 did start off the first question answering the buzz-in correctly, but they didn’t get anymore points until question 9. In fact, all they got was 3 errors. Denise got back into the game and quizzed out on question 6. From questions 7 to 10 Tim Horst errored twice, causing him to error out, but Meredith continued her streak answered both bonuses correctly, giving her 30 points for the day and the year. Dan from Bowmansville quizzed out, but they couldn’t bring the score closer. Conestoga won against Bowmansville 2, 95 to 55.

We had a one match break until until our next match. It was match 211 of the day in the 19th set. Our opponents were Petra 4. The irony behind this was Petra 4 we last quizzed during the opening week, which we tied (and since it was season, there are no tiebreakers). So coach Andrew Jensen (who was a quizzer when I was a quizzer) and I joked that we were going to take this match in a tie all the way up to sudden death question. But this match indeed would determine the tiebreaker. Just like our first meet together, both Amber and Nic on Petra 4’s side quizzed out, as well as Denise from our side. The only difference was the season match we had Kristy quiz out for us, and this Invitational match, no second person could make that quiz out. That’s what made the difference. So Petra 4 beat Conestoga, 80 to 55. We advanced one spot too far to enter one of the smaller single-elimination brackets, so our tournament was done.

Since we still had 50 minutes until dinner, the quizzers went off enjoy the rest of the trip on their own. Some watched quiz matches and others went to the gym. I spent most of the time trying to update our bracket, competing with the quickly moving slides. At 4:30 p.m. we had a dinner of pizza. This time we found a table. After dinner we all moved to the Performing Arts Center for the final matches of the day.

Before we got to the serious matches, it opened with a fun match among 5 teams. It was the top quizzers from each conference and a staff team, consisting of a staff member from each conference, elected by the quizzers on the all-star team. The quizzers on the all-star teams were as followed (sorry, I didn’t know the staff):

NORTHWEST OHIO: Whitney Stamm – Sand Ridge; Hannah; Eliot Nofziger – Lockport 1; Seth Nofziger – Lockport 1.
WEST LIBERTY: Lindy Stapleton – Calvary; Katie King – Calvary; Christopher – Crossway; Gabriel Campbell – Covenant Fellowship 1
ACC: Megan Lehman – RiverCorner; Joel Cristophel – Zion 2; Nic Hurst – Petra 4; Caleb Putney – Timberline 1.
WAYNE COUNTY: Kelli Flemming – Orrville; Olivia Ressler – Sonnenberg; Nathaniel Steiner – Living Water; Michelle Raber – Longenecker.

Now it’s interesting on the different approach to this match according to the conferences. It seemed like the Ohio conferences saw this as an all-star match, in which they needed to win to prove they were the greatest conference. The Wayne County fans even brought signs to cheer on their all-star team. But on the Pennsylvania side of things, our quizzers saw it more as a fun match. They were having the time of their lives up there. My favorite is when Megan Lehman buzzed in on “What did the Corinthians…” and Megan started off with saying, “Well, the Corinthians did a lot of things, and also didn’t do a lot of things, some things they should have done and some things they shouldn’t have done…” While Northwest Ohio had 2 quizzers quiz out (Whitney and Seth), and West Liberty had 2 quizzers quiz out (Katie and Christopher), and even Wayne County had a quizout (Kelli), the ACC team had 5 errors and lost points. Point proven. On the last question, with ACC bound to finish in last place with 5 points, even to the staff who had 10 points, Megan buzzed in early, guesssed, and got it right, giving the ACC 15 points. First place team was NorthWest Ohio with 60 points, second place was West Liberty with 50 points, 3rd place was Wayne County with 35 points, 4th place was the ACC team with 15 points (and 5 errors, lol), and 5th place was the staff with 10 points, which was a buzz-in I believe.

Now with the fun match out of the way, it was time to get serious again with the tournament. There was 3 consecutive matches in the Performing Arts Center to wrap up the night. The first match was the final match in the winners’ half of the bracket. The winner would go into the final match without a loss, thus giving them a second chance if they lose in the final match. It was between Sand Ridge, NorthWest Ohio’s champion team, vs. Orrville, Wayne County’s champion team. Now Orrville had never lost to this point, and it was a total turn around for them. When their top quizzer Kelli errored out, you know they were doomed. Whitney quizzed out, and was replaced by Galen Short. Now my team hadn’t watch a Sand Ridge match yet. We were surprised when Galen took the seat because…well, let’s say his last name describes his stature. We were saying among ourselves, “there is no way he’s in 7th grade.” But there he was, and he even gotten a question right. Of course, Sand Ridge won. Their next match would be the final match Sunday morning.

The rest of the matches were on the Losers bracket. Next was Petra 2 vs. Slate Hill 1, two ACC teams. These 2 teams quizzed each other in the season semifinal and the ACC Tournament quarterfinal. Slate Hill 1 was the winner in the season match, and went on to win the season championship. Petra 2 was the winner in the ACC Tournament match-up, and they would go to be the runner-up in the final match of the ACC Tournament. The Slate Hill 1 vs. Petra 2 series was tied 1-1, and this was the tiebreaker. The loser would finish 4th place in the Ohio Tournament, and the winner would live for another match. The two teams made it epic as always, but Slate Hill 1 would win the match, win the series, and would go on in the tournament. But I congratulate Petra 2 for finishing in a strong 4th place.

The last match of the night was between Slate Hill 1, the ACC champion team, vs. Orrville, the Wayne County champion team. While Orrville had a one match break, Slate Hill 1 had to quiz consecutively. Orrville totally turned around from their last match. Kelli went from an error out to a quiz out. But Orrville’s effort would not be enough. Slate Hill 1 would be the winner, moving on to the final match against Sand Ridge. Orrville’s lost had their finishing 3rd.

So that match ended all the matches for the night. When I rounded up all the quizzers, our hosts drove us back the house. She once again had a wide range of food out there for us. As we ate, we talked about the tournament, mainly discussing how we we thought some quizzers on a certain team were too old or too young. Nevertheless, we were pleased with our tournament results. For the rest of the night, some played wii, some played pool, some read, some just sat around and talked, which includes talking to the parrot. The hostess’s daughter showed us clips on YouTube of the smartest African gray parrots. Needless to say, we all went to bed at a decent time and I finished the night by watching March Madness before going to bed.

Everyone got up in good time to the smell of our hostess making breakfast for us. She even made waffels at the special request of some of the Conestoga quizzers. Amanda took at last shot at teaching the parrot “meat stick” and “stick your finger in the cage” but to no avail. However, the Covenant Fellowship quizzers thought it was so funny that they left the house saying “meat stick” over and over. So while Amanda was able to get the parrot to repeat the words “meat stick” there are now a bunch of Ohio quizzers saying “meat stick.” lol. Before we left the house one last time, the team gave our host family a gift from Bauman’s back home. We left the house at 8:30 a.m., heading towards Central Christian.

We got to Central Christian a little before 9 a.m., enough time to take our bags to the bus. We had now moved from bus 5 to bus 3 with Hope of the Nations, Grace & Truth, Bowmansville and E-Town. The team entered the gym, found seats in the bleachers, and the ceremonies started shortly. Not a minute was wasted as we started with the final match between Sand Ridge vs. Slate Hill 1, the champion teams from NorthWest Ohio and ACC respectively. Things didn’t seem good from the the start. Slate Hill 1 errored early in the match, and I thought they were going start losing points. They got the 4 errors, but no more than that. Sand Ridge picked up on every one and then some. On the last question, “What can flesh…” Sand Ridge buzzed in, completed the sentence “flesh and blood not inherit the kingdom of God” and took the question and the match. Sand Ridge won, 110 to 50. So the final tournament results were this…

Double Elimination Bracket
1st place: Sand Ridge (#1 NorthWest Ohio)
2nd place: Slate Hill 1 (#1 ACC)
3rd place: Orrville (#1 Wayne County)

Single Elimination Brackets
Resurrection of the Dead: Maple Grove 3 (ACC)
Final Warnings: Chestnut Ridge (Wayne County)
Believers Freedom: Weaverland 2 (ACC)
God of All Comfort: Strasburg 1 (ACC)

Our worship leader and speaker was Matt Wilkinson. He did a good job leading us in worship with only his voice and guitar, and he also gave a good testimony. To wrap up the tournament weekend, Fred got up to speak. That could only mean one thing: the Invitational would be coming to Lancaster next year. Sure enough, it is. But what’s next year’s quizzing material. It was going to be the rest of Genesis. The previous year we started with Genesis 1-30, the next year would be Genesis 31-50. It was ironic because Denise, when frustrated, would ask, “Can we go back to Genesis?” So Densie got her wish after declaring her retirement. Once the final anouncements were given, the Pennsylvania teams exited in a giant mob to the busses, with some stopping the bathrooms quickly. We left Kidron at 11:45 a.m.

This ride back was more muggier than the sunny trip up, so we were confined to either the busses or restaurant the whole ride. On a brief rainless stop, Bus 3 played ninja before getting on the bus. Knowing our friends better, we had a lot more fun, active ride. We played a few mafia games. For some everyone wanted to kill me off the first round, so I never made it past the first round most of the time. So one time, I said, “Can I be the narrarator? It’s the only way I will survive past the first round.” I was, but still the mafia tried to kill me off. Near the end, we played a game that wherever Mikey’s laserpointer you slapped it…which was most of the time on people. For our stops, in Ohio we went to Wendy’s, which was a relief to Conestoga who had to go to McDonald’s twice last trip. At Somerset we got whatever choice we wanted. We made good time with only one traffic slow down. We got back to Lancaster, PA by 8:30 p.m.

In the end, we were all tired out, but we had fun this whole trip and were satisfied with how far we got in the tournament. This was a great bunch of quizzers I got to work with. I enjoyed every minute of it. I couldn’t have chosen a better group.

Do you remember the 2009 Invitational? I remember.

We all know this is long overdue. It’s been about two months since the Invitational all the way over in Northwest Ohio. We all know who the winners were and who won what. But I haven’t told you in detail what happened. I know everyone has been on the edge of their seats for the past 2 months, waiting to hear what happened (yeah right), so here is the written account of Spring City’s adventure into Ohio. Now since this happened a while ago, my memory isn’t as sharp as it usually is in details, but I remember the main parts well.


From my college, right after my last class, I went right to the Deitricks, not stopping at home. I grabbed a dinner from the college cafe and ate on the ride there. So when I arrived, I was ready to quiz, but just like the previous year, I was the first to arrive, and had to wait for the others. The Deitricks were surprised to see me missing all the hair I had been wearing since the beginning of the year was now gone. Robert arrived next, and he came in with more of a shocker. Robert was sporting the mohawk. It was very well done. Mike came in with…Brazil nuts, and then everyone else came in. Of course, we all had our luggage. The girls of course won with the most stuff…well, at least the most stuff going to Ohio. Sure, I had a lot of stuff, but I only took half of it to Ohio. The other half was just the stuff I normally bring home from college on the weekends. Practice went normal and smoothly. I just relished into the setting as I realized I was at my last practice ever as a quizzer, and so was Mike. At the end of our practice, as we rolled up the buzzers for one last time, Mike said goodbye to his buzzer Mellow Yellow and I said goodbye to my buzzer Black Thunder. Then I knighted Robert with it, giving him my blessing, that he may be blessed in quizzing as I am.

After practice we went into the kitchen for snacks. Alyssa set up the bar to show us how well she could fake pull ups. I showed her how to do real pull ups. I did 3, which is impressive, considering a couple years earlier I wouldn’t be able to do any. Mike and Tim left after snacks, back to Tim’s place, where they would spend the night and meet us early the next morning. The rest of us stayed the night at the Deitricks. Dave and Alyssa watched the Power of Ten movie. After that, it was all Nintendo Wii. Robert had been talking about pool with me, so we tried a game of pool. After that we all played bowling, a game we all could play. I was humbled as I watched everyone, mainly Chelsea, beat me at my game, and lose my pro ranking. Alyssa remembered wii boxing from last year and wanted to do it again. I got back at everyone by beating them in wii boxing. unfortunately, that has nothing to do with ranking. Mrs. Deitrick made sure we didn’t go to bed too late. Robert and I listened to the material before we went to bed.

Compared to last year, we all got up on time, quickly got ready, and left at a good time. Since the busses were leaving at 7 AM, we had to get up at a really early time. It was still dark when we left Pottstown. I was playing my Nintendo DS the whole way up because personal handheld video games were not allowed on the busses. We got there in enough time, at the same time everyone else was loading up. We met Tim and Mike there. Good to know they also could get up in time to meet us at the right location. We got all our stuff and loaded into onto our bus. Our Bus was bus number 5. We were on the same bus with Timberline (both teams), Living Rock (all 3 teams), Grace & Truth (they have just one team, like we do), along with 5 staff. Since Spring City was the last ones on, we were scattered about, mainly in the middle section. With this being my first Ohio trip without Christine, I sat with Robert. We found seats and got situated. A little after 7 PM, we left the Dutch Wonderland Parking Lot, with a unified yell of “BYE HOUSE!”

Since 7 PM is still considered early for most of us, and also considering that many of us had to get up before then, most people on the bus were still tired and opted to sleep. I didn’t sleep because I go by the rule “No sleeping on the Ohio bus” so I went into some quizzing studying (yes, already). Tim was the funniest to watch sleeping. He was leaning back in his chair, mouth gaping wide open. I would crumple up small balls of paper and try to shoot them in his mouth. Cathy Riehl tried to help me by giving me bite size snacks for ammo. Still, my aim could not make a basket into Tim’s mouth. A few hours later everyone was more awake and ready to play. Tim suggested Mafia, of course, and most everyone wanted to jump in. We were just underway to our first mafia game….when we pulled into Somerset.

Somerset is the annual Ohio trip stop. We stop there for both going to Ohio, and coming back from Ohio. So this was visit number 9. Remembering the hot cocoa from the last visit, I made sure I went back to the Starbucks for one. Since Robert was following me around, I asked him where he wanted to go. He insisted we go to McDonald’s, so we went there. It was still early in the morning, early enough for McDonald’s to still be on its breakfast menu. I rather have the lunch/dinner menu, but I found chicken muffin I could eat. I needed to eat because we were told we weren’t making another meal stop for 4 to 5 hours. As we were eating, I looked at the window and saw a van decked out like the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo! That was new. Once we were done eating, we waited to get on the bus. The bus doors opened, everyone got on their bus, and we continued on our trip.

Once we got onto the highway again, we were ready to play mafia…but then we were interrupted again. Merv wanted the youth to take a survey for a sermon he was preparing. So we answered a bunch of question. Some of them very prodding, like asking how far you would go with a date and your most embarassing secret. Others were just funny, like what food comes to mind first when you think of mennonite food. But the funniest part was Mike taking the survey. Naturally, Mike did not have a pen on hand. So he borred one from Cait Rihel – a nice pink pen with a sparkling pink tassel on the end. It so went along with manly Mike. After filling out our surveys, we were finally ready to play mafia. These mafia games were huge. We played about 6-10 games. A game ranged between in the 20s when it came to people playing. Most of the time we had 5-6 mafia in each game. I played every role at least once. The same was true for him, but he didn’t have good fortune in the game. Spring City quizzers knew how good Tim was at mafia, and it only took one game for everyone else to figure that out too. So for the next 4 games or so, everyone made sure Tim was the first one to be executed by the vote. But it’s not like it mattered. The next few games made me realize why Tim and Cait worked as a couple. Cait was just as ruthless as a player as Tim. Most of the time she was the mafia and got away with it. She would either bring the mafia to victory still alive or be the last mafia standing. After a while, I noticed Tim was getting frustrated not being able to play more than one round, so I led a campaign to try to keep him alive for a few more turns. That was a mistake. Because on that round, both Tim and Cait were in the mafia, and there were like the mafia Bonnie and Clyde. By the time I had figured out the two of them were it together, they killed me that night. Not one of my finest moments in the game. But I will tell you my finest moment. I was the mafia. I had realized who the last detective was (there was 2 detectives because the games were so large) for we had killed the one detective. So I convinced everyone that I was the detective and the real detective was in the mafia. Everyone fell for it, and I led the mafia to victory. Needless to say no one trusted me the next round, so when I did try it again, I was discovered immediately. Playing mafia took us all the way to our next stop.

After stepping into Ohio passed the border, the busses stopped at a rest stop. This was only 10 minute break for thos who needed to use the bathrooms and stand up outside. I took the chance to stand up outside and stretch my legs. But before you knew it, we had to get back on the bus for more bus ride. Once again, we started up mafia. By this time, some people were tired with mafia, and only the hardcore players wanted to play. So now games were only 15-19 people, with much less charcters. Most of the time, I was jsut a townsperson, so nothing exciting for me. But one of the funniest moments was near the end. BJ from Timberline had discovered Tim was in the mafia and discovered Tim had a snacks barrell at the same time. He started yelling, “Tim is in the mafia!” and Tim yelled back, “If you make any accusation of me in the mafia, you’re not getting any snacks!” Hugging the barrell, BJ yelled, “TIM IS NOT IN THE MAFIA! TIM IS NOT IN THE MAFIA!” Apparently he was and he won the game using his little bribe. lol. We still played mafia until the next real rest stop.

This was the same rest stop we were at the last trip to the Northwest section of Ohio. With a major highway between it, half the busses went to one side, and other half went to the other side. We were lucky enough to get to the side with the mall. I went to McDonalds for dinner, and got a Happy Meal for the toy of a quizzing buddy. On the box, it had a punch-out of a blue eyeball, and the box said, “Stick this to your forehead and pretend you’re a giant blue blob.” Of course, this gave my ideas 😉 . I had dinner with Robert and Ed White from Slate Hill. After that, we explored the mall, including going into Gamestops and Borders, for Robert’s sake. We then went back to the buses, and with a little time to spare, played some hacky sack. Then back on the busses again. By now everyone was tired with mafia, so there were no new games of that. Surprisingly, a lot of people studied. That’s usually something I do. lol. It started with a few people studying, and then some people wanted to get involved, and before you know it, a lot of people were studying. Coach Dave let some quizzers from Timberline borrow his questions. With his handwriting, there was a small dispute over what preposition he wrote down. lol. I got the chance to impress the Timberline quizzers with how well I knew my situation questions, but also got to fit in my own questions. Others were not as interested in studying. Mike found himself a motorcycle magaize. Tim and Mike drooled over pictures of bikes. Finally, at roughly 7 PM, 12 hours later, we arrived in Archibold, Ohio. It was a small town surrounded by farm land. Coach Dave best described it like a checkerboard: flat and square.

All 8 busses were pulled into St. John’s parking lot. We were told that a coach from each team would go inside the church building and wait for their host while the rest would wait inside. Seriously, you can’t expect that from teenagers who have been on a bus pretty much all day. Everyone gathered up their stuff in the bus, stepped off, went below the bush to get their luggage, and went to the church’s back lawn. It had a small playground and a few picnic tables. Some played catch, others played hacky sack, but I think a lot of us were just glad to get off and stand up. It was mainly the guys playing hacky-sack and catch, and the girls on the playground. Of course Spring City was one of the last teams to find their host, as it usually seems. So we were there for a while. Alyssa sat in the tire swing as we waited. Tim and Mike wanted to help Alyssa have more fun, so they pushed her on the swing with all their might. Needless to say, Alyssa went flying everywhere. So the crazier 3 on Spring City were going wild with the tire swing, while the calmer 3 of Robert, Chelsea and I just stood and watch. Finally, our hosts arrived. We loaded everything into their truck and car, and they drove us to their house.

Our host family was an older couple: Paul & Carol Stuckey. They were retired farmers who were now living on a much smaller plot. Their children were grown up, and had given them grandchildren, who many were quizzing for a few of the quiz teams. It was a short drive to their house, but Paul Stuckey took us on a slightly longer route that was more scenic. Ohio did look lovely that time of year. Once at the house, we entered through the garage with all their stuff. The Deitricks were shown to their room, and the girls to their own private room, considering there was only two of them. The boys had 2 options: sleep on living room floor or sleep on the TV room floor. We chose the living room floor because the carpet was thicker. As we were getting situated, the Stuckeys invited us into their kitchen for snacks. They had fully prepared for this, giving us sodas, chips, cake, ice cream, crackers, chesses and fruit. This being our first time eating since the last rest stop 3 hours before, we ate our fill. After everyone had enough to eat, we went into TV room for the last practice of the year and my last practice as a quizzer 😦 . Dave and Vicki went around asking questions from their sets respectively. We practiced to the best of our ability, but after an early morning and a long trip, we were dead tired. We finished up the night watching some of the NCAA Final Four Tournament, and then went to bed.

I got up early at 7 AM for a shower. By the time I got out, all the other quizzers on my team were up as well. We ate breakfast, got dressed (all wearing our team shirts) and left on time. On the way there, Paul Stuckey drove us by the Sand Ridge farm to show us where the infamous team was from. Mr. Deitrick would haved preferred he didn’t. Speaking of which, a Zion team was being hosted by Sand Ridge. It was an intersting experience for them, so interesting Dustin just had to video tape it to show us all. Sand Ridge’s trophies were nicely cased on display and the brackets they championed wallpapered the room. While it kind of upset me, I wasn’t upset for too long as God reminded me, “Oh come on, Graham, you would do that too if you won that much and the Deitricks allowed you.” It was true.

We arrived at Archibold High School just before the morning announcements. It was hard finding 8 seats in a row, but we did and sat down. Around 8:45 a.m., Northwest Ohio cordinator Gerald Schoenhals got behind a microphone to explain how the events of the day were going to go down. So let me take this time to explain to you how the tournament worked…

The tournament was centered around a giant double elimination bracket. All 79 teams (ACC: 52, Northwest Ohio: 12, West Liberty: 7, Wayne County: 6, Virginia: 2) go to the double elimination bracket. To figure out how to appropriately seed teams to like strength, there would be one placement much. Win or lose, you still go to the double elimination, it’s just that the win or losee puts you in other winners of losers. The placement match opponent was based off like strength in season the season, which is a week-by-week breakdown of the material. If you lost twice in double elimination bracket, you’re out of the main bracket (obviously), but not out of the overall tournament necesarily. Only the top 6 teams of the double elimination bracket were done after losing twice. For the other 73 teams, when they lost twice, the would be put in a smaller single elimination bracket. Now since 2004 we’ve been use to a smaller single elimination bracket, but there was only one. This year there was five! Teams that lost the 1st round of the loser side of the double elimination bracket went to the Adam & Eve bracket. Teams that lost in the 2nd round went to the Noah & Family bracket. Those that lost 3rd round of the losers half went to the Abraham & Sarah bracket. Those that lost 4th and 5th round Isaac & Rebekah bracket, and the losers in rounds 6 to 8 go to the Jacob & Rachel bracket. Each bracket had 16 teams, except for Jacob & Rachel, which had 10 teams. Since all teams in the same single elimination bracket lost in the same round of the double elimination bracket second chance side, they too are also of like strength. Lose once, and you’re officially out of the overall tournament, but win them all (usually 4), then the team wins that bracket championship, with a plaque to remember it by. Now that you know, it will help you understand. Back to announcements…

…Gerald Schoenhals continued with explaining about more of the day’s events. He explained how meals would work, open gym policy and about a fun match that would be happening 6 p.m. I got excited thinking about that considering I was in the last fun match two weekends before. At that time, our ACC cordinator Fred walks up to Dave and asks, “Where is Graham? I need him.” So I went with Fred just outside the auditorium. There I met with Jeremiah Dunst from Zion 2 and Charleton King from Parkesburg Baptist. Fred explained, “Ok, during the fun match each conference will have their top 4 quizzers up there. We have 3 perfect quizzers, but since Grace Point is not here, neither is Joel Delinger, so we only have 2 perfect quizzers. That leaves 2 open spaces. There are 3 quizzers tied for 4th place. We need to figure out which 2 of you will fill the two open spaces. We were thinking about doing it by the least amount of errors, but that might be unfair to Graham…” on which I chimed in and said, “Hey! I only had 8 errors all season.” Fred continued, “The only way we figured it would be fair is for it to be pull names.” So my fate in being the fun all-star match was dependant on the lot. So in accordance with Proverbs, which says the lot is in the hands of th Lord, I prayed. The first name drawn was…Charleton. I prayed harder. The second name drawn….was mine! I was going to be in the fun match with the ACC all-stars. This meant a lot to me because it means I was going the represent the best of the ACC. I thanked Jeremiah, who looked slightly disappointed, because this meant so much to me. I guess at this point I should also thank Joel Delinger. By not being there, there was a better oppurtunity for me to be in the fun match. I got back into the auditorium for the tail end of th announcements. We were off to find our room for our match.

We found our room with minutes to spare. The staff was already there. Shortly after, our opponent, Rivercorner, arrived. And that was it. I don’t know if it because we were in another state or because both Spring City and Rivercorner only have one team or just simply because 9 a.m. is too early for fans to wake up and watch quizzing. All that was in the room was the 2 quiz teams, along with their coaches, and the staff. Not a watcher was in sight. It made the room feel very empty. The staff had to follow timing protocol and so we had to sit and wait a couple minutes for 9 a.m. to arrive. So on the dot of of 9:00, we started our match. Maybe it was too early for quizzers as well because both sides made critical mistakes in the match. It made the match close to the end. But when the end came, Spring City won 85 to 75. Like I said, it didn’t matter in the sense of making the double elimination bracket. But it was a good start and got us motivated into a winning mood.

Our next match wasn’t until 10:20 a.m. So with about an hour until our next match, I got the chance to be an observer. First, I watched Ridgeview 2 vs. Virginia 2 because the winner would be quizzing against us. I saw Virginia 2 win and knew what to expect. Then I went to wait in the room we would quiz next in. I scorekept the match and took my 5-hour energy shot. Now I was ready for for my next quiz match.

Our opponent was Virginia. Once again, despite everyone being there early, we had to wait for 10:20, the official starting time. This gave us time talk with virginia 2. Here’s their story: instead of sending whole teams over, they sent whichever quizzers could go over, and put them in a team. Virginia had enough quizzers in Ohio for two teams. We were quizzing against the 2nd team. These quizzers came from different churches. It would be itneresting to see how a newly assembled team chemistry would work. Apparently not well enough. I was able to quiz out. The points I scored is what separated us from them. Spring City won 95 to 65. Spring Cit was advancing in the winners side of the double elimination bracker for another round.

Once again, there was 2 matches between our last match and our next match. The first match I saw was Petra 3 vs. Ridgeview 1 because their opponent would be our next opponent. I scorekept and watch Petra 3 carefully. I could see why the finished 2nd place in our ACC season because they took control of that match. They won, making them our next opponent. Now I had promised my Ohio friend Jessi that I would watch her team quiz, and she wanted some teammates to meet me, so I found a match Chestnut Ridge was in. Things had been pretty rough for Chestnut Ridge. They had lost their first two matches: the placement match and their first match in the double elimination bracket. It was only 11:00 a.m., and they were already in the second chance half of the double elimination bracket. Quizzing an ACC team, there wasn’t many fans there watching, so I decided to make the loudest noises, cheering widly. Everyone noticed. Unfortuneatly, my cheering wasn’t good enough to give Chestnut Ridge the win. They lost, moving them out of the double elimination bracket and into the Adam & Eve. They would be with 15 other teams that lost the first 2 double elimination bracket matches.

Just before lunch, Spring City had a match. We were up against Petra 3, 2nd place team in the ACC season and a semifinal team in the ACC Tournament. Having quizzed against Petra 2 in the season and Petra 1 in the ACC Tournament, Petra 3 was the third Petra team we quizeed against this year. The last time we quizzed Petra 3 was the exciting match in the 2008 ACC Tournament that went to a sudden death overtime question, which rookie Robert won us the match with a buzz in. Despite a different coach and quizzers, they still were as tough as ever. Tim and I led by quizzing out, but that was the most we could do. Petra 3 was firing on all cylinders, but we were able to hold them back a bit, too. After 15 questions…we were tied. I turned to my coaches and said, “This is feeling very familiar.” With Tim and I quizzing out, Spring City had to depend on the the rest of its team, without its top 2 quizzers. But this year things seemed better than the last time. Last time we had 2 rookies. This time everyone up there had at least one year experience. It’s funny how things work. Even though we had more experience, we were not able to perform as well. Spring City had been suffering from brain farts all match, but we were hit the hardest in overtime. Petra 3 took control and we lost in overtime with the final score Petra 3: 100, Spring City: 90. We were moving to the second chance end of the double elimination bracket. We were going to quiz against Longenecker at 1:20 p.m.

A little bummed out from the loss, we all decided to go to lunch. Now Archibold had all grades k to 12 on one campus. The high school was is one building and the rest was in another building. The high school building was where all the quizzing was happening. The cafeteria was in the other building. So all the teams had to take a walk outside to go to lunch. Luckily it wasn’t too cold outside. The sign to the cafeteria said “Tasty food here” (read Genesis 27 if you don’t get the joke here). We got in line just when it was early enough to still be short. It only took a few minutes to get longer. Lunch most consisted of meats like sloppy joe and ham, and gave very little options for vegetarians like Chelsea 😛 . I had the brilliant of idea of making meat burritos: wrapping my sloppy joe in a ham wrap. It was so greasy that I had to use a fork. I finished lunch early, and with an hour time block with no quizzing reseved for lunch, I had time to go update my personal bracket with the larger one. There I met up with some of Slate Hill 1 and found out how they were doing. They were still in the winners side of the bracket, winning all 3 matches they had in the winners bracket, despite losing the placement match to Sand Ridge. I had noticed they quizzed against Longenecker and asked how they were. While Slate Hill 1 won the match, they said Longenecker gave them a run for their money. I knew were going to be facing a tough team, as they historically are.

Matches began again at 1:00 p.m. and with our match at 1:20, I had time to watch a match. I found my Ohio friends at Chestnut Ridge were quizzing their first match in the Adam & Eve bracket, so I went to that. It was Chestnut Ridge vs. Poplar Ridge. Both were Ohio teams, both teams wore purple team shirts, and both teams had yet to win their first match of the day. Once again, I assumed the role of the loud one, cheering for the purple team (joke because they were both wearing purple. I wanted to cheer for my friends on Chestnut Ridge, but with Poplar Ridge being so small and being winless, I didn’t want to sound like I was against them either). My cheering helped Chestnut Ridge this time, as they won the match. I was happy to see my Ohio friends win their match, but I also kind of felt bad for Poplar Ridge because they were out of the tournament, quizzing only four matches, and not winning a single one.

I arrived at the classroom where I match would be a few minutes early. There was a match still going on in the classroom, and so I waited outside. One by one my teammates appeared and waited…well, all but Mike. Where was Mike? Well, he had a little accident. While I got done lunch and went to see quizmatches, many of my teammates went to go playground to play. Just like the day before, Alyssa was sitting on the playground’s merry-go-round, and Mike was pushing her with all his strength. And somehow Mike’s ratty pants caught onto the merry-go-round and ripped a giant in them. Of course it had to be at the worse possible place: the crotch area. So with packaging tape and a lot of paper towels, a make-shift patch for the hole. This is a very typical Mike-esque way for him to end his career. lol.

Now it was time for our match. Like I said, our opponents were Longenecker. This would be the only Ohio team we quizzed all tournament. We quizzed against Longenecker last year. In that match, we lost to them, putting us in the losers bracket. Longnecker was 2nd in Wayne County. They have a history of doing well in the Invitational. I’ve had a history with Longenecker. Longnecker dates back to my first Ohio Tournament back when I was still quizzing for Ark Bible. It was because of them we didn’t make the playoffs (that was back when there was a round robin, and only 32 teams made a double elimination playoffs). So it was fitting that in my last tournament and last year I was facing them again. I, of course, sat across from their number one quizzer. Just like Slate Hill 1 said, Longenecker gave us a run for our money. We could not keep up with Longenecker. It was so bad even I couldn’t compete with them. Every time I knew it, they buzzed in faster. When I was able to get it, I errored. In frustration, I made a kamakaze buzz in on question 15, errored my third time, erroring out. Spring City lost 60 to 95. With a one-two hit, Spring City had fallen out of the double-elimination bracket due to 2 consecutive losses. Since we lost in the 3rd round fo the double elimination second chance bracket, Spring City was moving onto the Abraham & Sarah single elimination bracket.

I had time before our next match, so I went to watch an interesting match I found on the winners side of the double elimination bracket. Somehow Bowmansville 1 and Bowmansville 2 had found themselves facing each other in the winners side of the double elimination bracket. The coaches wanted to make this the ultimate grudge match, so they sat brothers across from each other! I cheered for both teams with my generic yell of “Go Bowmansville!” Every time I watch one of these matches, I can’t help but wonder, “How many times have these two teams gone up against each other in practice, laughing and having fun, now having to come together for a serious match, which will decide the fate of both teams?” The winners of the inner-church grudge match was the ACC Tournament champion Bowmansville 1. With still some time to spare, I watched my Ohio friends Chestnut Ridge play their second match in the Adam & Eve bracket. Their opponents were Virginia 1, the opposite Viriginia team to the one we quizzed. Chestnut Ridge won the match and advanced their bracket. After a 3-match losing streak, Chestnut Ridge was now on a 2-match winning streak. Now it was time for Spring City’s match.

As I said, Spring City was in the Abraham & Sarah bracket. This was a single elimination bracket. One loss and we were done. There were 16 teams in this bracket; all of them lost in the 3rd round of the double elimination second chance bracket. I remember telling my team earlier “If we make it onto one of these brackets, we better go all the way.” I had no intention of losing, but going on a 4-match winning streak to win the bracket championship. Our first opponent was Maple Grove 1. This was not the same Maple Grove 1 of history that won championships. This was a weaker one. Because the church was celebrating its 100 year anniversary, back when it was a much plainer church, the quiz team wore plain jackets. That match was a total turn around from the previous one. I went from erroring out to quizzing. Two of my other teammates also quizzed out. We also added team bonus to it. Maple Grove 1 wasn’t doing too hot. They had errored enough that they were losing points. In the end, Spring City won 135 to 5. Maple Grove 1 was done their tournament, but Spring City was still going.

Winning meant we had a consecutive match. We had to hurry to the next room for our next match. Our opponent was Forest Hills. We had quizzed Forest Hills during the 6th week of the season. We won 100 to 30, with both Robert and I quizzing out. That much was a serious turning point in our season. Now we needed a win to get us more seriously into the bracket. Although we took a fairly sizable lead, the match was close. I errored just as much as I got right. On one I errored on naming the 10 people’s land God would give Abraham. It was embarassing because I had already said it one or two matches, but because I said Amonnmites instead of Amorites, I was wrong. I did manage to quiz out. It scared because I thought I was going to error out again. By question 14, we were winning 80-50. Forest Hills was one away from team bonus. If they got team bonus on question 15, we’d be in a tied and need to go to extra questions again. But alas they were unable. We did win 80 to 50. Spring City advanced. I was scared a lot of the match, thinking this could be our last, but I had a laugh moment midway through. Part way into the match, a loud engine drove by. Mike’s head perked up like Pavlov’s dog when he heard the sound. He wanted to go run out and see what it was. So Mike.

There was only a short break between our matches, so I the time to update my bracket. I was please to see that Chestnut Ridge had continued onto a 3-match winning streak and made it to the final match of the Adam & Eve bracket. Speaking of Chestnut Ridge, I met up at the brackets with Erica, one of the quizzers on the team. She was quite the interesting character. We talked about quizzing. She threatened to slap me for saying all Ohio teams were the same to us in Pennsylvania. lol. I didn’t have a lot of time to talk or fill out my bracket, as my team’s next match was soon.

We were in the semifinal of the Abraham & Sarah bracket; we were with 3 other teams. By now the weaker teams that lost in the double elimination’s third round were out and only the stronger remained. By now, it was dominant of ACC teams. In the music room, our opponent was Hinkletown 1. I remember quizzing them in the 7th week of the season. We won that much, but not as much as we wanted. But for this tournament all that mattered was winning. Well, we couldn’t even do that. I was able to quiz, and it was a late one, too, but that was the highlight. I really felt helpless there. Yes, I scored my maximum of 35 points, but after that, I could do no more. I just had to sit and watch. Things didn’t get better. Spring City kept erroring. We collected five errors and lost 5 points. By question 13, I knew the team wasn’t going to recover from this match. It was painful to see everything come to an end and it was out of my control. At the end of question 14, I yelled out, “LONG LIVE THE FLAMING AMISH!” in honor and gratitude of my past 5 years with Spring City. I hope it also showed a thankfulness to teammates for making a great team. Question 15 passed, and that ended. Spring City lost and was out of the Invitational tournament.

So just like that it was over. With that, I closed my Invitational tournament, my quizzing year, and my quizzzing career. After 8 years of seasons, ACC Tournaments, and Invitationals, after 256 quizmatches, it was all over. There was no “try again next year” because next year I could not return as a quizzer. I had to accept all I have done just the way it was, realizing that I could not try to beat it. That was it; I was done for.

A little bummed out about my career as a quizzer coming to an end, I moved over to the auditorium to watch the final matches of the Noah & Family bracket and Abraham & Sarah bracket. Entering the room, I ran into Chestnut Ridge. They had just won the final match of the Adam & Eve bracket. So after a 3-match losing streak, they went on a 4-match winning streak to become the champions of the Adam & Eve bracket. I tried my best to congratulate them, still a little down about my ending quizzer career. I took my seat in the auditorium and waited for the matches. While waiting, Jessi and I exchanged phone numbers and talked. The match was between two West Liberty teams: Grace Chapel and Calvary 3 (not the Calvary we knew). Grace Chapel took their seats…but Calvary 3 didn’t…and the quizmatch started. In fact, I noticed that the quizzers on Calvary 3 didn’t sit down until they had gotten a buzz in right that went towards team bonus. I can’t say exactly why. Some have suggested it’s a way to “encourage” the quizzers to get that buzz in right for team bonus. Others thought it was an easy way to keep track of what was needed for team bonus. Tim thought he heard that when West Liberty quizzed their season, that was the official rule: you didn’t sit down until you got a buzz in correctly. Maybe Calvary continued to follow the rule through the invitational. Whatever the reason, it was totally different to me. As the match progressed, one by one the Calvary quizzers would sit down as they buzzed in and got it right. By the end of the match, 3 were sitting, but one remained standing. Standing didn’t give Calvary the advantage because Grace Chapel won and became the champions of the Noah and Family bracket.

The next match was the championship of the Abraham & Sarah bracket. If we would have won just one more match, we would be quizzing in this one. I knew the one team was going to be Hinkletown 1. Then I saw the second team enter the auditorium: Petra 1. I thought this would have been an interesting match if we would have quizzed this match against them because we quizzed them just 6 days earlier for 1st place of our ACC Tournament group. It was good to see 2 ACC teams make the final match of this bracket, so I really didn’t care who the winner was. The winner turned out to be Petra 1. I continued to sit in the auditorium for a match between Petra 3 and E-Town 1 on the winners side of the double elimination bracket. E-Town 1 won that match. During that match, Mr. Deitrick found me to give me my meal ticket. With my meal ticket in hand, I went to dinner.

This dinner was more friendly than to vegetarians like Chelsea this time. The main course was speghetti, with a choice between tomato sauce and chesse sauce. I loaded my with cheese sauce. A side salad and cake for dessert. I had dinner with Robert and his godparents. His godparents live in Ohio and came to see us quiz. Unfortunately, they had got to Archibold right after our lost to Hinkletown 1. We got talking about quizzing and has it goes down. After dinner, I went to the giant brackets to update mine. Then I went to the auditorium.

For I was on, for one last match. Would I consider this my last match? Yes and no. I don’t consider this a match because it was a fun match which had no effect on my personal standings or my team’s standings. So it wasn’t “real” in that sense. But I was actually quizzing with quizzers from other teams, and I wanted to do my best, especially after my last fun match performance. It has been my goal to quiz out in a fun match. I just enjoyed the fact that I was quizzing because I don’t know if/when I’ll be in this position ever again. The ACC team consisted of perfect quizzers Luisa Miller (Slate Hill 1) and Jordan Kenner (E-Town 1) and one-short quizzers Charleton King (Parkesburg) and myself (Spring City, lol). On Wayne County’s team I noticed Naomi Eberly (Chestnut Ridge) and Michelle Raber (Longenecker), since I sat across from her in my match against Longenecker. On West Liberty’s team was our the brother and sister Landon Stapleton (Crossway) and Lauren Stapleton (Calvary 2). On Northwest Ohio’s all-star team had quizzers from Lockport 1 and Sand Ridge – their top 2 teams. Man, it was crazy fast. I was a little bit frustrated because I couldn’t get in. But I was pumped and ready to go. Finally, I heard the quizmaster announce, “This question is a sitation question” and I knew it was coming to me. I heard, “Give…” and I went for the early buzz…but I didn’t get it. But because I was the 2nd fastest to buzz in, the bonus would go towards me. Whether the person did not hear correctly, or enough, or just didn’t know the answer, he errored. The bonus came to me, “Give me children or else I die.” I knew this from erroring on it in the last fun match I was in. I answered confidently “Rachel to Jacob” and got my first points on a fun match. The questions continued. Luisa quizzed out for us, which was a big help. Later on, the quizmaster said, “This next question will also be a situation question.” After getting the first one, I wanted the second one. I went for it, buzzing in, and I got in! I knew it from the little that I heard. I confidently gave the quizmaster, and he said I was right! Jeremiah and I figured out after the match that was only 1 of 4 correct buzz ins. On question 15, I had still not gotten in, so I went kamakaze but didn’t get in. In the end, the winner was the ACC, scoring 65 points. While I didn’t quiz out, I was satisfied with the results. It was a complete turn around from the last match.

At 6:30 the matches continued as usual. So I continued as usual to watch the championship matches of the single elimination brackets. The next one was the Isaac & Rebekah bracket. My friends from Zion 1. They were up against Petra 5. Ironically, the opponenet Petra 5 beat to get into this final match was Zion 2. It would have been interesting if Petra 5 would have suffered the loss. It would have been the 2 Zion teams in a match for the championship. But it was Petra 5 vs. Zion 1. Zion 1 fought there hardest, but it was no match for them. Petra 5 beat the 2 Zion teams consecutively to take the Isaac & Rebekah championship. This is the 2nd single elimination bracket a Petra team had taken.

With the next single bracket championship match not happening for another 40 minutes, I had the choice between watching its semifinal match or watching a match in the second chance side of the double elimination bracket. I chose the latter because it was an intersting match. It was Sand Ridge vs. Slate Hill 1. The best way to describe why is to say that Slate Hill 1 is pretty much the ACC version of Sand Ridge. Now they did quiz against each other in the placement bracket, and Sand Ridge won, but I wasn’t able to see it because Spring City was quizzing at the same time. Now I was able to see that match, and with more on the line this time, I was going to see a good match. And it was a good match. But as close as Slate Hill 1 is like Sand Ridge in the ACC, they simply weren’t Sand Ridge. Sand Ridge did win the match. And at the point Slate Hill 1 was in the double elimination bracket, there was no single elimination bracket for them to go to. They were done.

Now it was time for the last single elimination championship. In the Jacob & Rachel bracket, it was Goods 1 (ACC) vs. Orville (Wayne County). This was the first single elimination final match that the final 2 teams were from 2 different quizzing conferences. It was a tough match for Goods 1, considering Orville was the top team of Wayne County. Yet the winner was not Orville, but rather Goods 1. Orrville did put up a tough fight, but the victorious team was Goods 1. This meant that the ACC would take 3 of the single elimination plaques.

All the single elimination brackets were now done and dealt with, and back on the double elimination bracket, 4 teams remained. The only team left on the winner’s side was Northwest Ohio’s Lockport 1. The final match of the night would take 1 more team out of the picture. It was Petra 3 (ACC) vs. Sand Ridge (NW). Yes, this was the same team that we lost to and sent us to the second chance side of the bracket. It was an exciting match with one of the top teams of the ACC facing one of the top teams of Northwest Ohio. Yet Sand Ridge continued their march to the final match, beating Petra 3. So the quizzing night came to an end with 3 teams left: Lockport 1 (NW), Sand Ridge (NW), and E-Town 1 (ACC).

We had a problem trying to get everyone back together on my team. Since we fell out of the tournament, we had been scattered. Last time we saw Tim, Cait was yelling at him. So for all we knew, he was dead in a ditch. lol. The Mullin girls and Mike were in and out of the gym, so we had to find if they were in or out. Robert was becoming very antasy beceause of this, so antsy he was becoming hyper. It was really weird. I had never seen Robert this hyper, and neither had Alyssa. It was so weird to her, she didn’t want to do anything with Robert. When we got back, the host couple had another impressive layout of food out for us. Exhausted from the day, we all plopped in front of the television to watch the divisional finals of Ohio High School basketball (apparently it’s very big in Ohio). I took out old brackets and compared them to this year to see how we did. We also took the oppurtunity to look at old pictures. Most of us were tired and just went to bed. I stayed up for the whole game, and in the mean time changed my mp3 player from text to music, and also had a conversation with Alyssa. Then I too went to bed.

This morning we didn’t have to get as early because the matches were later, and we weren’t in any of them. I always wondered what it would be like to have to study on Saturday night and quickly review on Sunday morning during the Invitational. Yet we had to get up early enough because not only did we have to do the usual morning rituals, but also had to pack up for another long drive home. Still tired, I was slow to get up. Robert thought it would be a good idea to get us up with ice. Tim and Mike didn’t receive the idea too well, as they wrestled him to the ground. I did get up with enough time, but barely enough as I was still checking if I had everything as the rest of the team was walking out the door. We loaded all our stuff onto the car, took final pictures, thanked our hosts, and left for the school.

When we got to Archibold High School, we went straight to the cafeteria. Still, it was very full. I was surprised that they opened only one side of the bleachers and not both sides of the gymnasium. The events were split into 3 parts: worship, the speaker, and the quizzing. The worship was lead by a group from Bluffton University. I thought I saw them come in the day before. They were pretty good.

There were two definite matches on Sunday, with a third pending. The first match would determine what team got to play Lockport 1 in the final. The losing team would have to accept 3rd place. Both teams had a good history in the Invitational. E-Town 3 had placed 3rd in the Invitational in 2006 and 2007. Sand Ridge had taken the championship for the past 3 consecutive years. The fans were divided by conference. One would have thought that everyone would cheer for E-Town 3 because they didn’t want to see Sand Ridge win yet another Invitational championship. But it was not so. All of the Northwest Ohio quiz teams wanted to see both teams in the final match from their conference. So all of Northwest Ohio cheered for Sand Ridge. But this was not a Ohio thing. A lot of teams from Wayne County and West Liberty cheered for E-Town 3. E-Town 3’s perfect quizzer Jordan Keener struggled to quiz out, but did, and Sand Ridge’s top quizzer Whitney Stamm. After 15 questions, Sand Ridge won and was going to the Invitational Double Elimination bracket final match for the fourth consecutive year. E-Town 3 would finished 3rd place in the Invitational for the 3rd time in the past 4 years.

So the final match was Lockport 1 vs. Sand Ridge. Now with both teams from Northwest Ohio in the final match, all Northwest Ohio teams joined the rest of the quizzing teams in cheering for Lockport 1. Despite the final match having both teams from the same conference, the host conference, it was still a good match because these were the top 2 teams from Northwest Ohio. Both teams were jumpy in the match. The only problem was that Lockport 1 was jumpy too early in the question. They were getting a lot of errors. In fact, they had 5 errors. A few of us we worried Lockport 1 was trying the same error strategy Longenecker tried against Sand Ridge in 2007. The errors did hurt as not only did Lockport 1 lose 5 points, but Sand Ridge was easily picking them up. Sand Ridge themselves only errored twice. Sand Ridge won, 100 to 60. This was Lockport 1’s first loss in the whole tournament, including the placement match. But since this was Lockport 1’s first loss in a double elimination bracket, Lockport 1 could not be out of it. So there had to be another match between the same two teams. This one would decide the champion. With another match coming, this would be the 3rd time they would be facing each other in the tournament. With the series between the teams tied 1-1, it could be anyone’s match.

With teams switching sides, the match was ready. Sand Ridge took a lead, and some of us were worried that Sand Ridge would win a 4th consecutive time. Mr. Deitrick was even afraid that people would start booing if this was so. But this match was about to take a turn, as Lockport started catching up. This match was so much closer than compared to the last one. Not only was it close in points, but it was also close in errors. Lockport 1 received 4 errors, and Sand Ridge got 6 errors, causing them to lose 10 points. With them losing those points, and Lockport 1 gaining points from their bonuses, it may have ben what cost Sand Ridge the match and the championship. After the quizzer answered, “Its belly” to answer correctly the last question “On what will the serpent crawl?” the match was over, and Lockport 1 was the victorius team, winning 65 to 50. So let me pause and take this time write the finals results…


1st place: Lockport 1 (Northwest Ohio)
2nd place: Sand Ridge (Northwest Ohio)
3rd place: E-Town 3 (ACC)
4th place: Petra 3 (ACC) (Not awarded)
5th place: Slate Hill 1 (ACC) & Strasburg 3 (ACC) (Not awarded)

Adam & Eve Bracket: Chestnut Ridge (Wayne County)
Noah & Family Bracket: Grace Chapel (West Liberty)
Abraham & Sarah Bracket: Petra 1 (ACC)
Isaac & Rebekah Bracket: Petra 5 (ACC)
Jacob & Rachel Bracket: Goods 1 (ACC)

The speaker did a good job. He was an ex-quizzer who remembered the excitement of being in a quizmatch. He thought it would be fitting to have the message come from the quizing material, so it was right from Genesis 12:1-4, where God calls Abraham. The message focused around on us needing to answer God’s call for our lives, and to drown out all excuses and distraction that might be drawing us away from that call. To illustrate this, the Bluffton group did a small skit. Everything ended with a final announcement from the coordinator of Wayne County. I immediately knew this meant that next year’s invitional would be held in Kidron, Ohio. Sure enough, I was right. Then the following annoucement was the material for next year: 1 & 2 Corinthians. This would be interesting with all the theology in it.

Everything was now done. Fred directed us back to the busses. They were all lined up outside the front of the building, waiting for us. Of course we didn’t immediately get on. We were congratulating the winners, and talking to all our Ohio friends. I got more quizzers to sign my orange shirt. Robert was ready to be done the busy weekend and wanted to go home. He was trying to get the rest of the team on the bus, more than our coaches were. He had also gotten us a seat on the back of the bus, right next to the bathroom. As we were walking to the bus, Robert turns to me and says, “Oh yeah, something about our bus being a boat.” Before I could say “what?” I stepped onto the bus and heard “WE’RE ON A BOAT!” from Saturday Night Live’s The Lonely Island. If you don’t know what I’m talking about – good. Don’t go looking for it. Yeah, I heard that all bus ride back home, even up to the end.

Besides that, the bus ride was a good one. All the staff in the ACC decided it would be simpler to have the same bus assignments as we did on they way up than to switch everything around. So once again we were with Living Rock, Timberline and Grace & Truth. Once again, there were many games of Mafia. Players in each game could range between the low teens and low 20s. I seemed to be in the mafia a lot. While we had many good narrators, the actual game play got worse as we went on. Like I said, I was constantly on the mafia. Now, a good mafia works together to get rid of the everyone. Every time I was in the mafia, it seemed like the mafia members just cared about keeping themselves alive in the game. The mafia would vote for their own mafia to execute! It was just bad strategy. I can’t stand bad strategy, so after a couple games, I just quit and returned back to my seat in the back. I spent a lot of my time playing Guitar Hero Decades on my DS. Yeah, I know we weren’t suppose to, but some of the Living Rock kids in the back were also on their DS or PSP, so I joined on that, too. But the group had other fun too. During rest stops, we tried to see how many people we could fit in a rest room. We needed small people, and Robert was game to do it. The first rest stop we were able to fit 7 people in a restroom. On the second stop, they successfully put in 8, door closed and all. Of course everyone fell out when the door opened.

Speaking of rest stops, the rest stops were pretty much the same as the last time. Our first one was in the same mall area our last stop when driving up, except this time we were on the non-mall side. When we stop there, we saw a lady dressed up like the Statue of Liberty, trying to sell insurance. Always something interesting at this rest stops. I went to Wendy’s, for I had an urge for a Baconator. I had lunch with Slate Hill, and Robert rejoined me later. Our second stop was back at Somerset. This would be now the 10th Somerset stop in my quizzing career. If we assume every stop was an hour long, that would mean that I have spent a total of 10 hours of my life in Somerset. Since I had been dragging Robert around a lot this trip, I let Robert choose where we were going to eat. He chose this restaurant across the street where the Deitricks were going. So we had dinner together. I wasn’t too much fun at that point. Tired and sad about quizzing ending, I was a little down. The Deitricks noticed this, so Mrs. Deitrick asks, “Graham, is somebody picking on you?” lol. Mrs. D. was always the mother type. Dinner was hurried as they got our plates to us a little before we had to leave. We had to quickly eat and leave.

We got back into Dutch Wonderland’s parking lot very late. In fact, we passed Lancaster Bible College. I was so close to my dorm, which I had to return to on the Monday following. When we got into Dutch Wonderland’s parking lot, everyone stormed off to get their luggage. The tired adult coaches just wanted to get home, but a lot of the quizzers, knowing this is the end, made sure they said goodbye to everyone. I made sure I made my goodbyes, as I knew I was sucking out the last seconds of being considered a quizzer. Tim and Mike went back to Tim’s place, while the Deitricks loaded us back into church van to drop the Mullins off at their house, then bring Robert and I back to their place. While exhausted, we still talked about our wonderful Ohio experience. Both Robert and I would leave the Deitricks the next morning.


Not to good into too much analysis and reflection, I’m still thinking about the Invitational. While writing this and trying to remember everything, I was looking through text messages, pictures, and the brackets. Comparing past bracket to this bracket, statistically, this has been Spring City’s 2nd worse Invitational performance, the worse being in 2006 in Wayne County. In both we fell out of the double elimination tournament in back-to-back losses, but this year we had a slot in a single elimination bracket, which gave us 3 more matches. We quizzed a total of 7 matches, and the win-loss record was 4-3. I can’t say that that it wasn’t our fault, but I can’t say that it was totally our fault either. We did suffer from brain farts, and arguably, if we didn’t, we could have done better. But I don’t feel the same disappointment as I did in 2006. Why is this? I think there is 2 main reasons. First, it was the people I was with. I was 2 quizzers who were new to the Ohio experience and seeking the fun in it, and I was with the 3 people who I have quizzed the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (tied) longest with. This was a great bunch of quizzers, with great coaches, which them themselves made the trip worth it. The second reason, I believe, is that with my quizzing career coming to an end, I observed the tournamet not by how well were doing or how much we were winning and advancing, but just enjoying quizzing for what it is. Enjoying the match for every question, every buzz in, every bonus and every point. Enjoying the thrill of it all. I made sure my last quizzing experience would be a memorable one, even without winning the whole thing. Mission accomplished. Great year, Spring City!

Quizzing March Madness Part 2: Invitational

A good quizzing year has got to end with a bang. So what could be bigger than putting together 5 conferences of Bible Quzzing into one giant quizzing tournament. Yes, just as we finished every year, the last tournament is the invitational. The “Ohio tournament”, as we ACC quizzers call it, was in Pennsylvania, at Lancaster Bible College. Kind of an oxymoron. There were 81 teams altogether: 2 from Virginia, 7 from Wayne County, 9 from West Liberty, 10 from Northwest Ohio and the most coming from, of course, the ACC with 53 teams. A total of 81 teams for 3 days in Lancasater, PA. What kind of craziness could this result in? Let me tell you…

I was the first quizzer to arrive at the Deitricks. I was the first one that they saw live with the new shaven head. Yes, I followed my team into shaving our heads. I was the last,m but I did it. Now, while Tim and Mike bic-ed their head (shaved it down to the skin on their skull), I went with Bobby and wenth an eighth of an inch. Slowly all the quizzers entered in with their stuff. Tim brought Chelsea and Alyssa, and we saw Tim’s bald head. He lookled like Mr. Clean. When Mike cam in, he looked like some kind of White Supremesist. Bobby had re-shaved his head for the occasion. Now we were truly 4 men in a vow. And these 4 men were ready.

Usually for practice, Spring City practices from 7-9 P.M., four practice matches, two from Dave, two from Vicki. Even when we had that overnight for the ACC Tournament, we did the same. But this was the invitational. This is different. So we practiced from 7-10 p.m., 6 practice matches, 3 from Dave, 3 from Vicki. Ya got to step it up for the big tournament of the year. After practice, we relaxed and had fun. I set up my Wii for the girls. They thought they set up all the pieces, but theey forgot the important sensor bar so the Wiimote could be read. Silly girls. “You need all the parts.” lol. I was more focused on studying. In the middle of it, Tim and Mike called Bobby and I up to the room. Literally. I got a call on my cell phone from Tim to come up with Bobby and bring snacks and drinks. We did go up, but nothing happened up there. I just continued to study. So I went back down to play Wii until Mrs. Deitrick told us to go to bed at 12:30 because we had to leave by 6:30 a.m. the next morning. Bobby and I roomed. I went to bed listening to the material and praying for my team.

I woke up at 6:10 to Bobby’s cell phone alarm going off. He said, “We have 5 more minutes.” So I rolled over. Well, a couple more “5 minutes more” I decided to get up. It was 6:25 a.m. So I decided to get up and do my thing to get ready. As my parents have always told me, I’m loud when I get up. I was loud enough to wake up the Deitricks. Apparently, the electricity went out and their alarm did not wake them up. So we rushed frantically about to get out of the house. The funniest part was Mike and Tim. Vicki explained to them what had happened, but not thoroughly enough for them to explain. She did explain how the power went off, but not that it was now back on. So when Mike went to turn on the lights, with his hand on the lightswitch, Tim said, “Don’t bother to turn on the lights, the power is out.” So Mike didn’t turn on the lights and they got dressed in the dark. We finally were all together to leave by 6:50, twenty minutes after we wanted to. I practiced on the way up. Everyone threatened me that if I played “Horse-and-punch-buggy” they would all wail me back harder, so I skipped on that.

We somehow got there right on time, at 8 a.m. on the dot. Still, we were a little late for the big meeting because we had to say hi and catch up with the quizzers from our host family last year. Then we went into a packed auditorium for the announcements. We didn’t hear a lot because we had to find a seat. I did hear an announcement about how they were going to deal with a block. If the quizmaster was uncertain of a block, but it kinda looked suspicious, they could reset the buzzers and ask another question. If it happened again, or if they were really sure, then they could asses a foul. It was a good call from the staff. We prayed, and then we off to matches.

We had the second round in the round robin, so we had to go to another match before. We went to GSC-205 because we had the next match there and we wanted to watch the quizmaster. The match there was Grace Chapel 2 (West Liberty) vs. New Danville (ACC). It was match from Group N with New Danville as the seeded team. It was obvious New Danville was seeded as they took off with the match. New Danville won easily. As our team watched, we watched where they were buzzing in and if we knew the answer by then. We were doing with that. The questions seemed easy, and we for the most part knew the answers. Now it was our turn in the room…well, almost. The match got over early, and we had to wait for our opponents. So we prayed and studied a little bit more. Tim read up on Honda motorcycles. Finally Zion 1 arrived. They had been watching Zion 2. Last time we quizzed against Zion 1 we won barely 90-80 in a hard match. This time, Zion 1 was not as hardcore against us. We maintained getting 90 points, which included me quizzing out. We won 90-45. We did better than we did last time against Zion. Spring City started in their round robin 1-0.

Repeat process. We had to wait a a round until our match, so we went to the room anyway to watch the quizmaster. This quizmaster was a favorite of our team: Jaime Detweiler. We also had a favorite scorekeeper as well. It always seemed like the match before us involved Grace Chapel 2 because the matched before us was Grace Chapel 2 (West Liberty) vs. Goods 2 (ACC). Grace Chapel 2 had a better start for this match, but they weren’t going to win this one either. Spring City just watched how Jaime quizmastered. Now it was our turn up. Our match was against Crossway 1, a team from West Liberty. This was not the same one Landon from last year was on, thank goodness. They were seeded. Still, we approached this team with caution. Caution was not needed at all. We won 90-20. Spring City was still undefeated 2-0.

Reapeat process again. Spring City had a rest match, so once again we went to the room we were going to be in to watch the match. In that room the match was Petra 4 (ACC) vs. Central 1 (Northwest). We cheered for our friends on Petra 4, but mainly to watch the quizmaster. Next was our match against Byerland…again….again again. Yes, this was our third match against Byerland. The first time in the season we beat them greatly 135-55. The second time was in the ACC Tournament, where we barely won 65-55 by me quizzing out on question 15. We hoped to do more of a season performance thanthe ACC Tournament performance against them. Some things in the match never change. Both Charise and I quizzed out. But like other matches against Byerland, after Charise quizzed out, and there was really no action on Byerland’s side. We won 105 to 45. Spring City remains undefeated 3-0 with one more match in the round robin.

Repeat process again again. We had to wait a match to our last match. So we went to the room and watched the match before us. It was important to watch this quizmaster because the staff was from West Liberty. We watched Timberline have a successful win against Neffsville 2. Now it was our shot. Our match was against Hinkletown 1. We had played them once in the season and won 100 to 45. This time Hinkletown 1 was stronger than in the season. They took control in the beginning and took a good lead. I quizzed out, but sloppily. In the end Hinkletown was the winner. Spring City finished the round robin 3-1.

Now things got difficult. We were done at 3-1. The other 4 teams still had one match to go. Hinkletown 1 was 2-1. Byerland was 2-1. Crossway 1 was 1-3. Zion 1 was 0-3. Because Zion 1 lost to Crossway 1, they were out of it. Yet their game would decide a major factor. We could be tied for first in a 2-way tie or a 3-way tie. A 2-way tie would be decided by head-on. A 3-way tie would be decided on errors. The 2-way tie would be in our favor, the 3-way tie would not be in our favor. We could end up 1st, 2nd or 3rd. We definitely did not want 3rd because 3rd meant quizzing against Sonnenberg/Pleasant View, a powerhouse team combining the best quizzers from two churches. 1st or 2nd is our aim. The last two quizmatches in our our group were Hinkletown 1 vs. Crossway 1 and Zion 1 vs. Byerland. We needed the underdog Crossway 1 to win over Hinkletown 1 to get first. If they couldn’t win, we needed winless Zion 1 to win against Byerland so we could get 2nd. If neither happened, we would get 3rd, and have to quiz against Sonnenberg/Pleasant View. Tim and Mike went to the Zion vs. Byerland match; Dave and I went to the Crossway vs. Hinkletown match. It was looking good as Crossway was winning at one point with the score 55 to 20. But Hinkletown 1 got their act together and won against Crossway 1. So now we needed Zion to win. It seemed hopeless as Zion was winless at that point and clearly out of the tournament. But they put their best into it and got their only win of the tournament. Thank you, Zion 1! So Group F finished this way:

Group F
1. Hinkletown 1 (3-1)
2. Spring City (3-1)
3. Byerland (2-2)
4. Crossway 1 (1-3)
5. Zion 1 (1-3)

Not that first place we wanted, but it got us into the tournament. We were 1 of the 64 teams going to quiz in the afternoon in the bracket. Only 17 teams didn’t make it, including Zion 1 and both Emmanuels. We found out our next match would be in GSC-204 against Rockville 1. But for now, we went and had lunch. Lunch was catered barbeque. Chelsea didn’t like it because it was mostly meat. I enjoyed my chicken barbeque sandwich, but I also tried to study in between. When we were done, I took Chelsea and the rookies back to the Good Shepherd Chapel. We updated my personal bracket, and then we found a place in the hallway to practice. I ask them questions. Bobby got most of them.

As the morning went, we had to wait a match until we were up. The match in the room before that was Petra 1 vs. Blainsport. Since I usually root for who I predict will win, and the Deitricks were friends with the Eshes, I rooted for Petra 1. But Dave went to cheer for Blainsport. It seems like he never cheers for the people I’m cheering for. I’ll never get that. Anyway, Petra 1 performed like a champion, which they are. Andrew Weiler quizzed out on question 3, all buzzes. Megan Blank covered the situation questions. They got team bonus and another quiz out, plus one more right to boot. Petra 1 was victorious, scoring 130 points. Now we were up against Rockville 2. We had quizzed Rockville 2 in the season, winning 75 to 50. This time we did better. We performed at Petra 1 strength, scoring in the triple digits, giving us the win. We were advancing in the winners bracket.

Our next match would be either against Zion 2 or Longenecker, and it was Longenecker. Longenecker finished 3rd in Wayne County, but it was a close 3rd, only missing 2nd place by 45 points. Longenecker has always been a tough team, and they still were. We could not compete with them and lost the match. We were on the one-loss side of the bracket.

Luckily going from one end of the bracket to another gives you a 1-match break until the next match. As usual, we went into the room we were in next. We watched Paradise 2 vs. Petra 3, both teams we quizzed in the ACC Tournament round robin. It started out as a close match, but Petra 3 took off and won the match. Now it was our turn up. The previous match was an inner church match between Goods 1 and Goods 3, and we would quiz the winner. Apparently Goods 1 was the winner because they were our opponents. Spring City took control of the match. I quizzed out. We won against Goods 1, advancing us in the losers bracket.

Since we were further in the bracket, matches were now closer, and we had hurry off to our next match. We returned to the room where we quizzed Hinkletown 1, hoping for better results this time. It was against Petra 6. I had forgotten it at the time, but this was another team we had quizzed in the season. We had beaten them at their home sanctuary in the season. At a smaller room at LBC, we were able to get our second win against Petra 6 this year. We were advancing in the second chance bracket more.

Our next match was against another Petra. This was Petra 5. Petra 5 was not to be taken lightly. Then finished 4th in League A, 6th in the whole ACC, with an average of 89 points. Seeded in both tournaments, they had also won the ACC Tournament this year. So it was the 2008 ACC Tournament Champions vs. the 2005 ACC Tournament Champions (even though Mike and I were the only ones left from that 2005 team). Another thing comes to play with quizzing against the ACC Tournament Champions. Last year Spring City quizzed against Rockville 1, the ACC Tournament Champions at the time, in the losers bracket and beat them, knocking them out! So it only made sense when we won against Petra 5. Yes, Spring City was the winners. We were moving on in the one-loss bracket, while Petra 5 was not. Add another ACC Tournament Champion to the Spring City victim list 🙂

Our next match was against the team we were avoiding quizzing against in the beginning. This was the dreaded match against Sonnenberg/Pleasant View. Being one of 6 matches going on, the small classroom was crowded with many viewers. Since Sonnenberg/Pleasant View was the only Wayne County quizteam quizzing at the time, it seemed like everyone from Wayne County was cheering for them! We had attracted some fans too. Zion was there, and so was Slate Hill 2, and even Blainsport was there! (See, it paid for Dave to be cheering for them!) Cheering might have helped Sonnenberg/P. View, but it didn’t help Spring City. Sonnenberg/PV took off with their perfect quizzer Dennis Stauffer quizzing out. What suprised me is that they kept him in, despite having subs, including Dennis’s own sister! The highlight for Spring City was that I quizzed out. That’s it. They did a good job, and Sonnenberg/Pleasant View won.

So Spring City was done for the day, the tournament, and the year. As for the tournament, Spring City was 6-3: 3-1 in the round robin, 3-2 in the bracket. I quizzed out most, if not all, the matches. Comapred to last year, it seems we did better last year. Last year Spring City made it a match further in the tournament bracket: last year it was 4-2, this year was 3-2. But compared to 2005 and 2006, we did better this year than both of those years. Now that I look back on it, this was a pretty good tournament.

Our match was the last one of the afternoon, leading us up to the 2 hour break for dinner. We got to the dining hall late because of our match, and it was packed! We found some booths in the corner and had dinner there. Chelsea was relieved to find more meatless options this time. After dinner, Tim and Mike went to play frisbee with Calvary and Crossway (I found that odd considering both of them had matches that evening). Chelsea, Alyssa, Bobby and I went back to the Good Shepherd Chapel. I finished filling out my brackets, thanks to much help from Chelsea. We got most of the way done, then we went into the chapel for the fun match at 6 p.m.

At 6 p.m. there was a fun match, the biggest fun match I have ever seen among quizzers. 20 quizzers would be quizzing at once. It was the 4 best quizzers from each conference to see who the best conferences was. I didn’t recognize any of the quizzers on West Liberty or Virginia because they don’t put their standings online, but I recognized the other quiz teams. The ACC had its 3 perfect quizzers: Andrew Weiler (Petra 1), Jordan Keener (E-Town 2), and Kim Weaver (Good Shepherd), as well as 4th place quizzer Joel Delinger from 2nd place ACC team Paradise 4. Northwest Ohio had their 2 perfect quizzers Eliot Nofziger (Lockport 1), Whitney Stamm (Sand Ridge), 3rd place quizzer Sarah Schoenhals (Central 1), and 7th place quizzer George Miller (Edgerton Alliance). Wayne County came with their top 4 quizzers. They had their 3-year 1st place, and finally perfect quizzer Dennis Stauffer (Sonnenberg/Pleasant View) and his 3rd place brother David Stauffer (Sonnenberg/Pleasant View). They also had 2nd place Michelle Raber (Longenecker) and Brian Nussbaum (Orville). Their top 4 quizzer came from their top 3 teams! The buzzers were pretty well created for a 5-way match. The machine recognized the first one in, and blocked it out from all the buzzers. The bonus would be the second fasted buzz in from another team. The machine actually knew this! Pretty impressive! All cheering broke loose as every team cheered loudly for their conference. Last time there was a fun match was in 2005. In that 2005 match, Wayne County’s best quizzer Dennis Stauffer (yes, the same Dennis Stauffer, duh) shamed all the other conference’s perfect quizzers, especially the ACC’s perfect quizzer Lisa Weaver, by quizzing out almost immeadiately. This time the ACC would not allow it. The ACC took an early lead. Since there are 20 quizzers up at the same time, quizouts were only 2 questions, totalling 25 points. Jordan Keener was the first perfect quizzer to quiz out, followed by another perfect quizzer, Andrew Weiler. Dennis still had to get in! He did eventually and quizzed out. Those 25 points were the only points for Wayne County. The match was interesting and fast paced. Poor Virginia couldn’t seem to stay on pace! The weirdest question was this one. It was a good question that most of the quizzer audience knew, but no one on stage did! It went through all 5 conferences and was no one got it! That attracted a lot of boos. West Liberty pulled themselves together and make a comeback, having 2 quizouts. Northwest Ohio had Eliot Nofziger quiz out, and got 10 points on top of that. It came down to the last question with West Liberty and ACC tied at 50 points. On the last question, West Liberty buzzed in and got it right! West Liberty won with 60 points, ACC got 2nd with 50 points, Northwest Ohio 3rd with 35 points, Wayne County with 25 points came in 4th, and last was Virginia, unable to score anything. With West Liberty’s all-star quizzers winning the match, it seemed like they were the best conference in quizzing. With their top 3 teams still in the tournament, could they go all the way and take first?

So I finished my bracket and looked for a good match to watch. I found one: Slate Hill 1 vs. Petra 1. Last year Petra 1 was unstoppable unless they ran into Slate Hill 1. That’s what caused them to lose to Slate Hill 1 in the finals match of the 2007 season, making Slate Hill 1 the 2007 Champions. But this year, not needing to deal with Slate Hill 1 in the season playoffs, Petra 1 was the 2008 Champions. So this match was the 2007 Champions vs. the 2008 Champions. Who would prevail? The room was a classroom in Sabastian. I wasn’t the only one who wanted see this match because the room was packed! I had to stand up in the middle to get there, and so did Chelsea, Alyssa and Bobby! It was apparent Petra 1 was the new champions, for they took a lead Slate Hill 1 couldn’t catch up to. Slate Hill did their best, but they were not match for Petra 1. Petra 1 took the win, and moved on. Slate Hill1, who finished 4th place last year in the Invitational, was done, not getting anything in the Invitational this year. Still, I shook their hands and complimented them for a good year, although it wasn’t as good as the last one.

I went back to the Good Shepherd Chapel to see the last match in the winners bracket which would decide who would go into the final match on Sunday without a loss. The match was Crossway 2 (West Liberty) vs. Sand Ridge (Northwest). This was literally 1st place in Group A vs. 1st place in Group B. Both were undefeated to this point, and they showed it. Sand Ridge did the same as they did last year. They took the match in their control and took the win. Just like last year, Sand Ridge would be quizzing on Sunday in the final match, either finishing 1st or 2nd.

I always liked watching inner-church matches in quizzing, and this match couldn’t come any better. Late in the tournament, it was Petra 1 vs. Petra 2. These were (arguably) Petra’s 2 best teams going at it. This match would decide what team would be in the top 4. The match was in s-101, and appriorately, for the lecture hall (of Tyrannus, lol) classroom was pretty much filled. All of Petra had to be there, as well as most of the ACC people still there, because the other match going on between 2 Ohio teams. Petra 1 was up to par, continuing their domination, but Petra 2 was not up to their par. Dave Jensen quizzed out, but that was the highlight. Petra 2 got enough errors to lose points, and the bonuses helped Petra 1. Petra 1 was victorious and going on. It was the end for Petra 2.

The final match of the night was between in the Good Shepherd Chapel between Petra 1 (ACC) vs. Calvary (West Liberty). The loser would finish the tournament in 4th place, the winner would go on to be one of the top 3 teams and quiz on Sunday. We knew Calvary because these were the girls who hosted us last year. This match also had history. Petra 1 and Calvary faced off in the losers bracket last year, with Petara 1 the victor. So here they went again. We cheered for our friends on Calvary, and so did the rest of West Liberty. The cheering didn’t help. History repeated itself with Petra 1 being the victorious team. Crossway 2 (West Liberty), Petra 1 (ACC), and Sand Ridge (Northwest) were the top 3 teams, the last 3 teams in the tournament. They would go home looking forward to more matches the next day. The other 78 teams were done, and their year was over, including Spring City.

Once we got everyone rounded up, Spring City quiz team went back to their coaches’ house. Mrs. Deitrick cooked us up a nice snack of soft pretzels and pizza rolls. We debriefed about what happen this day. We didn’t play Risk, but had a small, short game of scum, and some more Wii. Alyssa really got into the Wii Boxing. We thought she was going to take out the TV! We all went to bed by 1 a.m., tired out by the days events. We made sure we all set our clocks 🙂


As the last day of quizzing came, we got up in enough time, got ready, had breakfast and left on time. On the way there, Tim and Mike caught up on lost sleep. It was very quiet. With the rest of people still up, I played my game of “horse and punch buggy, no punch backs”. Since it was a Sunday moring, all the Amish were out, and so there was a lot of punching. Since Chelsea and Alyssa were in front of me, they got the most hits. I hope they didn’t have too many bruises!

This time we arrived right on time for the start. We eventually found seats in the back. They did something different this year. Fred wanted to show how our quizzing is an act of worship, so he had us doing praise and worship mixed in with the final quizmatches. I liked it, very much because I agree with Fred’s thinking. Quizzing is an act of worship and should be treated that way. It gives a new attitude to your heart when quizzing. So the first match was the match to figure out who would take on the undeafted Sand Ridge from Northwest Ohio. This match was Petra 1 (ACC) vs. Crossway 2 (West Liberty). This would be a deciding match, for if the winner wanted to be the champions, they would need to win 3 matches in one morning. These teams seemed evenly paired up, as they began the match with either a tie score or a near to tie score. But Petra 1 started taking a lead, and before Crossway 2 knew it, that lead was too far ahead to stop Petra 1. Petra 1 was the winner and was going on to the final match.

After more praise and worship, the final match was on. The last two teams standing were Sand Ridge (Northwest) and Petra 1 (ACC). What I saw, I’m not sure how many people were expecting that, but I wasn’t expecting it, and neither was Sand Ridge! Maybe it was after having last year’s Invitational championship handed to them through 10 bonuses, they thought the same would happen again. Not ture. Petra 1 quizzed wisely. As for what happened last year, almost the opposite happened as Petra 1 had no errors, while Sand Ridge gave up 6, all which Petra 1 used. That also means that Sand Ridge lost 10 points. They could’ve had 30 points, but they lost 10, thus only scoring 20. By question 13, Sand Ridge had clearly lost, but they still called a timeout afterward! Mrs. Detirick was wondering why the would call timeout after question 13. I joked around and say, “Threats. The coaches wanted to threaten their grades. The coach threatened with chains and ropes.” (lol, that is definitely an inside joke.) Petra 1 won the match 155-20.

Since Sand Ridge only had 1 lost, and 2 losses are needed to be eliminated from the tournament, the same matchup had to faced off once again. The only difference in the setup was the team switched sides. So after a few more praise songs, both teams marched back onto the stage at different sides. Sand Ridge was looking for a win right after a loss, Petra 1 was looking for their 3rd consecutive win of the day. This match was closer than the last one. Even the errors were closer. Sand Ridge only managed to error 3 times, while Petra 1 errored 4 times, one away form losing points. But alas, the match went to Sand Ridge, winning 80-60. So this is the final results:

2008 Invitational
1st place: Sand Ridge (Northwest Ohio)
2nd place: Petra 1 (ACC)
3rd place: Crossway 2 (West Liberty)
4th place: Calvary (West Liberty)

There are many things you can point out as special for these top 4. The obvious is Sand Ridge is the Inviational Champions for the third consecutive year. Petra 1 is the first ACC team since 2004 to make the final match and place in the top 2 teams. According to our fun match on Saturday, the best team should’ve been from West Liberty. A West Liberty quiz team wasn’t the best quiz team, but West Liberty did manage to have 2 of its teams finished in the top 4, the 2 seeded in the tournament. Furthermore, by Crossway 2 taking 3rd place, it is the first time a West Liberty team has been part of the top 3 since 2004. Between the 2 West Liberty teams, there was a split of brothers and sisters. It was great to see them both bring something home this year.

So that was it for matches…..for the year. The day closed off nicely. Merv gave a sermon on the material. It talked about Acts in our lives today. He seemed to mention everything, but he left out the revival fire seen in Acts, as Dave always tries to point out to us. After the message came a closing word with the word all next year’s quizzers had been waiting for: next year’s material. As the cordinator for Northwest Ohio walked up, it became obvious to what conference was hosting the tournament next year. Dave and I had figured this since they hadn’t hosted since 2004. In 2009, we were going back to Northwest Ohio. I had only been there once before, and it was at Pettisville High School. This time, it was going to be at Archibold High School. The cordinator announced, “For next year’s material, it made sense to us that we should go back to the beginning…we will be studying on the first part of Genesis.” So the quizzing material will be the opening of Genesis. It was ironic because Tim said no more than 12 hours before that annoucement, “Wouldn’t it be great to quiz on Genesis?” Tim insisted afterwards that he was right, while I his “guess” wasn’t valid. Which chapters in Genesis they didn’t specify. Anyway, I got started on the Tuesday after this anouncement.

So the rest of the day was peaceful. We all said goodbye to our quizzing friends, both the Ohio and Pennsylvania ones, not knowing if we will see them again until next year. I reminded some of them, including my own teammates, that I do exist outside the 3 months of quizzing :-). As these people were leaving, I got them to sign my orange shirt, the one with all the quizzers’ names on it. Once our coaches gathered our quiz team together, they took us out to Friendly’s to congratulate us for a year well done. There we ran into some ACC Quizzing staff. After full from a meal, we went back to the Deitricks. On the long ride back, most people slept, exhausted from the weekend and possibly the whole quizzing year. I decided to have last minute fun in the van, as I sat in the middle and played jello with Chelsea and Bobby on both sides. When we got back to the Deitrick’s abode, we stayed there until picked up by our parents. All incoming parents congratulated the team for a good year.

So to briefly say what happened the next two days following. I was on Spring break. So I really had nothing to do. Monday was transition day, officially ending one year and beginning another year. I sorted through all my quizzing stuff, reflecting on the year. Maybe I’ll tell you about those reflections sometime. Tuesday was the first day of the offseason. I opened my Bible, turned to Genesis 1:1, and wrote on a notebook, “Question number 1, question. When did God create the heavens and the earth? In the beginning Genesis 1:1“. Look at quizzing 2009, here Graham comes!

Flashback: 2007 Invitational in West Liberty, Ohio

I’m not completely out of the clear yet, but the only homework I have right now is long term, with due dates in the future. Now, I can tell everyone about the wonderous adventures I had in Ohio roughly a month ago!


Thursday Night:
I arrived at the Deitricks Thursday for our usual practice. Since this was the beginning of the Ohio trip, we were also having dinner and staying overnight. I had to bring everything over that night. I had my suitcase and my carry-on bag. I had to make sure I had everything for the bus rides. My laptop for homework my teacher assigned (he actually wanted me to e-mail to him during the trip!), quizzing stuff to practice, puzzle book and novel for solo time, hackey sack and playing cards for fun bus games with friends, the mp3 player for music and spoken text, and the medication for my cough I was still getting over from the last week. In making sure I had everything on my carry-on, I forgot a sleeping bag and pillow! So my mom brought it about 3 hours later. Hey, I wasn’t the only one to forget something. Chelsea’s mom had to bring Chelsea her money for meals on the bus ride.

After a dinner of chicken, we started quiz practice. We had our normal 4 matches. I believe I quizzed out 3, errored out 1. I enjoyed my last time with Black Thunder, my buzzer. Then, of course, Tim gave Bryan his keyword questions and began drilling him immeadiately. I went with Mr. Deitrick to go pick up the van at the church and bring it back to their home. I enjoyed the ride up with Mr. Deitrick. It’s always a good experience talking with Dave. When I came back, I found Bryan now at the quizmaster seat, quizzing Chelsea and Tim on keyword questions. Of course, I had to get in on this. After a while, we decided to end the questions and pack up the buzzers for the year. We had snack. We also tried to come up with a game to play. It didn’t help that Mike, Tim AND Bryan all had Risk, but none remembered to bring it. Chelsea got out Battle of the Sexes game. We had fun just asking the questions from the cards, without the board. Then we went into playing Scum. I started out President, but finished up Scum. We played until 1 AM, when we were told to go to bed by Mrs. Deitrick. I slept in the same room as Michael, which always does scare me. You never how much (or shall I say how little) he wears, what he’ll talk about, or how many stray farts will be released. I listened to my text as I dozed into sleep.

Four hours later, I was awaken by Mrs. Deitrick right at 5:00 AM. They wanted us up and ready to go. Some were tired, some were excited about the bus ride. We got everything loaded, and those who wanted breakfast ate breakfast. We left Pottstown at 5:30 AM. The drive only took 90 minutes. We reached Dutch Wonderland, where the busses were leaving, by 7 AM, a half hour before the busses even began loading. We were like the 2nd vehicle there. Some staff got there before us. So we sat in our van for a half hour and waited for the busses to open and begin loading. Once they did, we started right away and got first dibs on the seats. The Spring City quizzers sat in between the middle back. We were also on the same bus as 2 Zion teams, 2 Hopewell teams, and Rockville. Hopewell sat behind us, Zion sat in front of us, and Rockville intermingled with our team. I sat with Christine, the same for all 4 years I’ve gone to Ohio. Tim and Mike were directly behind us, Chelsea and Bryan across the aisle, and in front of us was Jule and Wendy from Rockville.

The busses departed from the parking lot a little after 8 AM. Tim, of course, wanted to start playing Mafia immeadiately. We convinced him to wait until we got on the highway. Then we started the mafia. We had quizzers from every team in the game. The number of players was around 12 to 14. We had some good games. I played a fair share in all roles. I didn’t seem to do too well, especially that one round when my fellow Mafia killed me off when people were getting suspicious. And another round, I knew Tim was the mafia, but he convinced everyone else I was and killed me out early, so I couldn’t beat him. Anywayz, we played 6 rounds of mafia before we got to our first stop. It was about 10:15 when we arrived at Somerset. Some restaurants were still doing breakfast, some lunch, others both. I literally saw McDonalds change the breakfast menu to lunch. In keeping with a custom I started my first year, I bought a Happy Meal with a toy inside so I could use the toy as a quizzing buddy. I got Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! As Mike would later point out, Mutant Ninja turtles have pretty awesome biceps, thighs, and calves. He was ripped. Christine and I then went to Starbucks to get some hot chocolate. Their hot cocoa is just as strong as their coffee.

When we got back on the busses and left during the hour of 11 AM, Tim wanted to get right back into Mafia. Everyone else was tired out from Mafia, so no one wanted to play again. So people went to do individual activities. People read books and magazines, listened to music, did puzzles, studied quizzing (I was one of those) and talked. Tim got so bored because he wasn’t playing a card game, he actually fell asleep. It was quite humorous, so I took a picture of it. Jon wanted to put makeup on him, but the Deitricks decided it would be best not to so Tim wouldn’t want to seek revenge. I saw the normal things, like the windmills and the tunnels, which I held my breath with a lot of the other quizzers. At sometime in the afternoon, we made a pit stop at a rest stop. It was a simple rest stop, with only vending machines and bathrooms. It was only suppose 15 minutes, but it lasted a half hour. There was hackey sacking and football throwing. After a half hour, Fred rounded us back into the busses and we continued on our way. Now that we were exercised, we got back into game playing mode. So Spring City quizzers got together and played scum again. I was for the longest time scum and vice scum, but near the end I got up to president and enjoyed a reign of a few turns up there. That lasted us until our next rest stop.

This rest stop was in Ohio. I wanted to go to Wendy’s and the grocery store across the street, so I took a bus to get there. At Wendy’s I had a bacon cheeseburger and their new float. Of course, I wanted coke instead of rootbeer and chocolate instead of vanilla. I went into the grocery store to browse around, but nothing caught my attention. The only thing I noticed was how packed the store was with Ohio State merchandise because OSU was in the Final Four. So I went back, ate dinner, and took the bus back to my bus. When we departed from that rest stop, we knew it wouldn’t be long from there, so none of us got involved in any game, but we still had fun. We found out that Bryan had a likin’ for Bekah Berg, so we tried to get the two to talk to each other. We also found out he had another crush on Mel, so we got Mel to come back and talk to him, but he didn’t do too much talking, so I had to. Another moment we won’t forget is Schwager’s annual trip to the bathroom. We begged him as he headed that way, “NO, MICHAEL, DON’T DO IT!!” As soon as he went in, I began to time him. 18 minutes and 50 seconds later, Mike emerged from the bathroom. We all applauded him. Luckily, he remembered to take his quizbook with him. “I read all of Acts!” he proudly announced as he came out. Sure enough, he took out his Axe, like it would help the smell. Speaking of studying, we did some last minute studying, especially to the rookies. Before you knew it, we were at West Liberty High School.

Protocol says that the quizcoach waits at the bus enterance for the host family, and the quizteam waits on the bus until they come. As time passed, teams one by one left, until Spring City was the only one left on. The team was getting antsy from cabin fever, wanting to get off. I was especially antsy because Dave was receiving the packet with the tournament info in it, like the brackets. Vicki got them for me and we learned that our first placement match was against Paradise 1. Finally, our host family came. We got all our stuff and headed to her minivan. We quickly found out all our stuff and the team was not going to fit on in one trip. So half of the team went with all the luggage, and Dave, Vicki, Chelsea and I stayed back. In this time, we hackey sacked and talked to one of the Ohio quizmasters. Eventually, she came back in her minivan and we went over to her house.

I can’t remember their last names, but all their children’s names began with L. The two olders were quizzers for West Liberty. Their oldest son, Landon, quizzed for Crossway Community and the eldest daughter, Lauren (I have a habit of having host families with pretty daughters :)) quizzed for Calvary. I thought this was odd have 2 children quizzing for 2 different churches. They gave us free time before some rounds of questions. The boys excluding me played basketball. The girls and I played volleyball. It was a good idea for me. I was still suffering from the aftermath of the sickness and it made me short of breath. So once it got dark, we went inside for practice. We started out having rounds of questions with just our team, but then we decided to join up with Landon’s Ohio team, who came for their practice. We shared keyword questions and quizmatch stories. We found out that West Liberty quizzes about 51 matches in a year! Wow! No wonder they are good. After a while, we decided to go to bed. We were in Landon’s room. Just like the grocery store, it was decked out in OSU. Mike got top bunk, Tim got bottom bunk, I got pullout mattress, Bryan had the floor. Once again, I fell asleep with the beautiful sound of the dramatized text.

The quizzing began at 8:00 A.M. with all the teams meeting together in the gym of West Liberty High School. It was apparent that there team mascot was the Tiger because everything was orange and black. Even one section of the bleachers was orange with black stripes. I liked it. I thought it was pretty cool. It was quite the sight seeing all the teams filter in. The West Liberty cordinator got up and welcomed us here to West Liberty. He had assisstants hand out a fixed, new schedule. The old one had one page printed twice. Our first match against Paradise 1 was in a classroom, but we still had 2 rounds before our match was up. So the whole team went into that room to watch matches. We watched the speed the quizmaster spoke and how his rulings worked. Ironically, the 2 matches before us were 2 other Paradise teams. Finally, it was our turn against Paradise 1. We sat early, so early that that we were 10 minutes ahead of schedule. So the quizmaster wanted to stay on time, so we waited. Our team took the time to practice buzzing. We had these crazy buzzers, which we called “The Jetson buzzers” because they looked like they were from the future and they also looked like planes. So I pretended my buzzer was a plane. Perhaps the different buzzer may have played a factor on how I performed. I got one buzz in right so I could contribute for team bonus, but after that I got 2 errors. I was on the edge to error out. We eventually we got team bonus, and we were up with 110 points. Fact: when a team gets at least 100 points, it is impossible for the other team to catch up. So when we scored 110 points, we let up. Paradise 1 didn’t and went at at normal speed, and still errored. The kid across from me errored twice and gave me two bonuses. I know we were trying to let up, but I wasn’t going to look stupid. Besides, I think acting that stupid would be the ultimate insult to Paradise 1. We won our first placement match, putting us right away in in the double elimination bracket.

We went to the brackets to find out where we were and against what team. The team we were going to quiz against was the winner of a second round placement match. I found out it was going to be the winner of Hopewell 1 vs. Good Shepherd 3. So I wanted to watch it to scout out the opponent. Christine wanted to watch it to watch the quizzers. Mrs. Deitrick though we were going to watch it because we wanted to watch our friends who were on our bus. So while Michael was following Reading and Bryan & Tim was playing basketball, the rest of us watch Hopewell 1 vs. Good Shepherd 3. It was an interesting match. There were a couple contests and a few judges meetings. It was apparent the staff were new at this, for they mad some bad rulings. Hopewell strived through it and came out victorious. I made a comment to Christine about how I thought we could take them. Mrs. Deitrick looked at me and said, “Wait, they are our next oppenent?” I said, “Yeah. Why do you think I’m watching them?” Mrs. Deitrick told the Bergs the news. Their excitement of winning quickly died down knowing they would quiz against us. We went back to update the bracket and then we were off to our next quizmatch.

We were first to the room. I did last minute studying my going over Mrs. Deitricks study guides. Hopewell 1 entered the room, and Bryant said, “So, it this the execution room?” We prayed together and started the match. Perhaps execution was an accurately described word. We won the match 130 to 30. But I did see improvement on the team from the last time we quizzed against them. And althought it wasn’t a big difference, it was better than when we beat them 155 to 10, with Hopewell almost losing points due to errors. Mrs. Deitrick still felt bad about it and said to me, “Please tell me they’re not out of it.” I pointed out they were just in the losers bracket, and even if they lost the next match, they’d end up in the Dorcus bracket. If you’re curious to know what happened to Hopewell 1, they would win against Strasburg 1 in the losers bracket, but the next match they lost to Longnecker, knocking them out of the tournament. I heard that loss was by a matter of 5 points.

With time before our next match, we decided to get in line for lunch. Christine predicted it would be chicken because we have been served chicken in the past. Sure enough, she was right. After lunch, we updated the brackets again. I then went to go purchase a quizzing shirt that they were selling. On the front it says “Bible Quizzing 2007 West Liberty, Ohio.” and on the back it says, “Take off your sandals, for the place you are standing is quizzing ground.” I got it personalized with “Graham Holcomb quizzer extrodinaire” for a few extra dollars. Before you knew it, it was time for our next match. It was against Forest Hills. But by the time the match was ready to start, there was no audience. It was just the 2 teams, their coaches, and the staff! I asked, “Does anyone know there is a match here?” Apparently not. The match went well, and we won again. We were advancing further into the winners’ bracket.

So we went back to the brackets to see what our next match was against. There we met up with our host family to find out how we were doing. We compared performances. Then we figured out that we were playing Calvary, the team that our host family’s daughter was on. This was also exciting because it was the first Ohio team we were quizzing against. We joked around that if Spring City beat Calvary, Spring City might find themselves sleeping outside that night. It was a team of 5. 4 of the 5 were these blonde chicks. At the first impression, they looked crazy. They did this finger wave thing, as one quizzer would go down the line, touch fingers and go “WOO!” It seemed like they were the West Liberty equivilant of Spring City. That’s probably why we were at their home. They may have seemed crazy, but they were also crazy good. They always made good buzzes and got in before us. They quickly picked up the points and team bonus. We had nothing against them. We lost. With one loss, we were on the losers side of the bracket.

Now being on the losers’ side of the bracket, we had less time between matches. So even though we had a round between our two matches, we went to our next room. It just so happened that the in between match was our friends from Reading. They were quizzing against Neffsville 1. I scorekept the match. It got close at sometimes, but Reading did win. Reading and Neffsville 1 cleared out of the room and Rockville entered. And that was it. Just like our Forest Hills match, it was just the quizzers, their coaches and the staff. The match was close the whole way. By the end of question 13, we called a timeout and looked at the situation. We knew that we would win as long as Rockville did not get team bonus. Question 14 began “What did the Son of….” and Chelsea buzzed it. Obviously she got it wrong. Question began with “What book…” and Mike buzzed in. Thirty seconds later, Mike came up with nothing. The match ended with us as the winners and an errie feelings. The staff looked at each other. There was mumuring from the Rockville side. I quickly left the match. I want to make it clear right now: SPRING CITY DID NOT BLOCK TEAM BONUS. Spring City would never block team bonus. It is true we were well aware we could win as long Rockville didn’t get team bonus. But it all is good explanation for this. Chelsea is fast because we taught here to buzz crazy. Tim’s idea of having rookies buzz in on the third word got to Chelsea. Chelsea will buzz in on the third, whether a good or badd buzz. For Chelsea to wait until the fifth word, Chelsea actually slowed down. As for Mike (who was one right answer away from a quiz out), he was being Mike. When Mike gets under pressure, he can sometimes forget things or make simple mistakes. Mike made a good buzz in at “what book.” It’s different from “In what book,” a footnote question. We told Mike over and over again the answer is Isaiah, which was the correct answer for the question. But Mike being Mike buzzed in, knew it was a good buzz, but forgot why. So this was the normal performance of Spring City. I say it again, Spring City would never cheat in such a way. The Deitricks have taught this team to be better than that. We’d rather lose gracefully than win unfairly. But I don’t blame Rockville for being upset or the staff for being suspicious. If a team did that against me and knocked me out of the tournament, I’d be suspicious and upset, too. I did display my disaproval to Mike and Chelsea. The Deitricks thought I was a little hard on them, but I didn’t want that incident to follow us, especially if we were to go all the way. Later on, I did apologize to one of the Rockville quizzers for knocking them out of the tournament in that fashion and set things straight.

Our next match was against Lockport 1. I was told later that Lockport 1 was the 2nd place team for Northwest Ohio. There was more of an audience for this one. Since Reading was knocked out of the tournament, they came to watch us. Some of Zion arrived as well. The score started as 10-10, then it was 20-20, then 30-30. When one team took a lead, the other team would come back and tie it up. Even with quizouts, when one side had a quizout, so did the other one. It was like that to the end, but in the final couple questions, we took the lead and won.

We had to hurry to our next match in the next round. I quickly went into the the cafeteria to look athe brackets and found out Petra 2 was our next oppenent. I have high regards for Petra 2. They were in the top in their league for a while. We had the Jetson buzzers again. My cord was incredibly long, so I wrapped it around my arm. It was weird also because we were on art stools. Petra 2 quizzed just as I would have expected. Petra 2 took the lead. By the end of question 13, we were losing 80 to 50. Team bonus would tie it up and we were one away. Tim sacrificed his seat so Chelsea could come in and increase our chances of getting team bonus. After question 14, the score was the same. The quizmaster satarted, “How many swor…” Christine buzzed in. Time started flying by. As the time came near to running out, Christine answered “all” and was marked wrong. We were all sad because we were out of the tournament, but Christine seemed to be more upset than the rest of us. It was especially weird because that’s something Tim or I would do, not Christine. She didn’t tell me a sure answer, but I came to the conclusion that it had something to do with not being able to provide for her team. I thought to myself, “That’s nothing to get depressed about. She has provided many times in these six past years.” Then it hit me. This year was Christine’s last. She had exceeded the age limit and could not quiz the following year. I realized that after six years, six years of thick and thin, Christine would no longer be there. We had quizzed our last match together. I emotionally lost it and started tearing up. All I could do was thank her for six great years, and then I stepped aside to take a breather.We were now out of the tournament. Spring City was done for the year.

Our team actually decided to stay in the same room because another interesting match was starting in there. It was Petra 1 vs. Calvary. The 2nd place ACC team was taking on the team that beat us in the winners’ side of the bracket. I truly believed Calvary had the chance to take down Petra 1. Maybe they could have, bu they didn’t this time. They got buzzes in, but they kept erroring, erroring so much they were losing points. Another reason Calvary was like the West Liberty version of Spring City. They were loud, crazy, and prone to error. After 15 questions, Calvary errored on 9 of them. Petra 1 easily picked up the bonuses and won the match. Calvary was eliminated.

Being out of the tournament, and no good matches to watch, we went to dinner. Dinner was a simple hoagie. Reading got ahead of us, and Mike was with them. Tim and Bryan were in the the gym. The Deitricks had gone to the coach’s meeting for the way home. So we got in line and waited for dinner. In line I met a girl from Central, from the Northwest Ohio Confrence. We talked for a while, comparing performance and other teams in our conference. She congratulaed us for winning against Lockport 1 because she said that team was a difficult one this year. She was familiar with Sand Ridge winning. She called someone up on her cell and told the person on the other end, “Yeah, Sand Ridge is winning…again…” We waited in a long line, and when waiting in line, we heard a loud cheer coming from the Reading table, mostly Michael’s sound. Christine looked at me and guessed right away what it meant. “We’re going to be on the same bus with Reading and Zion.” Sure enough, she was right. Mrs. Deitrick told us we were going to be on a bus with Zion and Reading. It was going to be a crazy bus.

After dinner we went to watch the 3 remaining matches of the day. First, Sand Ridge beat E-Town 3. Sand Ridge would be going into the Sunday final match undefeated (including placement matches). The next two matches were in the losers bracket. The first match was Slate Hill 1 vs. Longenecker. Longenecker had an early loss in the winners bracket, but was just making it well through the losers bracket. They had just beat Weaverland 1, the team that beat them in the placement match AND the winners bracket. I guess the third time is the charm. Their oppenent was Slate Hill 1, our championship team. Just recently lost Sand Ridge, the champion tean of Northwest Ohio, they had re-entered in the losers bracket against Petra 1 and had beaten them for the third time in the year. Slate Hill fought hard, but Longenecker won. Slate Hill 1, ACC champions, finished 4th place. Lastly, the newly defeated E-Town 3 was quizzing against the resurrected Longenecker. Longenecker couldn’t be stopped and kept going for another win. The final match(es) was going to be Sand Ridge vs. Longenecker on Sunday. E-Town 3 finished 3rd, finishing 3rd for the second tournament this year, finishing 3rd in the Invitational for a second consecutive year.

Just like last Invitational, there was ice cream after all the matches Saturday night. I had chocolate. Then I sat at at table, watching a Final Four match on the TV they had. It was the Ohio St. game. I remember how much the whole state of Ohio was into having their state university in the Final Four. In one of their stores, I saw a whole aisle of Ohio St. apparrel and merchandise. If you could put an OSU logo on it, the item had it. We all watched as Ohio State won the game, and everyone from Ohio cheered. I didn’t care about that game, but was upset that UCLA lost against Florida St. in their game. UCLA was the last team alive in my fantasy bracket (which I lost). Then we went back to the host family’s house.

To our suprise (although Mrs. Deitrick overhead some talking), we were having a party. It was Spring City, Crossway Community, and Calvary. There was snack foods, soda, water, even a punch bowl. We talked about the quizzing of the day, but only for a short while. Our fun started with talking about Michael’s crazy wrestling maneuvers. He even demonstrated one on the host’s son. Then they got into playing wrestling games, like leg wrestling and the swords game (the poking game, I like to call it). Chelsea couldn’t resist and got in on both. Then they got playing into card games. So of course, Tim wanted to play a game of Mafia. One was played, but only one because it dispersed. While we waited for another card game, I played Tim in on chess on a mini travel chess board. I did lose, but Tim didn’t checkmate me as fast as he planned. Later on, they played Spoons and Egyptian Screwrat, but I didn’t get in on it. I knew I was going to play card games all day on the bus, so I wasn’t ready for a whole night of it, too. Besides, it was getting way to physical for card games. To get a spoon, you tackled anyone going after a spoon and wrestled anyone who had one. In Egyptian Ratscrew, you really slapped…hard! Both in both physical games, the last 3 players were girls. That Egyptian Ratscrew game lasted a long time. People were falling asleep. Bryan couldn’t make and fell asleep right on the couch. Mrs. Deitrick saw it best to put him to bed, so she asked him to bring Bryan upstairs. We though Mike would hold him properly, almost like a big baby. But instead he grabbed him by the middle, and his neck whiplashed back hard! That woke him up. As Mike carried him upstairs, I heard Bryan say, “Mike, put me down!”

At 1 a.m., when the adults and girls (except Chelsea) left and went to bed, we got out the Risk board began to play. There was 6 players. Mike, as always everytime I played him, got the upperhand. He made two “border alliances that were mutally beneficial” (his words exactly) with 2 other players. Tim quickly lost and was mad about it. He complained about it when everyone else took their turn. He kept saying that “Mike has it won” just because he was out. But hearing this, it convinced the Ohio guys so they forefeit and ended the game. I was upset because I could have made a comeback against Mike, but because everyone else gave up, I had to, too. I got over it, but Tim wouldn’t let it go. As I we walked about the stairs and got ready for bed, Tim and Mike argued. We got into the bed and turned off the lights. They were still arguing. An hour later, there were still arguing. I was trying to fall asleep, but the bickering wouldn’t allow it. I eventually did fall asleep, so I really don’t know when it ended.

We got up Sunday morning around 7 AM. I got dressed, packed everything up, and cleaned up our mess. Mike claimed he lost a pair of boxers. They served us breakfast, but of course I don’t break my nightly fast until lunch. We gave them our gift out of gratitude and thanked them for all they did for us. We loaded all our stuff in the car and left for West Liberty High School. Once we got their we loaded all our stuff in our bus and reserved seats. It was us, Reading, Zion and Rockville. Rockville got the back, so Spring City got the next back. Then we went into the gym for the final showdown.

Sunday morning’s events started out with the that final match between Sand Ridge and Longenecker. For those who saw, they may have been confused why the match went down the way it did. I believe I understood it better by seeing the whole tournament picture, and so might you, before I telly you what happened. In the tournament, Sand Ridge won their first placement match, and won every match in the winners’ bracket, leading up to that final match. Longenecker lost their first placement match against Weaverland 1, but then one their second placement match. They got placed in the winners’ bracket, won against West Clinton 2 and Maple Grove 1, but then lost to Weaverland 1 again. That lost put their near to the back of the losers’ bracket. In thier first match in the losers’ bracket, against Hopewell 1, they won by only a matter of 5 points. It was a close match. Somehow Longenecker get themselves back together, and started advancing one match at a time down the losers’ bracket, including going against Weaverland 1 for a third time (but this time winning!). After beating 4 ACC teams in a row, Longenecker had made it to the final match. But the way Longenecker played, they didn’t seem like one of the top 2 teams. By the end of the match, Longenecker errored 10 times! That’s 2/3 of the match. That also means that 2/3 of the match was bonuses for Sand Ridge. It was like the championship match was handed to Sand Ridge on a silver platter, because they easily picked up the bonuses. Longenecker’s score went deep into the negative numbers, but they did score a few points to shrink the negative number. 15 questions (and 10 errors) later, Sand Ridge won 135 to -5. I’m pretty sure that Sand Ridge never got team bonus, making their score even more impressive. What happened to Longenecker? There’s a lot of theories (including a possible conspiracy theory). Maybe Longenecker got too confident of how they were doing, and decided not to study the night before. Or on the opposite end, Longenecker got so worried that they “overstudied.” Perhaps Longenecker’s strategy was to buzz in first so they could get the question before Sand Ridge or they wanted to be the first team bonus, so they switched into a crazy buzzing mode, which backfired on them. Possibly when Longenecker got up on stage for the last match, they looked over the crowd, saw that ever staff member, every quizzer, every quiz coach and some parents from all over 4 quizzing leagues was watching, they freaked out and weren’t fully in it. (And if you want to throw in the conspiracy theory here, Sand Ridge “paid off” or made some kind of deal with Longenecker to let them win, but that’s pushing it.) Whatever it may be, the results are the same. Sand Ridge won, and Longenecker lost. So Sand Ridge would be the Invitational champions for a second consecutive year. As far back as I can remember (which is 2002), that’s the first time I have seen that. So this is the results of the 2007 Invitational in West Liberty:

1st place: Sand Ridge (Northwest Ohio)
2nd place: Longenecker (Wayne County)
3rd place: E-Town 3 (ACC)
4th place: Slate Hill 1 (ACC)
1st place: Paradise 3 (ACC)
2nd place: Strasburg 1 (ACC)
The rest of the tournament was a praise band and speaker. Both very good. Then came the announcement of next year. Our own Fred Hertzler got up to make the announcement. Because he was making the announcement, I had a feeling where it was going. I was about to be right. Fred announced first that the Invitational will be in Lancaster, Pa. I figured that the ACC cordinator would announce the the Invitational hosted by the ACC. Then came the material for next year, which I also predict correctly. We were finishing up Acts. Next year’s quizzing material is Acts 10 to 28. I started on it right after Transition Day. Others weren’t as excited. After 2 years of New Testament, they were ready for Old Testament, not a third year of New Testament. I really don’t care. Whatever I’m given to quiz on, I’m going to be awesome in studying and quizzing on it.
Then we began loading onto the busses on the way back. It was the same exact bus number, exact same bus driver, and mostly the same teams, except Hopewell Reading replaced Hopewell Elverson. We were a little slow to leave. I was looking for the rest of my team, but found out they were outside, saying goodbye again to our host family. So I got out and joined them. Not only was our host team there, but also the other quizzers from Calvary and Crossway. We talked and took pictures. But eventually we became the hold up and got back in the busses so we could leave and head back home for Ohio.
When we got on, the coaches had to do their authority thing. Jon got up and made a speech of this being a privildge and then he laid down the rules. My favorite was, “Guys are blue. Girls are pink. We want no purpling,” which roughly translated into no coupling or PDA (we think this is because of Mike and Cadance). But I was cool with that. Of course, we started out early with Mafia beceause Tim wanted to. We did that until our first stop (an early stop) but after that no one really wanted to pick up on it. At our first stop, I just went to the grocery store by myself to pick something up to eat. The bus that was suppose to pick us up was late coming back to for us, so I had to run to make my bus. That wasn’t good for me, especially when I was just getting over a mild form of bronchitus. Believe it or not, when the 2nd part of the bus trip was actually quite uneventful, maybe even boring. Tim went to the front of the bus to play rook and other card games. Most people listened to music, I did some word puzzles. Some people actually fell asleep (gasp!). I also did some homework on my laptop.
Then we got off for our midway pitstop at a rest stop just for bathroom breaks. I joined in the bathroom. It was funny because the men’s line was longer than the women’s line, but our went faster. Then we hackey sacked until they told us to get back in. For this third part, we were making sure it wasn’t going to be boring. We played games like bull and scum. Bull started out well, but it eventually got to the point that no one could even lay down the real card, everything could be bulled easily because someone had all of one number, so we just gave up on that. Then we got a game of scum going. Even Mr. Deitrick got in on it. Somewhere through the game, the rules got messed up. It ended just in time for our Somerset stop, our last stop on the trip. I wanted to go to Turkey Hill, but I wasn’t sure we could cross the exit ramp. So I just followed Christine around, like I had for the past 6 years (next year will be shockingly different). We met back together at the busses docking area. I got a call from home. Chelsea wanted me to get out the hackey sack again so we sacked again. Before we left, we gave Fred a thank-you offering gift to him because we were so grateful for all he did. He was grateful and was he said his reward was working with youth alone. We were definitely going to have Fred for many years to come.
We then all loaded back onto the busses for our final stretch home. Pretty much, we played mafia all the way home. Up to the last minute. I got to play every role, even narrarator. In the last two games, we were able to pinpoint the mafia exactly. Tim was so happy, the best way to describe it was a proud father. He thought our mafia playing was perfect, being able to think it through and pin down the mafia exactly. It was pretty evil against the mafia. We convinced the mafia that the dectective wasn’t the detective and convinced them that an innocent townsperson was the detective. So the detective stayed alive the whole time without the mafia noticing, so the detective could find out who it was. The last mafia game ended exactly as we pulled into Dutch Wonderland. We collected all our belongings and left quickly. I wanted to say goodbye to everyone, but Mr. Deitrick had to be at work the next day, so we didn’t want to hold him up. We drove back to the Deitricks and I stayed the night there, and finally got back to my own house on Monday morning.
~~~~**END FLASHBACK**~~~~
Between that Monday morning of Transition Day and the Secret Sponser thing, I looked closely at the bracket and realized that, technically, we finished 9th place with 4 teams (including us). Since this form of the tournament began, that was the furthest Spring City has ever gotten, including the 2005 team that won the ACC Tournament. This was also a great tournament because the whole time I never got sick of being around anyone, nor was I upset at someone’s performance. I truly believe that everyone performed to their full performance that weekend. We got far, did well, had fun, and gave God glory. That’s what made it a great tournament.