Screw Dock for screwing me!

I HATE DOCK!!!! I’m not asking for much. Just a little acknowledgement, appreciation and respect from Christopher Dock for what I do. But I don’t get it. I am sooo pissed at Dock! Last week was the awards ceremony. I was not given the Bible Award. I am usually a humble person, but let me step out of my humility and demonstrate why I deserve this award.

In all 4 years of Christopher Dock, I have gotten all A’s in all the Bible classes, including the elective Faith Walk class. Each A was only one or percents away from being an 100% A+. The worse I ever did was in sophomore Bible when I started out with a B, but worked extra hard, even doing many extra credit things to get it back up to that high A. I have thrived at every thing I have done in these Bible classes. I wrote lengthy papers about my faith. I researched deep any research projects. I recited all the Old Testament books within two weeks of Freshman Bible. Heck, I pretty much taught the chapter on Exodus! Not only have I done well in my Bible classes, but I enjoy them! Every year Bible has been my favorite class to go. I love hearing what the yeachers I have to say. I yearn to learn what God has in store in His Word. A lot of students at Dock dislike the class and only take it because it is required. I embrace it. I actually wish there was more Bible classes at Dock, and I would take them all.

I am a Bible Quizzer! How many quizzers does Dock have? Only me! That’s because I’m the furthest east quizzer in the ACC. There are no quizzers in the Lansdale area (unless they are Nazarene quizzers or WBQA). All of them are in Lancaster and the surrounding area. But when you go there, you’ll find about 300 to 400 of them! I have been in Bible Quizzing for 6 years, but since this is about high school, let’s just focus in the four years that I was in high school. In the last 4 years, I scored (in sequential order of year, starting with 9th grade) 370, 510, 585 and 530 points. I have placed (in same order) 78th, 34th, 12th, and 16th. In the past four years I was one of the top 100 quizzers, in the past three years one of the top 50 quizzers, and in the past two years one of the top 20 quizzers. Remember this is out of 300 to 400 quizzers, and quite a few are of like and greater strength than I am. But let’s not just talk about me, let’s talk about my team. In 2005, my quiz team won the ACC Tournament championship. The team didn’t win any awards this year, but we we were in first place in our league for 2 weeks, the first place team of all ACC teams in the 2nd week, and fiinished about 5th or 6th, a high placing out of 3o teams. Our average reached as high 145 points/match, and was in the triple digits for six weeks. We were the top team in our group for the ACC Tournament, and tied four teams for 9th place in the Invitational, the highest Spring City has gotten in the Invitational since this tournament method has begun four years ago. You cannot deny the accomplishment there. Quizzing is not as easy as it sounds. You can not just pick up a Bible and answer questions. These questions are not easy. They are extremely detailed, and demand detailed answers. It takes lots and lots of studying. Sacrifice is required to make time for the studying, from sacrificing school activities to study time for academics to other hobbies. I have left a lot of things for quizzing. All I wanted was a little recognition from the school.

For the past two summers, I have been a summer missionary for Child Evangelism Fellowship. I have gone all over Montgomer County teaching children at 5-Day Clubs, mini VBS at people’s homes. I teach them bible memory verses, songs, bible stories and missionary stories. Most importantly, I teach them the gospel. Don’t get me wrong, Jesus did tell us to help the poor and the “least of these” as stated in Matthew 25, but I feel more fufilling in teach the gospel than other missions. One example is that many youth groups are going down to the area hit by Hurricane Katrina and rebuilding houses. It’s good that they are concerned where the newly homeless are going to live, but the area is a target for hurricanes. There’s no guantee that house the youth group built will still be in two years. When I share the gospel, they are getting something no hurricane, no natural disaster, or anything else can take away. When people ask me what kind of missions I’m doing, their last guess is evangelism. It’s almost like evangelism is forgotten in missions. It’s no good to help the body, but not the soul. This earth is only for a while, but the spirit will last forever, and so will the gospel. Once again, I want to tell you that teaching 5-Day clubs for CEF is not something any person can do. I have to take a 2-week training course every year. For these 2 weeks, I am taught how to teach children, share the gospel, and tell a good story. For each bible story and missionary story, as well as one bible memory verse and song, I am evaulted on in practicums, which I need to pass. After doing all 12 practicums, I get a diploma for completion. Child Evangelism Fellowship acknowledged that I know the Bible story well enough to teach the children, and give me their blessing to do so. I have passed two years, and I am about do this again for a third year.

I am active in Frederick Mennonite Church’s Youth Group. I have gone on retreats with them. I, along with my sister and her children, are probably the most dedicated to the youth group. I lead a Bible Study on Thursdays. My youth leader considers me as a part of leadership for the youth group. She fills me in on what she is planning to do. This summer, I am going to co-teach with her for the VBS for youth. Expanding to the whole church, they respect my opinions and what I do. I always get their blessing for bible quizzing, CEF missions, and anything I do for the church and youth group.

Finally, let’s look at my future. I am going to Lancaster Bible college, a BIBLE college. I am going to major in BIBLE through the BIBLE ministry program. I am going to get my bachelors degree in Bible, my masters degree in Bible, and finally my Ph.D on Bible. I am going to go to Jerusalem on my junior year in college to further my studies. I will most likely go into teaching Bible. I want to write a book that will end up in the 200s in the Dewey Decimal System, with the rest of the religious books. C.D. well knew about this. Isn’t it embarrasing that Christopher Dock couldn’t recognize it?

You can’t just simply ignore these five things, and you can’t just dismiss them as nothing. Seriously, what more do I have to do? Join a convent with a bunch of monks vowing silence? I have done so much in Bible. What do you want from me? I have a few theories on why I didn’t win and those who did were the winners.

Maybe if I change my last name. What should I change my last name to be so Dock would like it? Landis? Bergey? Derstine? Detweiler? Moyer? Godshall? Hunsberger? Weaver? Ruth?Maybe I should just be Graham Landis-Bergey-Derstine-Detweiler-Moyer-Ruth-Hunsberger-Weaver-Godshall? Can’t go wrong there! I’m sick of being set back because I don’t have the “right” last name!

Maybe I should change church. If I stop going to the small Mennonite church and go to a big mainstream Mennonite church, I can get noticed. Which one should I go to to make Dock happy? Franconia? Souderton? Blooming Glen? Salford? Indian Valley? It’s almost like Dock forgot that Frederick is part of the Franconia Conference. I am a youth in the Franconia Confrence just as much as any other Mennonite at Dock!

Maybe I should get adapted by PA Dutch Mennonite parents. Maybe I need to be in what my pastor calls a “shoofly Mennonite,” someone who is Mennonite because their parents were Mennonite, their grandparents were Mennonite, and their great grandparents were Mennonite, and so on until we’ve gone so far back playing the Mennonite game that you found you’re somehow related to Menno himself! Well, excuse me that both my grandparents are both catholic. It’s not like I got to choose who my parents and grandparents are. I actually think it means more for my family to be Mennonite than theirs. I get crap from my one grandfather (the Korean veteran) because I am Mennonite and refuse to fight in any war. They decide to be Mennonite, and they get a nice pat on the head and a thumbs up from their grandparents.. My grandfather won’t support me for being Mennonite, can’t my high school do that for me?

Maybe I should give loads of money to Christopher Dock. I could pretty much pay off for the award. Well, I’m not that rich. So I’ll have to sell a lot of my stuff. Yeah, that’s in the Bible. And Jesus said, “Sell everything you have and give to Christopher Dock. Then you will have true riches in heaven, and on Dock campus have a building named after you.” Take note of that C.D. underclassmen, every time Christopher Dock says “big supporter” they mean “gives lots of money.” A good song to describe C.D. would Kayne West’s “Gold Digger” beacuse Christopher Dock “ain’t messin’ with no broke-y broke.” (“They take my money…when I’m in need….”) I’m sorry that I need my church’s help through the Brotherhood/Mennonite education plan (which our church is no longer on). But it shouldn’t be so that those who don’t get advantages or get excused from misbehavior.

Maybe I’m being refused this award because I am not going to a Mennonite college or going into Mennonite missions. I chose Lancaster Bible College because none of the Mennonite colleges had the programs I wanted for Bible, and there wasn’t a lot of students in the Bible department. The 5 big Mennonite colleges were just Christian liberal arts colleges, not Bible colleges like I needed. Here, I will be fully prepared in the Bible, but still be able to keep ahold of my Mennonite beliefs. The Mennonite missions are great, but I don’t think missions should be graded by what denomination they come from.

Is it because I won’t sing Dock’s praises about its community? Is it because I discovered Dock’s dirty laundry, or that I discovered Dock sweeps the dirt under the carpet. Sometimes I see C.D. like the Sanhedrin in Acts 7. When they hear a problem, they close their eyes, cover their ears and go “LA LA LA! We can’t hear you!” So I discovered Christopher Dock isn’t heaven on earth like they want to believe. I see they have holes in their community. It isn’t a perfect community like they want, but is a victim of a clique system, like other high schools. I pointed out Dock’s Jr./Sr. Banquet is hypocritical because it goes against their teachings and covenant statement. I am aware of some kids use drugs, some who curse and use the Lord’s name in vain and some who watch pornography. Hey, as long as its not on Dock’s campus. I see problems and, unlike Dock, I’m not going to hide the fact that I know of them. So raising me up would be admitting their problems, which they’re not going to do. Besides, I don’t know why they are so worried about my theology and what I am preaching. If I can be told by my Bible teachers at Dock that the first 11 chapters of Genesis are historically noncredable, that is not right to look at the Bible as totally God’s Word guided by the Holy Spirit or that another teacher can preach day-age theory as a truth (I just heard about this second hand from a student), my theology is the least of their worries. Otherwords, I’d be in line with them.

So that’s why I think Christopher Dock did not award me the Bible award. I didn’t have the last name, wasn’t born into the right family, didn’t go to the right church, don’t have enough money, and won’t sing praise Dock endlessly. Because I don’t have any of those, my record of Biblical accomplishments was ignored. The ones that did win the award did have the right last name, were part of the right family, the right church, and the right income, able to give to Dock as much as wanted. On top of that, they think highly of Christopher Dock. It doesn’t help that both are class officers. I don’t have respect for them after what they did. They cheated on the Arts Day class project. They were fully aware I was not going to Arts Day and that I didn’t want to be part of it, even in the class project. But they didn’t respect me or my decision. Instead, they forged my picture, getting a picture of me that I am totally unaware of. All so they could have a perfect attendance. The ironic part was that it wasn’t needed, the seniors won by 4 points. By not having me, they would only lost a tenth of a point, meaning they would have by 3.9 points. But nope, the senior class wanted the illusion they were united, so they had all pictures up, even the forged one. That really makes me sick.

I have other problem on why they got the award and I didn’t. Both of them have been recognized and awarded with many other things at Christopher Dock. All I wanted is this one award, but no, they had to be given another award, added on to their many. I could go on and on, but I’m not. They could point out flaws for me, and I can just as well point out some good things on top of that. It’s just that at this point these two were put at the advantage and I was put at a disadvantage by things I couldn’t control.

But I want to point out that this isn’t just about one award. The Bible award is just the tip of the icebeg, or rather the spark to gunpowder keg. In the lifetime span of my high school career, of all the above things, I never ever got any recognition, or any sort of acknowledgement, or any kind of respect for doing these things. It’s like they told me I am not Biblical or spiritual enough for them. Occasionally, some teachers (not a lot) will ask how quizzing is going, but it always seems to be when I’m not quizzing, so there is not much to say. I almost got the chance to talk in chapel about CEF in chapel, but it kept getting cancelled. When I spoke at the last “worship night” during the GS2012, I got thanks from some teachers, but it now feels all empty if they heard what they called great, but then wouldn’t award me this award. I was hoping this award would be the award to finally recognize my talents, but it wasn’t. So as of now, the only time I have been awarded anything by Dock is my freshman year at the All-Hackman awards, which was really made up by a fill-in teacher and I’m not sure C.D. really was fully behind it. But thank you, Mr. Hackman, for appreciating me.

So yes, I am still mad beyond belief. I want to rage my anger outloud to every teacher and every student. When I heard them announce the name, and I wasn’t one of them, I was really pissed off, but at the same time I was thinking in the back in my mind, “[sarcastically] We didn’t see this coming. [end sarcasm] Go figure.” To some level, it was predictable. But instead I had some hope. That was my mistake. I gave Christopher Dock the benefit of the doubt. They didn’t deserve it.

And yes, I know that a few years from now that no one will really remember who won the award. But I can one person who will – the recepient for the award. I wouldn’t care about what the audience in the chapel thought, I would be happy because I won the award, and was finally recognized by Dock for what I have done. And I would remember that forever, just like the Hackman award in my freshman year or the computer award in middle school graduation. Ah yes, the computer award. I was so proud I won that award because I thought from 7th grade to 9th grade my future college schooling and career would involve using computers. To me, Penn View had recognized what my future was going to be like. If only Christopher Dock would have done the same. We can actually relate this back to quizzing. I’m not sure how many quizzers would remember that my team won the ACC Tournament in 2005. But I was in it, so I remember it. Whenever I think of it, I treasure it in my heart. And you never know, someone might remember it. I can name every final season match from 2002, as well as the championship team from the Invitational. It would have been great to been able to do the same with Dock, but nope, not going to happen.

So what to do? Nothing really. I am passive-aggressive. So this is what I will do. I’ll just pursue my dreams in Bible. I will get my Ph.D in Bible, become a professor of Bible, write books, and spend Sabbaticals working in Israel. This might make me well known. I’ll be asked to speak at seminars and confrences. Soon Christopher Dock will hear of me again, and go “Hey! A graduate from here. Will you come and speak?” And I’ll say, “Nope. According to you, I’m not Biblical or Spiritual enough.” That, or Christopher Dock Mennonites will treat me like THP, who were also unliked Dock grads, and again dismiss me as a crazy preacher. But I don’t want to help Christopher Dock in any way. If Christopher Dock refusese to acknowlege me in any of my accomplishments, I refuse to recognize Dock for my accomplishments. They will never get me back on their campus, and never get me to donate for their cause.

Jesus said to them, “Surely you will quote this proverb to me: ‘Physician, heal yourself! Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.’ “I tell you the truth,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown.”

-Luke 4:23,24

Boycotting bad Banquet

I did start writing about my adventures in the West Liberty, Ohio. And I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote some more. And I’m still not done. Maybe about 3/5 the way done. I know I haven’t written in a long time, so I wanted to put down something. I was going to tell you about the Secret Sponser meet, but I could go on about that, too. I needed something short. So I decided to write about the exact same thing as I did on this date last year.

Jr./Sr. Banquet is the worst display of materialism ever. It’s a giant social competition. Who comes in the best car, which girl has the best hairstyle, which girl has the best dress, which guy has the best tux, which couple/group comes in the best vehicle, etc. Heck, it can be a competition to which couple is the best couple. Instead of looking at each other as equals, we are instead trying to compete with each other, trying to rise above each other. It’s a time to show-off the best. This competition has destroyed true fellowship. This is one of the worse unchristian things I have seen.

There has been an example about something being done about this. In Connecticut, the principal of a high school noticed how, just like at Dock, the car taken to the prom was such a big deal. He saw this as a sign of a “culture of excess.” So he has banned any limos from prom, and instead is having busses transport them. Even a student agreed that the car taken to the prom does not match the student’s integrety. It seems like a majority of students agree with this decision. See, it isn’t just me! Banquet is too excessive. It shows no integrity. (Click here to get the story if you don’t believe me)

Banquet is also so materialistic because it can be such a waste of money. Think about it. Let’s use me as an example and suppose I was going to Banquet. I say that going to Banquet costs $50 because some of the class dues go towards the Banquet. Because I have no friends in Dock, my date would come from outside Dock, costing $30. Then both my date and I would go to the dance after the dinner, costing $10 more. Then I would have to pay for everything preparing for the banquet. Renting a tuxedo would be $80, and a decent looking car (’96 Toyota Tercel is not decent), costing $70. Getting my date a coursage and perhaps another boquet of flowers, which would be about $20. That would mean the total I had paid for banquet would be $260! I can’t imagine how much this would be for the girls, who buy the dress, and have to get shoes, jewelery and other accesories. Anyhow, I still think $260 is a ridiculous amount to spend on 12-hour period that only happens twices in your lifetime, and then never happens again, and most likely not affecting your future. Seriously, how many people end up marrying their prom date? But going back to the subject of money, think about that money. How much other things could you do with that money? You could still use it for yourself, or you could even think beyond that and use it to help the poor. Giving up money to help those lower than you is very Christian, but using money to uplift and exalt yourself higher than others is not Christian.

I will briefly repeat what I said last year again. Banquet is concentrated on too much. The event causes students to ignore cirricular, co-cirricular, and extra-cirricular activities because they become too obsessed to prepare themselves for the Banquet. It’s like it’s Banquetitus, a disease. And to some people, it will lead to fatalities. I know some of you may be non-believers in the subject, but there is life after Banquet…

(v. 46)”Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. (v. 47) They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely.” -Luke 20:46,47

You may possibly think these verse, although saying the word banquet, have nothing to do with Dock’ Jr./Sr. Banquet of today, but they do. The word is used in the right context. It talks about people using the social event to put themselves in an honorary position (or we might say popular) at the banquet. Jesus does not want it to be this way. He wants to eat and fellowship with the lowly and sinners just like He did. He wants us to be humble. If we are humble, Jesus will honor us, and that’s the highest honor one can get.

As for me, I will not be going to Banquet, just like last year. In a way, you could say I am a conscientious objector of the Banquet. Like a draft card, the Banquet Invitation has been burned (except this one is a little less illegal). I want to once again restate that it has nothing to do with having a date. If I wanted to go and was dateless, I would still go, but I don’t. The opposite is true as well. For a while, I did have a girlfriend. She knew about Dock’s Jr./Sr. Banquet. I made it clear to her that I did not want to go to Banquet, and she was fine with that. We were not going to Banquet when it came. (We did break up, but I want to make it clear it had nothing to do on the subject of banquet.) What will I be doing instead? I will be going to the Youth Fest held by New Life with my youth group. With only an entry fee of $10, it is worthwhile for me. It’s $250 cheaper than going to Banquet. But more importantly, I am getting spiritual growth. From it, I hope to do it by worshipping God and fellowshiping with my youth group. That can last me a lifetime.

But I shall not give up on you, O Christopher Dock. I shall pray for you, pray you do not fall into temptation. I pray that all your do will be pleasing to the Lord, and that you will not sin against Him. I was reminded at a church service a few weeks ago that we must be sad and cry out at the things that God is saddened and cries at. I weep for Christopher Dock on that Saturday. It is such a shame that Christopher Dock has the chance to separate ourselves from the world to better itself, but it chooses not to. I will pray that you will stay away from sin, and if you do, that you will repent and ask for forgiveness. I leave you with a Word from God of hope, which I pray for you guys-

“Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD” -Psalms 25:7

A Science Experiement in correct Scientific Method

Two things happened in chapel today. One I won’t say, but you’ll be able to guess what it is as I go along. The second one was our speaker today mentioned briefly about Science Fair. OK, maybe it was a brief sentance about burning science fair boards (which will become very ironic soon), but it got me thinking back to the days I did Science Fair, and how hard it was to follow all the steps in the Scientific Method. I also thought about I really haven’t done a science experiement in a long time. So I thought about a fun science experiment I can do. This is what I came up with.

Title: The effect of fire on Jr./Sr. Banquet Invitation.

Problem: (Problem? Jr./Sr. Banquet is the problem.) How long will will the Jr./Sr. Banquet Invitation last when on fire?

Purpose: To show my approval rating of banquet, which is zero, and possibly dropping into the negatives. Also, to prepare the Banquet Invitation for where it will go (and where Banquet will go), a place of consistant fire, where “the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched” (Mark 9:48).

Hypothesis: If the flame touches the Banquet Invitation, then it will go up in fire and billows of smoke (and blood, lol, Acts 2), and eventually turn into ash. And I will find satisfaction in it doing so.

Materials: 1. Jr./Sr. Banquet Invitation. 2. Lighter. 3. Bowl to catch ashes. 4. Fire safe gloves (I chose the Ove Glove, but any fireplace Gloves will work). 5. Tweezers (if you are really a whusie around fire.). 6. Camera to record progress

1. Gather Materials.
2. To enjoy this more, disrespect the Banquet Invitation. You can do so by (do few, some, or all. It doesn’t matter. And you’re not limited to these suggestions either): A) Sneezing into it. B) Coughing into it. C) Urinating on it. D) Bury it. E) Use it to wipe off your shoes. F) Mock it. G) Insult it. H) Spit on it. I.) Flog it. J) Kill it. (F to J is a list of 5 from Luke 18. Quizzers would know.) K)Roll it into a ball and kick it around.

I chose D to H. Urinating on it would have been fun, but I wanted to keep it, and the smell would not allowed me to do so. Also, I previously buried it in mud as well.

3. Put the disgraced Banquet Invitation in the bowl.
4. Light the lighter. (FLAME ON!)
5.With the lighter, light the Banquet Invitation on fire.
6.Sit back, watch, enjoy
7. If burnt pieces are too big, set big pieces on fire again! Repeat step 6.
8.Record results.
9.Mix it in with dirt to give it its final disrespects.
10. Seal in little baggie to perserve for all time the memories


Here it is starting off good….

Now we’re talking! Isn’t it a thing of beauty? It’s so beautiful, man! It made a lovely orange flame. Also, when the translucent stuff caught on fire, it made a popping noise, kind of sounding like the popping of popcorn. It also burned the fastest, and burned right through in one shot.

The pieces were too big the first time I lit the Invitation, so I lit it again! Watch the big pieces turn to gray and shrivel up.

It was burned, color changed, shriveled up, broken down, until it finally got to this-

Now that’s better! A nice fine collection of small, fine invitation pieces, or should I say banquet Invitation dust? Ashes is a more proper term, even the big chunks were still ashes.

My hypothesis was correct. That Banquet Invitation lit up like ant feelers under a magnify glass. And yes, I did enjoy watch it burn, another correct point in my hypothesis. I still have some questions like, “So how many students spent how many hours of their spring break to make this invitation?” and “What’s the big deal about an event that happens twice in your lifetime just to not care about for the rest of your life?” Any errors that could have happened was that I didn’t disrespect it enough or that I didn’t rip it up in the beginning. There was also wind that put out the flame easily and scattered the ashes. Another possible error would have been to keep the invitation, and sell it to some desperate underclassman for a mighty price. I’m not sure that would get pass the faculty and upperclassmen. If I were to repeat the experiment, I would use some some kind of fluid that would ignite easily. Like lighter fluid, alcohol, gasoline, kerosine, or anything else ending in -ine. Also I would do more of the disgraces to it, but not be so worried about keeping it. So I would rip it, shred it, bury it, urinate on it, dig it up, throw it in the toilet, urinate on it again, and flush it. And that list of 5 from Luke 18 would be fun too.

Final thoughts:
So I burned a Banquet Invitation. It’s not like I burned an American Flag or a draft card, which I am against both as well. And I did it last year, too, buring the Banquet Invitation made by my own class. The same process. I almost wish I documented it as well. If I had to help with this year’s banquet, I wouldn’t do that either. And finally, not going, of course. If you are so intrigued my science experiement, you can drop by locker 336 to check out the product of the experiment. It will be on display all next week, Monday to Friday, along with its older sibling from last year.