My Top 4 Songs from the ApologetiX album "Handheld Messiah"

2 years ago, I criticized some Christmas carols. That didn’t go over well. Last year, I posted my top 4 Christmas songs, one on each day of advent. That went much better. So this year, I am going to share 4 of my favorite rock parodies turned into Christmas carols by my favorite band ApologetiX, all from their recent Christmas Album, “Handheld Messiah” (in no particular order).

 My first song is “One Night in Bethlehem,” parody of “One Night in Bangkok.” I love how this song points out how strange it was for the Messiah to be born in Bethlehem. Yeah, it was prophecied in Micah 5:2, but besides that, nothing exciting happened there. David was born there, Ruth & Boaz lived there, Rachel died there. That’s it. Yet God was about take that little town and make it very important with such an important gift to the world.

For the 2nd song, I present to you “Christ In The Stable” by ApologetiX, a parody of “Cat’s in the Cradle” by Harry Chapin. I think this song is stronger if you know the original song. The original song tells a story of a father who never never makes time for his son when his son is young, and so when his son becomes an adult, he never makes time for his elderly father. Harry Chapin’s song concludes, “My son turned out just like me.” The ApologetiX’s version is from Joseph’s point of view. As he watches Jesus grows up, Joseph realizes how special Jesus is. The ApologetiX’s version then concludes, “My Son turned out just like thee [Lord]” Not only does this song well explain both Jesus as God and man, but it also is an encouragment to fathers everywhere to raise a godly son.

Third, I give you “Nice Ice Payment” by ApologetiX, a parody of “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice. What seems like a fun/silly paraody in the beginning ends to up to have a deep message. Don’t let the busyness Christmas season stress you out. Instead, let Jesus change your attitude!

Fourth, I present to you “We Didn’t Start Messiah” by ApologetiX, a parody of “We Didn’t Start The Fire” by Billy Joel. As the person who created this YouTube says, “Where Mr. Joel sang about what was wrong in the world, This song show’s how the coming MESSIAH was prophesied from Adam and Eve on up. So it sang about what is Right in the world.” I like how this song pretty much points out that the whole Old Testament points to the original Christmas, the coming of Jesus Christ. May we look forward to Christmas just like the Old Testament does.


Author: contextualliteralist

I graduated from high school in 2007 with a 3.9 GPA. I graduated from Lancaster Bible College in 2011, as a Bible Education major, with a 3.4 GPA. I graduated Evangelical Seminary in 2017, earning my M.Div with a concentration in teaching, with a 3.67 GPA. I've been involved in Bible Quizzing since 2002, when I was 13. 8 years as a Bible Quizzer- 2002-2004: Ark Bible, 2005-2009: Spring City. 1 year as a Bible Quizzing Coach- 2010: Conestoga. 8 years as Bible Quizzing staff- 2011-2014: Timekeeper, 2015-2018: Judge. During my 8 years as a Bible Quizzer, I finished on Top 50 Quizzers List for 5 consecutive years, from 2005 to 2009, in 34th, 12th, 16th, 8th and 4th place respectively. In 2005, my team, Spring City, won the local tournament, the ACC Tournament. My faith can be best described as "Moderate-Conservative Mennonite Christian." My spiritual gifts are evangelism, knowledge, teaching, prophecy and hospitality. When I'm not studying the Bible, I'm most likely playing video games. I own a DS, 3DS, Wii, Wii U and Xbox 360. My gamertag is ThatFanBoyGuy. Add me!

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