My Spring City home dawgs

Last Sunday, 8 days ago, was what I call the “Quizzing banquet.” I call it that because when sports team finish their year they have a sports banquet honoring the team’s accomplishments, as well as some individual’s accomplishments. Pretty much, this is what is done at the end of the year for the quizzers. The quiz team as a whole is mentioned on how they did, then each quizzer is brought up individually to talk about how they did for the team, and finally who the secret sponser was for that person. Dave and Vicki also gave us the chance to be able to say something. All my fellow quizmates got up and said something about the team and their teammates. I got up and said something about our great coaches, at which time I presented our gift to them, a quizbook signed by the whole team. I really wanted to focus that time on our quiz coaches because they did an awesome job coaching us in some many ways. But don’t get me wrong, we a great team, full of wonderful individuals. So at this time, as I do yearly, I would like to recognize my quizzing teammates for the accomplishments and what they have done for this team. And as I do every year, I am not going to tag a name onto the desciption. Just in case I might say something that person might find embarrassing. But you can feel free to guess who it is. I accidently might leave hints ;).

for the past 3 years, i have noticed that there is someone on the team who brings a fun, exciting and encouraging Atmosphere to the the team. i also realized that for these Last 3 years it happens to be the Youngest quizzer on the team who finishes with the Smallest Score. first it was bekah, then it was bryan, and now it’s you. you were the youngest on the team, but it didn’t stop you from joining the big boys in their fun. you were the only one willing to be pushed by mike on the hand cart. you almost took out the deitricks television playing wii boxing. there Are a lot of funny memories you gave this Team. yeah, you scored the lowest of all year, but i swear that had to be the holy spirit. you buzzed in on “on what was jesus…”! first of all, you had some crazy buzzes this year, enough of them to make us older quizzers proud. second of all, nobody knew the answer at the point! that’s why i’m sure that the holy spirit gave you that answer. it was random, but right! pretty amazing you’re first one Right was not a bonus, but a buzz-in. you made practice and matches fun, Even when we weren’t doing too good. your Estatic personality can be uplifting in down times, a strong need for a quizteam. so i hope to see you next year so you can answer more questions right in real Matches. if U don’t, i’ll keep calling u by your right-answer nickname Longer than you may Like. In god’s Name, i pray that he will make you a leader to your peers and church as paul told timothy to be. (Alyssa “Tree” Mullin)

Boy, you are like a sponge. On the first practice of the year, as dave was explaining the Basics of quizzing, like the rules and how scoring works, i could tell you were getting this down. you learned fast. not many rookies can get a Buzz-in correctly on the first week, but You did it! and it got us team bonus in the process, another thing few rookies experience the first week. after christine left, you were just what the DR. ordered for this team. you were a strong 4th seat. you got us team Bonus a few times, and one time you even quizzed Out! after that quizout, since you were quizout number 4, was amazing getting to see you lay Back up there with nothing to do! your triple-digit score of 105 points got u into the top 200, 2 accomplishments that are rare to rookies. i have 2 favorite memories of you getting right answers. the first one is when we were at weaverland. we were doing poorly, and we needed a jumpstart in the next match. on the first question you buzzed in on “whose clutches…” to answer Herod and got it right! It suprised us all and encouraged the older guys to get their butt in gear. Another favorite of mine was that match against petra 3 in the acc tournament. we had tied it Up twice as were in Sudden-death overtime question. the older quizzers Were feeling powerless As the team’s fate was in the hands of 2 rookies and a 2nd year quizzer. Last question we would ever have that match. you buzzed in, answered “some bad characters formed a mob” and got it right! without that, we wouldn’t be able to have been undefeated in the acc tournament. but we had a lot of fun in practice too. you came up with some creative answers, but they were a little more intellegable than some other person we know. it was funny hearing you say “a geographic location” instead of giving a proper place or saying “small particles of matter” instead of Dust. still, you learned it, and we learned from you. i can truly see a younger self in me. i’m glad you felt like part of a team. we were glad to have you on the team. you are truly one of the spring city boiz. you joined in on our schnanigans, and it showed…literally (i don’t care what jen says, you look good with it shaved!) can’t wait to see you back on the team next year cuz i think you would make a really solid 4th seat next year. solid! as dave told us many time, i will also tell you. it’s great that you have that knowledge in your head, but you got to put that into your heart. you know many things about interpreting the scriptures, but it’s no good if in the end you don’t apply it. apply it, and you will gain wisdom. (Bobby “Dr. Bob” Hauswald)

after you had an incredible first year, i was glad to that you Chose to try quizzing again for a second year, even as early as april! now from what i collected at the quizzing banquet, you were a little disappointed at How you did this year. trust me, i know Exactly how you feel. i also started my second year after have a strong finish to my rookie year, getting a buzz in right pretty much every match. i too expected me to do so much better the next year, even reaching the top 50 quizzer List. So i too was disappointed when i didn’t even reach the top 150! you Expect A lot from yourself, but really it’s almost too much. if you look at it statistically, you didn’t do worse, you did the Exact same. instead of seeing, what you didn’t do, look at what you did do. 40 points is still good. There are at least 30 quizzers below you (if not more) who didn’t get Nearly what you did and i bet they wish they did. you also reached some areas where the other quizzers couldn’t reach. it was no mistake when i called you “the lady of review.” when the rest of us Forgot review after the weekly divisions in the season, you picked Up the same Exact questions. GO you! Maybe i should pick Up a few pointers from you ;). you also were a big contribution to the team. always quick to Laugh at joke or join in a game (admit it, you Liked playing jell-o in the back of the van coming home from the Invitational!) you were also a big help to me. you helped me with the brackets on both tournaments and when i would ask you questions, you would gladly accept them. so i’m glad to hear you are alread onboard for Next year as well. as you said yourself, it may be easier for you since you are going back to homeschooling (i’m telling you, we’ll turn into one of those sand ridge kids, lol). and i will help anyway next year to make you better. it was my third year when i took off, and the same might be true for you too. my exhortation to keep bringing people into the church showing god’s love to all. be a friend to the friendless and those who are hard to be friends with. in the end, god’s love conquers all. (Chelsea “En fuego” Mullin)

ah, yes, although not consectively, i have quizzed with you for a Total of 3 years on the same team, 4 years at the same church. the 4 years on the same team is longer than any of your siblings. congratulations. I have seen you in Many positions, having your ups and down. This year was full of them. Half the time you were up, the other half you we done. it seemed like you either would quiz out or Error out. yet it was always fun to watch you quiz. it goes back to your two poles. we think you know it and you get it wrong; we think “there is no possible way he’ll get this” and it’s right! my favorite part is watching you contest or rebuddal. you always seem to be able to ENCHANT the quizmaster and judges into thinking you’re right, Especially when it comes to grammar, like the difference between “who” questions and “what questions. lol. still, through trials and tribulations, you finished in 29th with 530 points and 15 quizouts. if i’m not mistaken, that is your best so far. you deserved every point you got, but for the Record, i still got More :-). you’ve been deemed by me a valuable advisory. still, you’re gonna have to try better to show you got the power to beat me. may that alone be a reason to come back for another year. i would like you On the team again. in closing, i have a word for you, just as the deitricks did (and this might be another good reason why I do this without any names). i remember one sunday at the pre-worship, you reminded me of what dave has told me over and over: “pride is death to the Spirit.” truthfully, i was shocked because I wasn’t expecting that from you, nor anyone else on the team but the deitricks. But it was a helpful reminded. hearing it from you told me that you were receiving this word as much as i was. And now that quizzing is over, i send the same word back to you. “pride is death to Spirit.” i want to remind you of this because i want you to know this is true even outside of quizzing. whatever you are doing, pride is still death to the spirit. when you are playing your other favorite sports like baseball, soccer or basketball, pride is still death to the spirit. when you are hanging out with your friends or on a date with your girlfriend, pride is death to the spirit. we live in a culture that tells us it’s best to be number one, to be on top, to be the best and look done on others. but god’s way is different. don’t let your pride kill you, but find your life to be a humble one, unlifting god first, and then unlifting others, even your enemies, with kind words and actions. (Tim “the Enchanter” Moss)
it’s been 4 consective years we’ve been on the same team, which makes you the longest guy quizzer that’s been with Me. congratulations. It’s been an interesting ride. i’ve seen you on the top of your game and on the bottom. this year your season was not as big and bad. you only scored 340 points. that got you to 85th, finishing in the top 100 for the third consective year. actually, that’s pretty much exact same you did last year. but this year is more impressive than last year, i think. you were able to learn the quizzing material while taking physics and Calculus 2 at psu berks (and i remember you telling me that it’s a harder program than usual). Heck, you were even working a full time job and you still could study enough to finish in the same place. A lot of quizzers who are in high school cannot balance their schooling and job, and you had it harder! good job! Errors came Less this year, so many fewer that tim beat you by a lot. Sure you didn’t do so well in the season, but you Completely made up for that in the tournaments. You were a Heckava quizzer as you gave us team bonus and quiz outs. Winning is what you did best. A lot of the time it seemed like you were carrying a third of the team’s burden. Great way to show you Give to this team. Don’t get me wrong it’s not All about points. Wherever there was fun, craizness or trouble, you always seemed to be there. whether it was going back for a pizza run, shoveling snow off from on top of the van, wrestling in the LBC foyer or driving a car barely inspection, you were there. But my favorite memories have some of the answers you Gave. Sometimes it seemed like your Consistent babbling was right, but you ended up wrong. Half the time you looked like you were clueless, or that you didn’t study that part, but you Would pull the answer out of no where And get us the points. my favorite memory is when you would pull your “hat trick.” you would pick a random answer out of your imaginary hat, and it would be the right one! hey, if it works, it works! you’ve been quizzing almost as long as me, and it shows that you also got some “ol’ school quizzing style” in you. The craizness of the quizzers of past Generations will live on because of you. you would be always quick to join in on our team pride. whether it was wearing team shirts, goin’ cowboy, or shaving the head, you were in (although the shaven head was scary. you did look like a white supremeist). i also have a word for you. i remember you did quiz from 2002, when we quizzed on joshua. i Encourage you to go back and read the book. if you look at it closely and thoughly, you’ll see the main message is that god wants to bless his people, but only if they will obey. i believe that applies to today, especially for you. god wants to bless you, but the only way that he will is if you Remember to follow his laws and commands. it’s true that good works don’t save us, but they do give us blessing. so go, avoid sin, but produce fruit of the spirit. and god will bless you. (Michael “Schwagg dawg” Schwager)

Thank you all my teammates for another great year. I also want to once again thank my coaches Dave and Vicki Deitrick for bringing us together and holding us together. We bonded as a team, and in doing so we reached some major accomplishments. In the season we finished 4th place with an average with 97. 4th place is the highest I have ever finished with a team, and the first time my team was seeded in both tournmanets. We are definitely an improving team. We did better this season and we did better in the ACC Tourament than we did in the past 2 years, going undefeated in the ACC Tourament. You guys were all great to have on a team, and I will miss during the offseason. And a friendly reminder to my quizzers that I do exist ouside the months. I am not Baal! I do not die after the secret sponser banquet and then resurrect in January, fully knowledgeable in the Scriptures! lol. Keep in contact. I’d love to hear from you all. And I’m glad you all have made a decision to come back next year. With everyone experienced, we can only get better!