Away and Back

So here I am at college. I arrived in the afternoon on Thursday and have been here ever since, not counting the excersion to the Baltimore aquirium taken on Saturday. Don’t ask me yet how it is gone. I don’t know yet. All we have been doing is orientation sessions and College Sucess courses, along with other team building activities to get to know each other better. Haven’t had a class yet. It’s just too early. And the activities to get to know each other better aren’t working too well, either. I’ve been introduced to so many people with where they are from and what they are majoring in, it’s just too much to remember now. The people I see more often in the class setting I’ll remember. It needs time.

So the first thing I had to do when I finished unpacking in my dorm was to get my computer hooked up to the network. It was kind of cool that all I needed to do was connect the computer to the network cord and it would automatically start downloading. There was a lot to download. But now things aren’t working so well. It takes 11 minutes to boot up and connect. It only sometimes lets me onto the net, and when I get on, it takes about 3 minutes on average for a page to load. Freezing and overheating are common. AIM isn’t working, even though it is set up. I can’t get into the school e-mail, and my task manager is disabled, so I can’t Ctrl+Alt+Delete unless I want to shut down my computer. Sometimes I wonder if it’s even worth it.

But now without the DE Jazzd, I can use some websites I didn’t have before. I now have a Facebook, so if you have a Facebook, look up my name and add me as a friend. I’m thinking about getting a MySpace while I’m at it, but not until my computer speeds up. And if you can’t tell, I’m back on Xanga, too, so you can leave comments. Hopefully I won’t become part of the internet addiction with all these sites.

And now, I leave you with a funny thought. On my trip to Baltimore, my group and myself ran into a “deaf beggar” who wanted a $2 donation (we think he may have been faking it). We didn’t exactly understand what he was signing with Sign Language, and we didn’t know what he wanted until he showed us a card with writing on it. So being in a Bible college, I got this crazy thought. I don’t know sign language too well, and I couldn’t communicate with him. But suppose the Holy Spirit gave me such an urge to share with that man the gospel, that on the spot the Holy Spirit gave me the knowledge to sign to him in sign language the gospel. Would that be called “speaking in hands?” 😀