Joy: The Fourth Week of Advent

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” -Luke 2:10

When we think of joy, we think of a synonym of happiness. Sometimes we may think of joy has an extreme, hyper happiness. The dictionary would probably agree with that. But think joy can be beyond that. You can be joyful without always being estatic.

True joy is contagiuos. Being joyful causes those around you to be joyful. The angels and the shepards in the Christmas story demonstrate this. The angels presented the the birth of Jesus with great joy. The angels were so joyful, the shepherds had to see for themselves what the commotion was for. After seeing the newborn Jesus, they to went out to everyone to tell the news, probably in the same joy. The Messiah who was promised to save the people was finally here!

In today’s modern world, we see Christmas not as much as a joyful time, but a happy time. Tis the season to be jolly. Yet it isn’t always true for everyone. We call them Grinches or Scrooges. I like to call them Charlie Browns. People are hard on them, but I’m not. They’re probably like that because they aren’t seeing the true joy or love from the real Christmas. That’s the biggest way we can know the difference between the two. While commericial Christmas gives us temporary happiness, the things we get will eventually no longer make us happy, just in enough time for Valentine’s Day. The joy will get from the true meaning of Christmas lasts all year round. Happiness is temporary, joy is forever. The Santa Claus we base commericial Christmas on is was temporary. Santa is based on St. Nicholas, who was born, sinned, then died. The true Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, who always was, and always will be. God was never born and we never die. Even when we was born, he wouldn’t die, even when killed. He would resurrect and be living again. How joyful we can now be now knowing we can be reconciled with God through the offering of His Son!

When everyone remembers the true meaning of Christmas, we gain a sense of hope, peace, love and joy. It’s been a wonderful advent season, and now I am prepared for Christmas more than ever. May Christmas be meaningful for all of you.

Merry Christmas everyone!
“Hark the Harold Angels sing, glory to the newborn king….”

Author: contextualliteralist

I graduated from high school in 2007 with a 3.9 GPA. I graduated from Lancaster Bible College in 2011, as a Bible Education major, with a 3.4 GPA. I graduated Evangelical Seminary in 2017, earning my M.Div with a concentration in teaching, with a 3.67 GPA. I've been involved in Bible Quizzing since 2002, when I was 13. 8 years as a Bible Quizzer- 2002-2004: Ark Bible, 2005-2009: Spring City. 1 year as a Bible Quizzing Coach- 2010: Conestoga. 8 years as Bible Quizzing staff- 2011-2014: Timekeeper, 2015-2018: Judge. During my 8 years as a Bible Quizzer, I finished on Top 50 Quizzers List for 5 consecutive years, from 2005 to 2009, in 34th, 12th, 16th, 8th and 4th place respectively. In 2005, my team, Spring City, won the local tournament, the ACC Tournament. My faith can be best described as "Moderate-Conservative Mennonite Christian." My spiritual gifts are evangelism, knowledge, teaching, prophecy and hospitality. When I'm not studying the Bible, I'm most likely playing video games. I own a DS, 3DS, Wii, Wii U and Xbox 360. My gamertag is ThatFanBoyGuy. Add me!

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