120 blessings

For those who don’t know, I am in a Bible class called Faith Walk. Faith Walk is not your typical Bible class. Instead of a history or theology, it is more personal. It’s almost like being graded for Youth group. It is very open. In this class, in our most recent entry for our journals, everyone had to write 120 blessings in his or her life. Everyone groaned. This sounded like a hard assignment. For me, it started out easy, but quickly began to become hard and harder as it progressed. But nonetheless, I did it. I have 120 blessings. With thanksgiving in sight, I thought this would be a good post to put up. I hope this can make you realize that we have much more blessings given by God. See if you can do the same.

120 Blessings
  1. God feeds me every day
  2. I have a place to live, a house, a roof over my head
  3. I have clothes to werea
  4. A loving yet disciplinary father
  5. A mother who is a parent and a friend
  6. Two cats now, five cats in my lifetime
  7. A bed to sleep in
  8. My very own laptop
  9. My GameCube and Game Boy Advance
  10. I’m not sharing a bedroom
  11. For the most part, I have a bathroom to myself
  12. A TV to watch (although it only has 2 channels, I am grateful)
  13. A fireplace to keep us warm in the house during the winter
  14. Salvation from sin through God’s grace
  15. Unconditionally loving God
  16. A dog who has lived for 14 years
  17. DSL internet connection
  18. mp3 player
  19. All my music CDs, especially ApologetiX
  20. Having Nintendo since age 3
  21. All my videogames
  22. The Bible, God’s Word
  23. The friend I have in Jesus
  24. The Holy Spirit living in me
  25. A desk
  26. Monty Python
  27. Mountain Dew, especially Code Red
  28. Karen Zona, a youth leader who has lasted 3 years
  29. A new youth room
  30. Jim & Pam Brady, my substitute grandparents
  31. Team bonuses
  32. Every quiz out I’ve gotten, especially the 15 this year, a personal record
  33. My Ark Bible and Spring City quiz teams
  34. Dennis & Jill Willman, who have always encouraged me in quizzing
  35. The Moss family, for training in quizzing and friendly quizzing rivalry
  36. Dave & Vicki Deitrick, for being concerned about my spiritual growth
  37. The support of the church for their quiz team
  38. Being on the Top 50 Quizzers List for 2 consecutive years
  39. Winning the ACC Tournament in 2005
  40. Going to Ohio for the Quizzing Invitational
  41. Mike Schwager. Indubiately a blessing. I’ll drink to that, and everyone else concurs
  42. Angela & Caleb, who told me it’s alright for me to be single
  43. Rosa, who for a month let me feel what it’s like to not be single
  44. Christine, who has been my friend from beginning until, going with me wherever
  45. All my secret sponsers in quizzing, from prayer to food
  46. My custom shoes (they say “Quizzer”)
  47. 2 coats, 1 of them leather, to keep me warm outside in the winter
  48. 6 ApologetiX concerts
  49. Having 3 cars in our driveway
  50. Driver’s License
  51. Orange pants
  52. Paved driveway
  53. Automatic garage door
  54. Letters from Christine
  55. Christopher Dock’s Anabapitst perspective in their teaching
  56. Being able to afford to go to Christopher Dock
  57. The teachers at Christopher Dock
  58. Straight A’s my sophomore year
  59. My table for lunch in the Longacre Commons
  60. Sheila Dallas, opening her home for her summer missionary
  61. Bill Elgin, who is concerned about my future
  62. Bible Quizzing. Period.
  63. Being in senate junior year.
  64. Learning from my mistakes.
  65. My blog
  66. Backpack on wheels
  67. Public Transportation to and from school
  68. Teaching children and learning from children
  69. Being able to afford college
  70. Slate Hill quizzers, who treat me like a quizzing idol
  71. Barbeque sauce
  72. Hot sauce shots
  73. 11 hour bus ride to Ohio
  74. Christmas, Easter, and Summer break
  75. Graduating high school in 7 months
  76. Risk & Monopoly
  77. The Philadelphia Eagles
  78. Homestar Runner/Strong Bad E-mails
  79. DVD player with surround sound
  80. TI-83 Plus Calculator
  81. Jesus dying on the cross and raising from the dead
  82. Youth group and youth bible study
  83. Fun quiz practices
  84. Kool-Aid
  85. Chocolate and Swedish Fish
  86. Energy drinks
  87. Buffets
  88. Chinese restaurants
  89. Forgiveness
  90. A cell phone on a plan
  91. Rosenberger Academic Center
  92. No censorship of books or speeches at school
  93. Going to the National Young Leaders Confrence
  94. Friends I have made at the NYLC
  95. Friends I made at CEF summer missionary training
  96. Fred Hertzler, ACC Bible Quizzing cordinator
  97. Good, nice quizmasters
  98. God creating me
  99. School chapels
  100. Another option for C.O.s instead of war
  101. The Spiritual gifts God has given me.
  102. Frederick Mennonite Church
  103. Spring City Fellowship
  104. Ark Bible Chapel
  105. Pastor Scott, the faithful pastor of Frederick church
  106. Justin Yoast, comic relief and socializer on my behalf
  107. Aaron Martin, socializes for me and is more comic relief
  108. Erin, my sister
  109. Living in a dead end with no traffic
  110. Electronic Spanish/English Dictionary
  111. Snow – closes the school
  112. Snowthrower – means I don’t have to shovel snow
  113. Hammock Swing
  114. Vacations to Connecticut
  115. Italian Grandmother and Grandfather Pagano
  116. Uncle Robert. May not be a father, but can be an uncle, the next closest thing
  117. Being able to come into God’s prescense whenever
  118. Dell Tech Support
  119. Woman’s fear of bugs
  120. Our assisstant principal……what’s his name again? 😛

Isn’t it odd how after Thanksgiving, a holiday dedicated to being thankful for what we have, is followed by Christmas, a holiday where people get greedy and want more? I almost believe it should be the opposite way around because I think we never really recover from the Christmas wants, and never show full appreciation of what we receive on Christmas.

P.S. In my four years of Thanksgiving Chapels, the Class of 2007 was the best! Class of 2008 was the worst. Good luck to next year, class of 2009.