Sex and candy

Ever hear the comparison that sex is like chocolate? Actually, there is quite a few. First of all, I have to say about that is there needs to be another comparison than to chocolate. Anything but chocolate. But anyway, that’s not the point. Here’s the lastest version I heard:

“Sex is like chocalte. You can compare the quality of sex like the brand of chocolate. Good quality sex is Godiva, and on the other end you have poor quality sex, the cheap chocolate that comes in the shape coins (aka “coin chocolate”, duh). In our lives, we have many types of chocolates: coin chocolate, Nestle, Hershey, Lindt’s, and Godiva. We know what’s considered good chocolate, poor chocolate, and the best chocolate. Now imagine that there is a person that has only one type of chocolate, say the coin chocolate. If they’ve only have one brand of chocolate their whole life, they don’t know that there is better or worse chocolate out there, and are content with what they have. Anyone else, who knows every brand of chocolate there is, will know better and will definitely rather have Godiva over coin chocolate. Now here comes the sex application. If a person has only had one sexual partner, they only know of one quality of sex, and even if it’s the coin chocolate sex, they will be fine with it. They don’t know that better is out there, and they are satisfied. If someone has mulitiple sex partners, they know that some are better than others. They strive to have the better ones. If they “have to settle” with someone who is poor at sexual activity, they will not satisfied, wondering if they could always have someone better.”

Now when I first heard this, the first thought that came to mind was: “they need to find a better original comparision to sex.” Sorry for being repetitive, but it’s true. Then I thought that perhaps this could be even applied to just dating, without the extra activity. If we don’t intend of of having a serious partner, and go around from person to person, you meet a whole range of people. Each one unique, possibly some similarites between different ones When the time comes to settle down, you think you could have somebody different, somebody better. If you’re thinking someone is better, are you really happy? But if one dates the minimal amount of people possible, hopefully only one, you will not be questioning your choice, but instead be satisfied with the one you are with.

Continuing with our bad chocolate metaphors, let’s set up a situation. Suppose both Godiva and coin chocolate were both having a sweepstakes of chocolate for life. You can only enter in one of them. Both contests are estimated to have 10 million people entering. Godiva will only have 1 winner, but the coin chocolate will have 1,000 winners! Which one would you enter? Depends on who you are. You have better chance winning the coin chocolate, but would you take a bigger risk to get better chocolate? Are you going to throw away someone who loves you in hope you can find someone hotter, richer or more social? When someone gets dumped, we say, “There are many more fish in the sea.” That saying broadens every creature into the sea as a “fish”. But there are so many types. There are many fish in the sea, but what are the odds of getting a swordfish? Are you willing to throw out a blue fish, the only catch of the day, to hope to get a swordfish?

I really do see chocolate (literal chocolate) as chocolate. Whether the chocolate be Hershey, Nestle, Godiva, Lindt’s or the cheap coin stuff, it is chocolate. Chocolate is good, no matter what kind of chocolate you have. Any chocolate I have, I enjoy it very much. Whatever chocolate comes my way, I don’t resist because it is not the best brand. To me, any chocolate is better than not having chocolate.

Service Day

Remember those good ol’ days where I would post more often like every other day. Yeah, I miss those days, too. Kinda feel like I’m shut up.

Yesterday was Service Day, one of the few extra cirricular days I don’t boycott. But sadly, others did. I can’t complain too much, since I have skipped out on some school days on purpose, but in a way, this is different. With Service day, you grow spiritually. I really can’t see that in Arts Day, All-school Social or banquet. It’s like what an English teacher says about reading the Spark Notes instead of reading the actual book: “You’re robbing yourself of a great experience.” As a born again Christian, there is some kind of undescriptable joy inside, knowing you have done what the Lord Jesus has asked of you.

I went to Manna on Main Street……for the second year. Yup, both service days at Dock and I was both times at Manna on Main Street. Manna on Main Street is both a soup kitchen and a food pantry. It’s not so much for the homeless (of course, they are invited) but other people too. It’s for anyone in finanical trouble and don’t have a lot of money, and with little money they have, they need to use to pay rent and/or utilities bills. They can come to Manna on Main St. to get the food they need.

In the beginning I made snack bags that were going as a gift for a fundraiser walk. Mrs. Adams (the teacher with us) wanted to make sure every bag was equally full with the same thing. So she went into this huge math problem to figure out how much (in number of pieces) each bag needs of each snack food. She told us “5 of every piece.” When we finished the 300 bags with her math specifications (which were time consuming), we had only gotten through a third of the resources. We told her and she replied, “Do it again with 5 more pieces.” We shook our heads and started throwing handfuls in. I think one bag I just put in a bag of crumbs.

In the meantime, another part of my group was making tacos. We were allowed to take part in that for lunch. After lunch, I did what I did best in a kitchen: wash dishes, dry dishes, put dishes away. I did that until the end of the day. I found out that most of the time the kitchen was an escape place to not do work and to use their cell (by the way, had bad reception, or so they told me). That also made things harder to work in the kitchen. Mrs. Adams made everyone socialize, but I didn’t. I want to make it clear I didn’t socialize because I didn’t want to talk to them, but the fact I don’t like to socialize people at all. I avoided talking to the classmates in my group. Truthfully, I sometimes want to avoid conversation at school as well. And I also didn’t avoid it not to do work. I was working a plenty, and things were getting done. Dishes were getting cleaned, dried, and put away. I enjoy servicing on the Lord’s behalf, but I prefer to do it behind the scenes.

For everyone who volunteers at Manna on Main St, they get to write there name on the walls of the building. I noticed some names I knew, from other people at Dock to a few old friends from elementary school. Heck, I found out that someone put down the number for Chiaro’s Pizza! I signed my name right next to where I wrote it on October 15, 2004 – the last CD Service Day. Of course, Evan and Big Mike, being the preschoolers they are (despite being seniors) had to go wild and write everywhere stupid comments, with some things that could be described as “un-christian.” Michelle tried to intervene, but unsuccessfully, she had to get Mrs. Adams to do something. Evan called her a few names and walked away disgusted. What disgusted me is what he said in response to her, “She is a party pooper. Don’t be like her when you’re a senior. Go wild ‘have fun'”. Yeah, I was peeved at that comment. That is the worst advice to give to underclassmen. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, don’t listen to that. It’s bullshit. “Have fun” in an honorable and respecting way. Respect your teachers. Treat all your classmates equally and fairly. Obey the covenant. Respect the campus. Do your homework and projects thoughly. Don’t spread rumors. Listen to the chapel speakers. Represent Christian values wherever you go and in whatever you do. Grow up and mature. This is will allow you to have a good last year experience with your friends, classmates, and teachers. If “having fun” means disrespecting students, teachers, property, or your body, then don’t have fun.

I enjoyed service day because I got something out of it that can’t be seen on earth, but only in heaven. I did a job that is time-consuming and not always wanting to be done by someone. It’s one less thing they had to do. It’s good to know that is possible for high schoolers to something that can build up the human, and not put them down. Maybe we should spend more time looking after other people’s needs, instead of our social wants.

P.S. On the senate survey, I voted against candy canes and carnations!

I should be doing homework….

I hear a lot of people say “Xanga is dead. Get a MySpace.” Well, comparing MySpace and Xanga is like comparing white chocalate to cheese curls. Sure both are good tasting, good for a snack, but they are so different. Same way for Xanga and MySpace. Both are an easy way to have your web page to be reached, but Xanga is more for blogging, reporting what’s hapening in your life and telling how you feel. While MySpace can do this, it is usually not. It’s to talk directly to friends. Actually, if we we werere looking at my school, the Preps are the only ones who use Xanga anymore; everyone else in school is on MySpace. But all my other friends, like CEF Summer missionaries and quizzers (past & present) I see what’s happening on there. And maybe that’s good I don’t know what’s going on with my classmates. For me, I choose neither, and use blogspot.

I’m coming live from Bedford, PA. Good ol’ wireless connection. Yesterday it was from Lima, OH. This weekend I was on the college searches in Ohio. I went to Bluffton Universite, Rosedale Bible College, and Cedarville University. I’m not going to bore you with everything I did. It was pretty much the same. Every place I went on a tour, in which I saw, classrooms, cafeteria, stores, dorms, library, computer lab, gym, etc. I got to attend two classes. At Rosedale it was the Fall of Man, at Cedarville the class was the Deity of Christ. Nothing excited. Luckily, I saw no Dock graduates at Bluffton. However, I got to see 2 quizzers from ACC Bible Quizzing. The first one I recognized: Jess Lerch from Rockville. She didn’t say hi, but neither did I. However, the second quizzer recognized me, but I didn’t recognize her. She had remembered me from quizzing. But get this: she quizzed for Bart! Bart hasn’t quizzed for such a long time! I think it was 2002. That was way before I became the quizzer extrodinaire, or even did well enough to be noticed for my talent. The ironic part was when she guessed what team I was on, she said Spring City! While I’m not 100% sure the last year Bart quizzed, I know it was way before I went over to Spring City. Rosedale said quizzing is a big thing there, so that was a turn on.

School’s well under way, and it already sucks. They say senior year is easier than your junior year…they still have yet to prove that to me. I’ve had tons of homework, like the homework I should be doing now. Two 3-page research papers, a one-page journal, reading Shakespeare’s Macbeth and quite a few long statistics problems. Then on top of that, you got the stupid social clique system, and the gossiping and all that crap of Dock. I heard that there was a lot of “drama” at the Eurotrip with the choir. Lesson: don’t go on long trips with clique-y people. And the stupid slutty “rebel” juniors keep taking my lunch table in Longacre. You know, the one I sit at every day since the first quarter of my freshman year. Now I got to get there for lunch earlier to reclaim my table. The worse part is this feeling of being a wanted when used. The only reason people want me is for a good answer. In this past week alone, I had to write notes for Justin as well as show him how to look up things in an encylcopedia, find an article for Micah’s assessment, and translate Shakespearean English for Lionel and DJ. Other than that, no other contact from my class. If I’m only wanted as a resource, why want to be wanted?

My youth leader at my church wanted to start a bible study for the youth. She assigned me to do it. That’s another thing on my plate. Plus, the only two attending are the youth leader’s two kids. Not even my sister. Speaking of which, the youth of Frederick are changing, and it kinds of reflects the change of adults attending, too. The youth that have been there since elementary, those who had parents as youth at the church, if you allow me to say “the shoofly Mennonite youth”, they are leaving. One is at Perkiomenville, one at Indian Valley, two at Franconia, and my sister I’m gonna take a guess and say once she can drive, she’ll be going to Blooming Glen. In their place, a new youth. The youth from the development. The youth who care more about social status and “school happenings.” The youth who have no idea how to look up things in a Bible. Right now, it’s not the church, but only the youth group, and possibly the Bible study. I know that it’s good for them, but sometimes I feel like it’s bad for me. Yes, they are teens, but spiritually, they are still little children. If my faith in the church and Christian community is anything like a business cycle, I’m in a recession heading for a depression. Where do I go? What do I do? Who can I turn to?

Screw you, world, I got Jesus.