Change over from vacation to first week of training

Vacation, for the most part, was fun. Between my sister and I, every ride was ridden. It was kinda funny that my sister would do roller coasters, but not straight drop, and I would do straight drop, but not roller coasters. Did you guys hear about tropical storm Alberto. Yeah, we experienced it. Universal was a once in a lifetime experience, so we weren’t gonna let the tropical storm ruin (even though for the most part it did). We went around the park in ponchos: 2 red and 2 yellow. My sister described it the best: ketchup and mustard.

However, on the last day, the weather was great with the exception a few raindrops here and there. That was the day we went to the Holy Land Experience. It was very informative and accurate. It had an accurate reproduction of the tabernacle, the temple, the Dead Sea Caverns, the empty tomb, a small-scale version of Jerusalem in 66 AD and a museum with the history of Biblical writings. Throughout the day, there were presenations and shows. The man who played Jesus played the role well. He interacted with the audience, especially the children, like Jesus was preaching to us.

Then started our drive back. On the way, we visited two possible College choices. The first was Liberty University. It was very big, and quite new in most aspects. However, I felt the college was a bit to Baptist for me, in the sense politics is treated as strong as religion. The next day we went to Eastern Mennonite University. After seeing the campus of Liberty, it was a little poor in quality, comparing the two. I did get to talk to a Bible profressor, who was excited to know I was looking for Biblical studies. But some factors pointed against it. Only 3% of the (roughly) 1,000 student campus was in the same major as me. Also that for the last incoming class, the percent of students from Dock was about 20 – 25%. Another turn-off for me. Right now, these two colleges are at the bottom of my list. If I had to pick from the two, I’d say……(oooh, this is tough)….EMU (by a small margin).

Now I’m home, but only for 12 hours. Tomorrow at 7:30 AM, I leave for the Sylvan Christian Camp near State College, PA for the first week of CEF training. I’ve done this before, so I’m hoping it will go along faster, and I won’t fall behind.

Oh yeah, when I was in Orlando, I got a flippin’ sweet new ride. Admit it, you’re jealous. 🙂

Hello. Farewell.

First of all, I like to thank all those who took the time to leave comments conerning my junior senate speech. I will say it again, if you want to leave your opinion, leave your name and a way to contact you. So far, I have given a proper, mature reply to everyone who has done so. Anonymous names will not get any attention, since they are too embarrassed to leave their name with their feelings.

June 9, at 11:20 AM, I finished my American Lit final, finishing yet another year at Christopher Dock. It felt like I wouldn’t never come, but it did, and it felt good. Just 180 more days, then….nevermore.

And at noon the same day, I left home with my family in a rented 2006 Camry (yes, it is very nice) towards Orlando, Florida. Right now, coming to you live from the Holiday Inn in Kingston, Georgia, it’s Graham on his Xanga! This is hotel number two. The last hotel was the Sleep Inn. Both have come with supplied internet access, allowing me to get on Xanga. So you might here from me on your Xanga this week.

Yes, this is the last you’ll hear from me in a while, perhaps. I am going to Universe until Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, I’ll be going to the Holy Land Experience, which is near Orlando. Then we’ll be heading back home, with some college visits on the way. On Thursday is Liberty College in Lynchburg, VA (I’ll see if I can find Aubrey), and on Friday is Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA. We should be getting back late night on Friday. Then it is empty out this week suitcase, fill the next one for next week vacation, then Saturday Morning I head to Sylvan Christian camp near State College, PA for the first seven days of CEF Summer Missionary training. Then after that, I head off the second week of training in Bucks county. Frankly, I don’t think I’ll be home at all for the rest of June. Try again in July!

You know the drill. Leave comments.

Hello. Farewell.

June 9, at 11:20 AM, I finished my American Lit final, finishing yet another year at Christopher Dock. It felt like I wouldn’t never come, but it did, and it felt good. Just 180 more days, then….nevermore.

And at noon the same day, I left home with my family in a rented 2006 Camry (yes, it is very nice) towards Orlando, Florida. Right now, coming to you live from the Holiday Inn in Kingston, Georgia, it’s Graham on his Xanga! This is hotel number two. The last hotel was the Sleep Inn. Both have come with supplied internet access, allowing me to get on Xanga. So you might here from me on your Xanga this week.

Yes, this is the last you’ll hear from me in a while, perhaps. I am going to Universe until Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, I’ll be going to the Holy Land Experience, which is near Orlando. Then we’ll be heading back home, with some college visits on the way. On Thursday is Liberty College in Lynchburg, VA (I’ll see if I can find Aubrey), and on Friday is Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA. We should be getting back late night on Friday. Then it is empty out this week suitcase, fill the next one for next week vacation, then Saturday Morning I head to Sylvan Christian camp near State College, PA for the first seven days of CEF Summer Missionary training. Then after that, I head off the second week of training in Bucks county. Frankly, I don’t think I’ll be home at all for the rest of June. Try again in July!

You know the drill. Leave comments, just not here: