Gone another weekend

Ever since the beginning of the year, it seems like I can’t stay put in one place for the weekend. Even excluding quizzing, March and April were pretty busy. This week is not an exception. On Saturday, I will be going to NYC to see the broadway hit SPAMALOT! Saturday will be exciting, but Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will not be. That will be the field trip for Social Issues class. We will have to leave at 5:40 AM Sunday morning to head down to Washington, D.C. in time to make church service. For the rest of the trip, I will be seeing the sights, working in soup kitchens, and experience the issues of social life in our nation’s capital. Not the fun you’d think it would be, especially since this will be the second time there in 7 months. I have to do 5 assignments during the trip, each about a page long and a 3-page journal. Yuk. It figures to leave it to Dock to take the fun out of field trips.

Hey, quizzing friends! Miss you all greatly. Nothing important is happening the afternoon and evening of Saturday, May 13. Since quizzing has ended, I have been bored and lonley out of my crazy mind! So if you want to do anything me, no matter how fun, crazy, or stupid it is, just leave suggestions and I’ll consider it.

Author: contextualliteralist

I graduated from high school in 2007 with a 3.9 GPA. I graduated from Lancaster Bible College in 2011, as a Bible Education major, with a 3.4 GPA. I graduated Evangelical Seminary in 2017, earning my M.Div with a concentration in teaching, with a 3.67 GPA. I've been involved in Bible Quizzing since 2002, when I was 13. 8 years as a Bible Quizzer- 2002-2004: Ark Bible, 2005-2009: Spring City. 1 year as a Bible Quizzing Coach- 2010: Conestoga. 8 years as Bible Quizzing staff- 2011-2014: Timekeeper, 2015-2018: Judge. During my 8 years as a Bible Quizzer, I finished on Top 50 Quizzers List for 5 consecutive years, from 2005 to 2009, in 34th, 12th, 16th, 8th and 4th place respectively. In 2005, my team, Spring City, won the local tournament, the ACC Tournament. My faith can be best described as "Moderate-Conservative Mennonite Christian." My spiritual gifts are evangelism, knowledge, teaching, prophecy and hospitality. When I'm not studying the Bible, I'm most likely playing video games. I own a DS, 3DS, Wii, Wii U and Xbox 360. My gamertag is ThatFanBoyGuy. Add me!

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