2006 Invitational

Just got back from the Invitational…well, it was about two days ago, but it is today where I have gotten under control the homework situation. That Thursday at school my teachers have pounded me with a lot of homework. I was assigned to read a 100 page novel, 4 worksheets, 35 math problems, and when I returned, I needed to take 3 quizzes. Ugh. But I got it done….sorta (SparkNotes sorta counts for reading a book, right?)

Thursday afternoon, the last minute, is when I started packing. I went mad searching for everything I wanted. At the same time, I was trying to print out everything I needed: schedule, brackets, homework, a puppet outline (I’ll explain later), etc. When I finished packing, I had 4 bags: a suitcase, a bag for my sleeping bag and pillow, my laptop case (I had to bring my laptop to Ohio to do homework) and a bookbag. All I needed was the kitchen sink, and I would be ready (lol). I finally was all packed to go. I took a shower, ate dinner, and headed to the Deitricks.

At the Deitricks, we started out with practice quizzing. We had 4 matches. After the matches, I said goodbye to the buzzer system, especially my buzzer, Black Thunder. Then we had some free time. We ate snacks, drank Kool-Aid and played games. Michael brought the board game Risk: The World Domination Game. It was my first time playing it, but I did good. Mike won the whole thing (most likely because he was the only one who knew how to play), but I survived to be second. We did get to bed by 1 AM (usually during the invitational, we don’t sleep until 3 AM). I feel asleep listening to the quizzing material on my mp3 player.

We had to wake up at the early hours of 5:45 in the morning to get to the buses on time. We left the Deitrick house around 6:30 to get to the busses on time. The busses were parked at Dutch Wonderland, a little farther down than LMH. It took a while for us to get the overstuffed church van unloaded and on to the busses. There was a lot of luggage, so much…let’s just say Mike packed the least with 3 bags. We loaded the luggage onto the bus, then loaded ourselves onto the bus. Then a little after 8:30 we left for Ohio.

We were on the bus with the 3 Slate Hill quiz teams, Zion and Conestoga 3. I didn’t know Slate Hill, but I became quick friends with them. They all knew me and treated me and my team with high respects. And if they like us, I like them. In the beginning, it was kinda slow. Everyone was just doing homework. But in the middle of the ride we all started to open up and socialize. 19 of us played Mafia 6 times. 3 times I was the mafia, 2 times the dectective, 1 time the doctor. After that the Spring City team played some scum. Near the end of the trip, most of us began to study. Slate Hill teams were told to study by their coaches. Luckily, it got Jai to study more. I promised Bekah that I would play Rummy with her if she had some quality practice, so she studied hard too.

Along the way, we had two rest stops. The first was in Pennsylvania (Somerset), the second one in Ohio. Each was an hour 15 minutes long. Previously, before the trip, Morgen (quizzing friend from Reading) and I planned to do some fun things at the rest stops. We planned to cause some “pranks” to drive the fast food places nuts. Our ultimate one was to walk thru the drive thruat one of the restaurants as if we were in an invisible car. Morgen didn’t help me as planned, so the ultimate “prank” we didn’t do. But I had my own “prank” fun by sending the workers into mass confusion. The first restaurant we stopped at was Wendy’s.Wendy’s was a long line, so they had someone take orders ahead of time. So went I went up to her, I asked for a Kids Meal Cheeseburger without any onions, mustand or cheese. She said, “That’s a hamburger” and checked off hamburger. I then asked for it to be a Biggie Size. She ignored it, gave me the slip, and moved on to the next person. In Ohio I ate at Burger King. After a long line, I was prepared. The one taking the orders was a guy a bit older than me. I ordered “a Big Kids Meal double cheeseburger without any mustard, onions, or cheese, I wanted onion rings instead of fries, no drink, King Size. I also asked for two hats.” Once again, he said, “A cheesebuger without cheese is a hamburger.” I insisted that I wanted a cheeseburger without cheese, like it was totally different. He gave me a weird look, but pressed something in anyway. I think he just pressed double hamburger. He said that you can’t get onion rings in Big Kids Meal. Then he realized I said to King Size it. He’s like “You can’t King Size a Big Kids Meal!” So he decided to put in the Big Kids Meal Order an King Fries. When the order was done, money given, and changed received, I tipped him 2 pennies. He looked ticked. When I got my order, the woman who put it together just saw the “Big Kids Meal” part and gave me a regular Big Kids Meal. I decided not complain and just enjoy the food.

We arrived at Kidron, OH at around 7:30 PM, just as it began to snow. Each coach got off the bus and waited for their host family to arrive. A little after 15 minutes, after seeing 2 teams getting off, our coach got on and called us off to load our stuff into the host family’s car. It was an older retired couple. They lived about 5 minutes from the school. Their house looked small on the outside, but bigger on the inside. The house was very nice. It had 3 spare bedrooms, meant for when the couple’s children and grandchildren visit. The boys slept in one room, the girls in another, the coaches in the third. Bekah slept in the walk-in closet in the girls room. We had some practice rounds of questions, then we went to start another game of Risk.

Ever since we were on the second half of the bus ride, Christine started to get a little itchy. It got worse and worse. By the middle of the night, she was very pink, rashes and hives everywhere. The coaches and host family believe she should be taken to a doctor. So she went to the hospital. She was given two different pills (one a antihistamine, the other a steroid) and an anti-itch cream. It provided temporarily relief.

Saturday morning came, with little sleep for the Deitricks and Christine. The host family made us a breakfast casserole. I’m not one for eating breakfast, but since they went through the trouble, I took a little. Then they drove us off to the quizzing at Central School. After a quick explanation of the rules and directions, the quizzing began. During this time, I popped out my brown bag puppet – SKINNY BONE JONES!!!

I’ts a long story, but I’ll try to make it short. Last invitational, when Josh was still quizzing, he drew a figure of a skeleton on a brown bag. He named it Skinny Bone Jones. He also gave a theme song, which the lyrics could go with any type of music. He sung it over and over and over and over. Everyone was getting sick of it. Christine’s rage grew so much, that she ripped him up and threw it away. Mike wanted to show he also disapproved, so he ate some of it! A brown bag in the trash went into his stomach! The next day he got stomach sick (we said it was the revenge of Skinny Bone Jones) and was in the bathroom for 20 minutes. So with that memory in my mind for the year, I decided that Skinny Bone Jones would “come back alive” for his revenge. The coaches got a laugh, but Mike and Bruce looked disgusted.

The first match I went to see was Oak Grove 2 (West Liberty, OH) vs. St. John’s (Northwest OH). The loser would play us. It was an exciting match. At the last question, St. John’s went into extra questions. After 3 extra questions, still a tie. That led up to a sudden death question. A kid on St. John’s buzzed in and got it right. It seems like they won, but then they realized he had already quizzed out. He was fouled 5 points and a bonus went to the other team. They got it right. It didn’t matter though, even with it wrong they would have won because of the foul. So we were going to face St. John’s in our next match.

When the time came to play St.John’s, we were ready. For my quizzing buddy, I had Skinny Bone Jones and the Furby I got from my Kids Meal. That match was a blow away. We got team bonus. Mike, Jai, and I quizzed out, totalling 3 quizouts. Christine was one away from being the fourth quiz out. The final score was 115-0.

Then I went to go watch other matches. I saw my friends at Reading 2 lose their second placement match. Then I saw Reading 1 win their second placement match against Maple Grove 1, the once threat. Still a while until our next match, I went back to copy the present brackets. Then I saw Reading 2’s third placement match. The match began as normal, and Reading 2 took a good lead. Then both coaches realized that these were the last set’s questions! They had to start the match all over again. Reading 2 couldn’t handle these questions, and lost. They were going to be in the single-elimation bracket instead of the double elimation brakcet.

Finally our second match came. It was against Akron 3. The team once again got team bonus. I took an early lead for our team and quizzed out. We won. Our next match was the set directly after the last one. So we had to hurry off to the next room. The next match was against Petra 2. Once again, they use to be a threat, but were no longer any more. Our coaches were familiar to some of the quizzers. I sat across from their best quizzer. Between him and me, it was a fast start to the match. By question 6, both of us had quizzed out, tying the score at 35 each. After that the match slowed down. Even so, Petra 2 continued to error. They errored so much they lost points. We ended up winning again.

With a few sets before our next match, we went to watch our friends in Reading 1 quiz against Slate Hill 1. The score was ridiculous. Reading lost points because of errors. Slate Hill was winning by just picking up bonuses. Slate Hill 1 was victorius, and Reading 1 lost with only 15 points. If I remember correctly, Reading 1 collected 8 errors. Then we had lunch consisting of BBQ chicken and sides. I only had applesauce. Their lemonade looked dull and weak, so I decided to drink a Mountain Dew Code Red instead.

Now our match was ready. It was against a team we knew from the ACC – Neffsville 2. They finished 23rd in their league, and never were known much as a threat. It should have been an easy win. We were leading at the end of question 14. At question 15, one of their quizzers quizzed out on the last question. We lost by 5. It was a tough loss to face up to, but we had to throw it off our shoulders and move on. Sadly, we couldn’t. It still loomed over us in our next match. Our oppenents were New Hope, the first place team in Northwest OH. They were a strong oppenent. They got team bonus on question 6. By the end of question 13, we were losing badly. We needed a quiz and a team bonus to tie it up. I got us the quiz out, but we couldn’t get the team bonus. We lost our second match, knocking us out of the double elimination tournament.

When our host family came around to drop off Christine’s medications, they wanted to watch a few of our matches. Sadly, we told them we were out. They were sorry and offered to drive us around town if we wanted to sight see. We were grateful for the offer, but declined, wanting to see how the matches turned out. We found out that there were 3 inner-church showdowns at the same time. Goods 1 vs. Goods 2; Petra 5 vs. Petra 6; Reading 1 vs. Reading 2. Since I had friends on both Reading teams, I went to go and watch them battle it out. I predicted a few contests and a close battle to the finish. always wanted to know what it feels like to be against someone from your own church. I have a hard time thinking about it. How many times must they have done it in practice, just for practice and fun, goofing around, laughing, and having a good time. Then in comes to a real match, where you have to be dead serious, and everything is on the line. Talk about a tight situation.I found it funny that the contest and rebuddal on question 14 was coming from the 2 biggest contesters from Reading, who were originally from the same team! (And if the staff allowed more conversation on it, the 3rd biggest Morgen probably would have thrown something in.)But I had fun that match. Both sides wanted me to cheer for them, and I didn’t want to take sides, so I made numbers up. One time I cheered for Reading 9 (1+2 squared), then I cheered for Reading 3 (each team had members previously on Reading 3), followed by cheering for Reading 8 1/2, then Reading pi (3.1415…), Reading -27 (-3 cubed), and last Reading infinity. Jai thought I sounded stupid, but I had fun. In the end, Reading 1 was victorius.

Zion had previously fallen out, so I decided to watch and see if Reading 1 would make it all the way. They continued to make it past Petra 1, but then they struggled against another Petra. It was Petra 2, the team we beat before. It was a close match, but Reading 1 lost by 5 points in the last two questions. It was tough for them to deal with not going on to the final match of the single-elimination tournament, but they eventually got over it. I went to see the final match of the single-elimination bracket. Petra 2 won against Byerland 115 to 45. Petra 2 got a plaque recognizing their accomplishment.

There were a few more matches after that. My new friends from Slate Hill also fell out, too. But the end of the night, three teams remained: E-Town 3 (ACC), Sand Ridge (NW Ohio), and Hope Community (Wayne County). We had some pictures taken and then went back to our guest home. Mike and I finished our game of risk, I changed my mp3 player from the text to music, and went to sleep.

We got up to another pleasant breakfast again. Christine was getting up a little better. The host family made us another nice breakfast. At the end of breakfast, we gave them a gift for thanks. To our suprise, they gave us a gift back! His retirement job was in wood carvings and personalizing engravings in wood. So we got a lot of wood crafts. The best one was a pen with our names engraved in it! I loved that pen. After a few pictures of us, they drove us back to Central Christian with our luggage.

At Central Christian we saw the last quiz matches. First Sand Ridge beat E-Town 3, knocking them out. The last two teams standing were Sand Ridge (NW Ohio) and Hope Community (Wayne County). Hope Community had not lost a match, and Sand Ridge had only lost 1. Hope Community had beat Sand Ridge before, so it was expected for them to win. But things happened differently than expected. Hope Community took an early lead, but near the end, Sand Ridge starting catching up, despite having four errors. They were still in the lead after question 14, but on question 15 Sand Ridge got the question “What are few?” correct (the answer is “The Workers”) and won the match. Each team now had one loss. So they had to face each other again. After that loss, Hope Community couldn’t get it back together. They got four errors the next match. The final score was Sand Ridge – 90, Hope Community – 55. Sand Ridge was victorius in the match, and was victorious in winning the Invitational Double Elimination tournament. This is how the double elimination finished:

1st place: Sand Ridge (Northwest Ohio)
2nd place: Hope Community (Wayne County)
3rd place: E-Town 3 (ACC)
4th place: Bethel 1 (West Liberty) (Not Awarded)

The matches followed by a praise and worship, led by a new youth praise band. They were good for being new. Then we got a short sermon from the local youth pastor. He was funny and good. He brought truth back to quizzing. It ended with the beginning of the next quizzing year. Quizzing 2007 was to be on Luke 16-24 and Acts 1-8. The Invitational would be held in West Liberty, Ohio. Then we used the bathrooms and mass herded back on the busses.

The trip was almost the same as the way up. This time we were with Akron, Blainsport and Hinkletown. They didn’t like us, so the team mostly played and socialized with others on the team. We found it quite boring (and our coaches later apologized for that). But the rest stops were fun because we all were there. I did my usual restaurant pain in the neck stuff. The first stop home, I once again went to Burger King. It was a new person, but I wanted to keeep changing up the order, so I asked for an eight piece chicken fries and mozzerella sticks, extra crispy. She said, “Chicken fries only are in 6 and 9.” So hearing the old story on a forward email that said a fast food resturant once wouldn’t give him half dozen chicken nuggets because they only offered them in 6, 9, and 20 pieces. So I tried that, but she comprehended tha half dozen = 6, so I got the 6 chicken strips, along with the not-extra-crispy mozzerella sticks. Later, Morgen ordered me to go back and get her a second hat (which she didn’t wear). So reluctantly, I went back. When I did, there was someone different. It was the same kid from the first BK visit! I said, “Don’t worry, I just want a 99 cent drink and a hat.” He still had the ticked look, but did it. Also at that same stop, I went to flea market open on weekends, and did a little shopping. I got fuzy dice from my car. At the flea market, I saw someone selling a giant bottle of Tabasco sauce. Next to him was a guy selling shot glasses. Put the two together. I got on the bus and said, “Mike! We’re having a Tabasco shots competiton! The second Mrs. Deitrick heard, she was like “NO! I FORBID YOU! AT NO TIME WHATSOEVER!” That killed our fun. When Mike did go back into the bathroom, she said, “You didn’t give him any Tabasco sauce, did you?!” I said, “No! I swear!” Despite no Tabasco sauce, he was in the bathroom for a good 10 minutes. The second stop was at Somerset once again. Still dead on ideas, so I decided once again to order 8 chicken nuggets. She said, “You mean 6 or 10?” I gave her a blank stare, like I was seriously thinking, “No, 8 chicken nuggets.” So she said, “There are no 8 piece, only 6 or 10.” Once again, tried the half dozen trick. She wasn’t stupid and knew that meant six pieces. Then I tried the last trick up my sleeve. I ordered a “quadruple-thick milkshake” (instead of the advertized triple-thick). She just ignored that, and checked off milkshake. After the rest stop, we began our last stretch towards Lancaster, PA.

We arrived in Lancaster at 8:45 PM. Early for the team nearby, but much later for us, who still had to drive another 90 minutes. We were all tired and pooped. We got back to the Deitricks at 10:15 and my parents picked me aroun 10:35, and I got home at 11 PM. Exhausted, I didn’t go to school the next day. Despite not getting far, I enjoyed myself and had a good time. I was sad to see most of my friends go because I knew I may not seem them again until next year. I thank all of you who were able to come to matches. Even if you couldn’t I thank you for your prayers and support for afar. It was a great season.

Who took pitty…?

Q: What religious group would make good quizmasters?
A: Pharisees and teachers of law, because they beseiged Jesus with questions

One last time for the year

Sadly enough, the quizzing season is coming to an end. But there is still one more tournamnet to go. Every team is guanteed 4 last matches. So what will happen? Will the team fall out or end up finishing on the top? Only the tournaments will tell. But for now we got this:

Countdown to Ohio Tournament:
1 day, 13 hours, 25 minutes

New ISP acting brokeback…screwey….bad

Okay, I’m no longer able to be on Xanga. DE Jazzd, my new ISP, blocks it with their filter. This is why I was told they did so:

“Some Xanga websites have nudity and porn, some have hate propaganda, some have racism. Hackers and stalkers have also used Xanga to steal personal and security information. Therefore, DE Jazzd has block Xanga.”

In short, Xanga has been blocked due to the rights the First Amendment in our Constitution gives us. So from now on, all posts are on Blogger. I have the comments set up so that you don’t need to be a member to post comments. Just leave a name and comment.

So come to this blog and leave comments!!

“Clean Slate” Tournament preview

After completing an 8 week quizzing season it time to begin tournaments. Our first tournament is this Sunday. It’s official name is the ACC Tournament. But I hear some people call it; Pennsylvania/PA tournament; others call it the local tournament. Back in the day (lol, “old-school quizzing”), when it was held at Pequea High School, it was known as the “Pequea tournament”. But since it has gone to Lancaster Bible College, I never heard it call the “LBC Tournament.” The name I perfer to call it is the Clean Slate Tournament (not to be confused with Slate Hill) because that is what it is. The tournament lets every team start over from the beginning. Although they can be helpful for prediction, the previous records really don’t count. The material is all review, and there are some quizzers and teams that are better at review all  at once than week-by-week. Therefore you may have some flips. Teams high in the standings may fall and the lower teams succeed. The best example was last year, when the consecutive season winners Maple Grove 1 finished 1-4, not making into the playoffs. Yet some Spring City team  (), who were a sixth place nobody in the regular season (a spoofed allusion from the book title Tales of a Sixth Grade Nobody) wins the whole tournament. Yes, the clean slate tournament allows chances for many cinderella stories, and should be expected.

On Friday at 11 AM, after holding quizzers and quiz coaches a long wait in great anticipation, the website was updated and the information for the tournament was here as well. First, I want to start by noticinig that the final team standings were updated. Spring City finished  8th place in League A, 16th place all teams combined. Now, with that out of the way, here’s how the tournament works (for those who already know, it’s the same every team). There are 8 groups, labeled A to H. Each group has 7 teams, except Group A that only has 6 teams. The groups will have a round robin, playing each team in their group once (a total of 6 matches). The standings will NOT be by points like the season, but in win-loss format. The top two teams from every group will go on to the playoffs. They playoffs is a 16 team (2 teams from each group) single-elimination bracket. The team that survives 4 matches is crowned (not literally ) the title of ACC Tournament Champions, and will receive a very big trophy . The 2nd place team and semi-finalist receive smaller trophies.

We have been placed in Group H with 6 other teams. These teams are equally between League A & B, but all range in the middle area of the standings, with the exception of two others, who I consider above average. This is our group, in order what I believe is strongest to weakest, and what I think the final standing and placing will be =>

Spring City
Hope Community 1
Petra 5
Akron 2
Goods 2
Slate Hill 3

While Slate Hill finished in 20th in their League, I really don’t see them as under average. I see none of our teams as under average. 2 teams (plus ourselves, Spring City) I consider above average, while the other 4 teams I consider average. I do not take them lightly, and I am just as competitive towards them as anyone else. Fans of Spring City, the team could really use you. I call all Spring City fans to unite as one to give the team confidence, prayers and power! Please come if you can!! This is an all day affair. I know some of you can’t be there all day. Well, come when you can, leave when you have to. It doesn’t matter how long you stay. What is important is you were there. But if you can stay long, please do! I suggest doing what my parents are going to do: watch all round robin matches, have dinner nearby, and come back for the quizzing video and Top 50 Quizzer list announcement and award hand-out (I’m in it! ). If the team doesn’t get to the playoffs, then you can leave. If the team is in, then stay until we lose and fall out. We need your support every minute, but there is really no sense in staying to see what we aren’t doing. If you decide to come, it is held at Lancaster Bible College (click on name to get directions). Here is our schedule =>

Set No.    Time              Room                       Matchup
Set 1       1:00 PM       GSC-203     Spring City vs. Goods 2
Set 2       1:25 PM            S-107      Spring City vs. Slate Hill 3
Set 4       2:15 PM       GSC-205     Spring City vs. Petra 5
Set 5       2:35 PM            S-109      Spring City vs. Hope Com. 1
Set 7       3:15 PM       GSC-205     Spring City vs. Byerland
Set 8       3:35 PM          PDR-O     Spring City vs. Akron 2

This is the condensed version of the full schedule, showing only our team matches. I have the full schedule of the teams quizzing, and it is confusing. As you can see, there is some in between sets for us to rest (even though most of our matches are back to back). I will be studying…other teams quiz. It helps me with learning questions and scouting out what they are doing. Sometimes I will watch the teams we are quizzing against, but mostly it is the matches with my friends.

With NCAA college basketball, March Madness has begun. I’ve seen my classmates undergo in seeing who can predict the most correct game results and the winner of the brackets. Well, in a way, the ACC tournament is the same thing as college basketball playoffs. So, just like my classmastes, I will make predictions on who I think will get how far. I’m going to show every group’s first and second place (in order), then a playoff tree prediction


Group A       Group B       Group C       Group D
Slate Hill 1           Good Shep 1       Petra 3                Reading 2
Rockville 1           Reading 1           Strasburg             Zion

Group E       Group F       Group G       Group H
E-Town 3           Weaverland 2     Rockville 2           Spring City
Maple Grove 1   Conestoga 1       Weaverland 1       Byerland

If this were true, the first round of the playoff tree would start off, and I think it would end up looking something like this:


As for me, the team is having extra practice. We are having dinner at the Deitricks, practicing that evening, sleeping overnight, having more practice at Sunday school, sing praise and worship part of service, and after the singing we leave for LBC. I’ll be study up and ready for the tournament. I hope everyone else on the team is, especially after Mike is gonna get 2 hours of sleep. Let’s just wait and see, and I hope that Spring City can win consecutive ACC Tournament Championship! (Would that be a first?)

Quizzing Question of the Post:
What priestly division…?
(You don’t get the whole question!)

Quizzing Joke:
Q: Who is Luke  12:7 the easiest applied to?
A: Fred (Luke 12:7- “Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”)

A long end to the season

Sunday was the eighth week of quizzing. This is the last week of the regular season. I wanted to close it with a bang. While unable to be perfect or in the Top 5, I wanted to do my best. So I aimed to quiz out. Not only to quiz out, but to quiz out before Jake Moss (cuz it may be my last time to do it). I also dressed to go out with a bang. I opened the regular season wearing a suit, so I decided to close the season the same way. But instead of the orange suit, this time I had a black suit. Coach Vicki said I locked nice, but Bekah complained I looked like a dressed-up goth.

If you hadn’t heard, we were down from 5 quizzers to 3 quizzers. Mike was at baseball training camp in Florida, and Jai was on vacation watching rodeos. Even our fans were missing. Bruce had to get his transmission fixed and Bethany was gonna come, but bailed out on us. So it was just Christine, Bekah, and me. We started out having lunch. I got my secret sponser gift, which was double the usual because I didn’t have one last week. The big thing my secret sponser gave me was a 4-pack of Red Bull! I was determined to chug all 4 by the match, but was only able to get down two.

Practice went well. Bekah quizzed out on 5 questions! Looks like Mike owes her another jar of jam . She wasn’t able to pull the feat off again, but came awlful close. Christine did well, too. She gave quizouts during practice. I, of course, did to. The match was looking promising. We took a break. We thought it wouldn’t be fun without Bruce or Mike to play with, but it was. We played keep-away…of course, I got stuck in the middle. I was so desperate to get the ball, I started tackling! I eventually gave up. We had one more practice round. then we packed up to head off to dinner. We had dinner at the Cobbs, a family of the church. Dinner was a mexican lasagna and a pudding bake desert. I ate so much that I had no room for desert. After turning around to go back and get questions, we headed off to LMH to end the season.

We arrived at 5:45 PM so our coaches could attend the coaches meeting about the invitational. So with nothing to do…of course I trash talked with Reading. I found Tim, Jake, Tyler, Morgen and the others. Tim mentioned something about Reading re-stacking the teams. I got to find out more about that. To our suprise, we saw Kairsie, Gloria, Josh Moss, and Deanna Morgan. Faces I hadn’t seen for a long time. Didn’t have too much time to get reacquainted yet. We had to get to worship. When they displayed the announcements, Fred had some interesting graphs to show us. They showed the number of quiz teams in each conference, the no. of  Penn teams vs. Ohio teams, the no. of  Wayne County teams vs. all other teams, and the number of quizzers and busses throughout the years. Gee, and some people think I’m obsessed…. They went over some rules for the Ohio trip. My coaches told me we are on Bus 8 with Zion and Slate Hill (and possibly another small team). I’m sad we didn’t get Reading, but I’m so happy we are with Zion! For the bus ride home, I will vote for Zion and Reading again.

We had two matches before our match. The first match I watched was our opponent, Reading 1. Reading 1 vs. Akron 1. My whole team (all 5 of us) watched, with everyone from Reading. Tim was trying the whole match to psych (did I spell it right Angela?) me out about the team. I didn’t care, I just watched carefully. Next match I was going to watch either Reading 3 or Reading 1. I was leaning towards Reading 3, but then Morgen grabbed me by the tie and dragged me off to the Reading 2 match. Now, I’m not sure I want to wear a tie to a quizmatch anymore, thanx to Morgen. I’m glad I did go, because it was a good match. When I first sat down, someone next to me said, “Are you Graham?” The first thing I wanted to say was “I didn’t do it” or “I didn’t mean to say it, it came out wrong.” I said, “Yes, that would be me.” (and restrained from saying “quizzer extrodinaire)”. Apparently it was Rachel’s mom. We talked for a small while before the match began. She said, “I’ve heard a lot about you.” I looked in Rachel’s general direction and “Oh really?” I’m not sure she heard me, but that’s a dangerous statement coming from second hand information. Anywayz, it was a good match. I saw Lisa Weaver quiz out, completing a second consecutive perfect season. Reading came close so many times. They were one away from team bonus and Morgen was one away from a quiz out. So close! I then hurried off to my match.

It was the last match for Spring City’s regular season. Spring City vs. Reading 1. Reading 1 had a quizzer quiz out, so Jake Moss got to take his seat. I followed and quizzed out. I quizzed out all on bonuses with one error. Because of that, Kairsie gave me candy! Yum, chocolate. Christine got 2 bonuses and missed 1. Bekah got two bonuses. One was right and one wrong. We scored a total of 65 points. Jake only got 10.  Reading 1 was victorious with a score of 80-65, but I quizzed out before Jake. It was awesome. We tried our best, and that’s what it gave us.

Then I went to see Zion 1 vs. Hinkletown. I sat behind Josh and we did our old school cheers. It was great. Then we headed off to the Fine Arts Center to begin the championship playoffs. Apparently Weaverland 1 and Media were in a tie for League B’s 2nd place. So they had to figure out a way to solve that. Well, 5 praise songs later, and after Fred finished talking with quizmasters, coaches, and the tied teams, the decided a method. There would be a tie-breaker match. It would consist of 9 questions. No timeouts. The winner would go on to be the 2nd place team. If a tie at the end of question 9, a question 10. So that match began. It was close in the beginning, but then Media took the lead. They won 60 – 30.

So now the playoffs could begin officially. In League A, 1st place: Petra 3, 2nd place: Conestoga 1. For League B, 1st place: Slate Hill 1, 2nd place: Media. I went to go watch Slate Hill 1 vs Conestoga. From the start Slate Hill 1 had control of the match. There was 2 quizouts and team bonus for Slate Hill 1. They were the winners, with the score 140 to 20. I quickly headed back to the Fine Arts Center to see if I could get back in for the other semifinal match. At question 14, the two teams were tied at 65. On question 15, a Media quizzer quizzed out, giving them the win 80 – 65. With the two winners known, it led up to the final match to decide the Champion. It was Media vs. Slate Hill 1. Another close match. By the end of question 14, Media was only winning by 5. Slate Hill 1 was one away from team bonus. She tried to get team bonus on question 15, but didn’t get it. Media picked up the bonus and won 90 to 75. CONGRATULATIONS TO MEDIA FOR BEING THE 2006 ACC BIBLE QUIZZING SEASON!!!

Now with the season behind us, it is time to look forward to the tournaments. It’s anyone’s game!

Quizzing Question of the Post:
What are you to shake off your feet if a town does not welcome you?

Sorry about no new post for the longest. I got a lot of homework, papers and projects I had to do the first half of the week. Then, when it finally cleared up, my dad got the time to install DSL into my computer. Great, right? Wrong! First the DSL card wouldn’t work, so that had to be fixed. Then my email wouldn’t send, so some settings had to be changed around, then when I tried to get on my Xanga the nex ISP blocked my Xanga because it had “adult content” (has anyone ever seen adult content on this site??!!). So to sum it all up: my computer’s actin’ really brokeback on me. So right now, I’m on my sister’s computer (which is still on dial-up with the old ISP). I really don’t want to spend the whole night in her room, so I’ll abbrieviate what’s up in quizzing as best I can.

Last Sunday I had two matches. Those two matches were the second to worse match I had all year. In each match I scored only 20 points with 2 errors. And later on, my coaches told me that the quizmasters and judges were being very generous with their rulings on my answers because my answers were “dancing around” what they were looking for and nowhere near direct text. Team didn’t do much better. We lost both matches, to Hope Community 3 90-65, and to Rockville 1 70-65. Our average dropped to 86, but we miraculously stayed in 7th place. The individual standings were not the best, either. The only one who really did well was Michael. Mike quizzed out both matches. This week they didn’t post the individual standings (not exactly sure why, but I believe it has something to do with keeping the final list a suprise) but I have a feeling that I dropped a bit. Mike most likely stayed the same, but there’s a small chance they he might have gone up since some Top 50 Quizzers were absent last Sunday.

There’s only one thing I can conclude to: Hopewell Elverson is cursed for Ark quizzers of past or future. That’s on a semi-serious note. Even though of the advantage of the close location, every time Ark quizzed at Hopewell Elverson, we could never get our act together. We lost most of our matches there. I heard that Tim Moss errored out in one of his matches, keeping up with tradition that a Moss has errored out there every time (It’s gonna be Becky next year!). On a more serious note, I like to say I really don’t believe in quizzing superstition. It’s funny, of course, but I take it to heart. Therefore, I conclude that my bad performance had nothing to do with Penelope the Duct Tape Trojan Elephant, it had nothing to do with staring at the picture that Jai gave me of the cowboy (who Jai assured me was hot) or the picture Morgen gave me of those 2 adorable children (and they were really adorable), it had nothing to do Brandon watching me (as well as the other fans we had there), none of that had a role. Then what did cause my downfall? I personally like two believe two things lead to my success: practing well and studying hard and constantly or the blessing, generousity and favor of our Lord. Most of the time I like to believe both of them at the same time. So we can conclude that why I did the way I did was either the Lord did not see it fit for his plan to have me quiz out twice, or I did not take enough time to get to know the material. Whatever the reason, I have learned to be content with what I got.

Tomorrow is the last match of the regular season . Spring City has one last match. It is against Reading 1, which consists of 4 rookies + 1 legend. They are in 16th with 1200 points. While I have never seen one of their matches, I have heard they have scored triple digits against below average teams. This a team not to be taken lightly. We must perform to our fullest against them. To make things interesting, we will not have Mike or Jai this week. So it’s clear what we have to do: have 3 quizouts. Easy, right? Wrong again! It’s a little more complicated because one of those quizouts is from a rookiewho has a total of 10 points from today. She’s gonna need A LOT of motivation, so please come and cheer for her! This last season match is against Reading 1, who Christine knows better as “Jake’s team.” Every year Jake tries to retire, but he always is dragged back in. I want to sit across from him this next match. This may be the last time I can. I aim to quiz out before he does. If not, I’ll settle for Tyler Willman. This is also the day we will see what team is the 2006 ACC Quizzing Season Champion.

Quizzing Question of the Post:
Why did the Father and the older son have to be glad and celebrate?

Quizzing Joke:
Q: Who is the hottest person in the book of Luke?
A: Herod, because Jesus calls him a “fox” (Luke 13:32)

From one quizmeet to the next

Sorry about no new post for the longest. I got a lot of homework, papers and projects I had to do the first half of the week. Then, when it finally cleared up, my dad got the time to install DSL into my computer. Great, right? Wrong! First the DSL card wouldn’t work, so that had to be fixed. Then my email wouldn’t send, so some settings had to be changed around, then when I tried to get on my Xanga the nex ISP blocked my Xanga because it had “adult content” (has anyone ever seen adult content on this site??!!). So to sum it all up: my computer’s actin’ really brokeback on me. So right now, I’m on my sister’s computer (which is still on dial-up with the old ISP). I really don’t want to spend the whole night in her room, so I’ll abbrieviate what’s up in quizzing as best I can.

Last Sunday I had two matches. Those two matches were the second to worse match I had all year. In each match I scored only 20 points with 2 errors. And later on, my coaches told me that the quizmasters and judges were being very generous with their rulings on my answers because my answers were “dancing around” what they were looking for and nowhere near direct text. Team didn’t do much better. We lost both matches, to Hope Community 3 90-65, and to Rockville 1 70-65. Our average dropped to 86, but we miraculously stayed in 7th place. The individual standings were not the best, either. The only one who really did well was Michael. Mike quizzed out both matches. This week they didn’t post the individual standings (not exactly sure why, but I believe it has something to do with keeping the final list a suprise) but I have a feeling that I dropped a bit. Mike most likely stayed the same, but there’s a small chance they he might have gone up since some Top 50 Quizzers were absent last Sunday.

There’s only one thing I can conclude to: Hopewell Elverson is cursed for Ark quizzers of past or future.  That’s on a semi-serious note. Even though of the advantage of the close location, every time Ark quizzed at Hopewell Elverson, we could never get our act together. We lost most of our matches there. I heard that Tim Moss errored out in one of his matches, keeping up with tradition that a Moss has errored out there every time (It’s gonna be Becky next year!). On a more serious note, I like to say I really don’t believe in quizzing superstition. It’s funny, of course, but I take it to heart. Therefore, I conclude that my bad performance had nothing to do with Penelope the Duct Tape Trojan Elephant, it had nothing to do with staring at the picture that Jai gave me of the cowboy (who Jai assured me was hot) or the picture Morgen gave me of those 2 adorable children (and they were really adorable), it had nothing to do Brandon watching me (as well as the other fans we had there), none of that had a role. Then what did cause my downfall? I personally like two believe two things lead to my success: practing well and studying hard and constantly or the blessing, generousity and favor of our Lord. Most of the time I  like to believe both of them at the same time. So we can conclude that why I did the way I did was either the Lord did not see it fit for his plan to have me quiz out twice, or I did  not take enough time to get to know the material. Whatever the reason, I have learned to be content with what I got.

Tomorrow is the last match of the regular season  . Spring City has one last match. It is against Reading 1, which consists of 4 rookies + 1 legend. They are in 16th with 1200 points. While I have never seen one of their matches, I have heard they have scored triple digits against below average teams. This a team not to be taken lightly. We must perform to our fullest against them. To make things interesting, we will not have Mike or Jai this week. So it’s clear what we have to do: have 3 quizouts. Easy, right? Wrong again! It’s a little more complicated because one of those quizouts is from a rookie
who has a total of 10 points from today. She’s gonna need A LOT of motivation, so please come and cheer for her! This last season match is against Reading 1, who Christine knows better as “Jake’s team.” Every year Jake tries to retire, but he always is dragged back in. I want to sit across from him this next match. This may be the last time I can. I aim to quiz out before he does. If not, I’ll settle for Tyler Willman. This is also the day we will see what team is the 2006 ACC Quizzing Season Champion.

Quizzing Question of the Post:

Why did the Father and the older son have to be glad and celebrate?


Quizzing Joke:

Q: Who is the hottest person in the book of Luke?

A: Herod, because Jesus calls him a “fox” (Luke 13:32)

The Situation (not be confused with Situation questions)

The regular quizzing season is almost over.  Spring City quiz team has gone through 15 quiz matches in an 18 match season. We now have 11 wins, and 4 losses. Unfortuneatly, win-loss has nothing to do with the standings (although it’s hopeful of the ACC Tournament). Our team has an average of 89 points, putting us in 7th place. This is where Spring City quizzers place:

Placing First name Last Name Total Points Average

5 Graham Holcomb 510 34.0

56 Michael Schwager 380 25.3

150 Jai Bodor 170 11.3

158 Christine Dragan 155 10.3

262 Bekah Gibson 10 0.67

 We still have 3 matches left, 2 on this Sunday at Hopewell Elverson, and our last at LMH. At Hopewell, we quiz against Hope Community 3 (17th) and Rockville 1 (Tied for 8th). At LMH we go against Reading 1 (14th). Two average teams, one above average team. I would like our team to get back up to our previous 4th place. Right now, for that to happen, we would need to score 370 points in those 3 matches, about 125 points per match. Especially with the team’s placing, I would highly doubt that. To finish in the same place as last year (6th place), we need average of 91 points by the end of the year, and we are 315 points short of that. To get it, every match must finish with at least 105 points. More likely to happen, but it’ll still be a hard struggle. But I think we’re out of the playoffs for the regular season.

Now on to individual. Let’s start of with yours truly, me! Like I said before, by getting my 3 quizouts last week, I have broken my personal quiz out record, have tied my personal high score record, and clinched a place on the Top 50 Quizzers List. No matter what happens next two weeks, even if I score nothing my last 3 matches, I am guarenteed on the Top 50 Quizzers List. But if that was to happen, it would drop me to 34th place (again), with a 28.3 average. I plan not to do that. I found it amazing that I completed my goal within the sixth week. My goal was to (1) be a perfect quizzer the first three weeks, (2) Be a Top 50 Quizzer every week, (3) Set a record 13+ quiz outs. I was unable to be a perfect quizzer due to my “incident” week 1. But on week 6, I got quizout 12, 13 & 14, accomplishing part 3. I remained on the Top 50 Quizzers List for all 5 weeks before, stayed on it after week 6, and clinched it for week 7 & 8. Second part accomplished. So according to quizzing’s “two/thirds rule” I completed 2 of the 3 parts of my goal, therefore accomplishing my goal. With that I could just sit back and do nothing. And in a way, I am. I’m letting other quizzers on my team get a chance to try at the Situation questions. But I could take several quotes that pretty much say this: “Life without an aim, or a goal is meaningless and pointless.” So I need to set a goal for the last two weeks. I have 3 aims I want to get to. The first one is to get at least ten points. If I do that, I break my personal high score and have scored enough that Tim Moss cannot catch up to me or beat me.  I beat him. If I get these ten points in my first match, I aim to quiz out my last 3 matches. With that, I would finish in the Top 5 and be on the All-Star Quizzers quiz team for the fun match . The one match I really want to quiz out is our last match against Reading 1. Jake will be another Moss I can quiz out before.

Enough about me, let’s go on to Michael. Mike was on the Top 50 Quizzers List for the first six weeks of quizzing. This was his first week off, finishing 56th with an average of 25.3. Can he get back on? I figured that the least average you can get and be on the Top 50 Quizzers List is an average of 26 points. At the end of the year, you would have 470 total points. Can Mike get to 470 points? Well, Mike isn’t gonna be here the last week, so he only has two matches left. Mike already has 380 points 470-380=90 points. It is impossible to get 90 points in two matches. Even two quiz outs would only get you 70 points. The only way for Mike to get in is for peeps on the lower end of the Top 50 Quizzers List to fail miserably. Sorry, Mike, this isn’t looking too hopeful. But you should be proud with how high you got this year.

Jai is doing outstanding for her first year. No wonder she’s hooked to quizzing! She quizzed out twice this year, and in the same day! With scoring 170 points,  her point average is at 11.3, and she’s at 150th place. While being the top 100 is out of question, I believe strongly that she can get to 200 points. Just like Mike (lol), she will be absent for the closing week of the regular season at LMH. But she only needs 30 points to get there. She can defintely do that this Sunday in two matches.

Christine is just a bit below Jai in both points, point average, and placing. Christine is in 158th, totalling to this date 155 points, a 10.3 average. Like Jai, I believe Christine can get to 200 points as well, she just needs to score 45 points in 3 matches. With no Mike or Jai the last week, I think she can get another quizout, which will help towards that cause.

Bekah….you just keep doing your thing: being “cute”. But Bekah has really got to step up her game, especially for week 8. We need her to quiz out then. Bekah, if you quiz out that match, and at least two of those are buzzing in, I will buy you a costco size Jar of Jam. I know you can do it Bekah!

Quizzing Question of the Post:
What is the Greek “last penny”?

Quizzing Jokes:

Q: What did those who build the Leaning Tower of Pisa also build?
A: The tower in Siloam

Q: What cereal can you do more with than just eat it?
A: Life, because Jesus said in Luke 12:23 “Life is more than food.”

Week 6: Weaverland

Quizzing started as normal. I arrived at 12:15 PM. I got my secret sponser gift, the biggest one yet. I had my usual lunch of Soup-at-Hand and an energy drink. This week’s energy drink was MDX, Mountain Dew Energy Soda. Some of you may know it by its ad slogan which has the song “I Wear My Sungleasses at Night.” Bruce does and was singing it all day and night. Mrs. Deitrick pointed out that it had some vegetable oil in it and I could sometimes swear you could taste it. When I was eating, some kid took my foam finger, ripped off the finger sticking up, and ran off with it. Needless to say, there is no more foam finger. But to some of you, that may be a blessing.

We had 4 practice matches. I was able to quiz out in all of them. Bekah’s column on the score sheet is usually empty, so Mike raised the stakes to encouraged Bekah to try more. Mike told her if she could quiz out by question 10 anytime, he would buy her a jar of jam. (This comes from Bekah’s “Jar of Jam” answer in a practice match). I never seen Bekah try so hard to quiz out. And when she didn’t, she got so down about it. I thought it was a little crazy, but hey, if it works, it works!!

We arrived at Weaverland at 6 PM. I didn’t recognize the place at first, but once we got in the building, I realized that I quizzed there before. Like I said last post, we had the first, middle and last match. So we jumped right into quizzing. Our first match was against Neffsville 1. We performed just I wanted us to. I was first to quiz out. Mike then followed. During review, Christine quizzed out! For the first time in her 7 year quizzing career, Christine finally quizzed out!! The awesomeness. Those 3 quiz outs led us to win against Neffsville 1 with the score 105-45.

We had to wait two matches until our middle match. The next match we went to watch was Petra 3 vs. Conestoga 3 since we had to quiz both teams later that night. It was a close match in the beginning, but then Petra 3 took off and won. We knew it would be a hard match upcoming. Then we went to go support our friends on Zion 2. Mike and I decided that the room was too quiet, so we raised the volume for cheering. They had a hard match, too. Mel didn’t do too pretty.

Our middle match came up. It was our hardest match today, possibly second hardest all season. It was against 3rd place Petra 3. And they showed they deserved 3rd. They were fast at the buzzer. After 11 questions, I had 2 correct and 1 error. Not pretty. Three questions later and still nothing from me. So being the 15th question, and having only one error and really wanting the quiz out, I decided just to go for it (despite hating review). I buzzed in on “How many loaves…?” I figured to go with the obvious and answered “Five.” I was correct. I got my second quiz out. Unfortuneately, my team lost 105 to 55. That 55 would hurt our average.

Between the middle and last match, we watched Good Shepherd 1 vs. Weaverland 2. They were the top two teams in our league. It was a low-scoring match, but a good one. Each team slowed down the other. There was an error out in it. In the end, the number 1 team came out #1. Good Shepherd won over Weaverland 2, 75 to 50. But I think both of them lost in the sense they were much under average score.

We were the last match of the night. It was against Conestoga 3. It was one of the lower teams, but they were a challenge. The first one to quiz out was on Conestoga 3. I quizzed out further into the match. We got team bonus, something our team hadn’t gotten in a long time, and needed. The final score was 95-65, in our favor. While I was hoping to score in the triple digits again, 95 is close.

That night was awesome. I got 3 quiz outs, the best I could do, and it did so much for me. I got a total of 14 quiz outs, breaking my previous personal quiz out record of 12 quiz outs. It gave me a year total of 510 individual points, tying my personal all-time high score. With scoring 510, I have CLINCHED the Top 50 Quizzers List! No matter what I score in the next 3 matches, I end up on the Top 50 Quizzers List. But I plan to do better than that. Once again, so cool to see Christine quiz out for her first time, especially since this may be her last year. Mike wasn’t so lucky. I calculated he needed 4 quiz outs to end up on the Top 50 Quizzers List the end of the season. He only got one. It may be possible to still do it, but a very small probability. People above him would need to do worse than him, plus he would need to quiz out both times next week.

Another awesome thing about this night was I got 4 opportunities to be on the quizzing video this year! The first time is when I, along with the rest of my team, cheered wildly for Zion 2. The second time is when the team did the wave. The third time is when I posed with my quizzing buddy, a lawn gnome. The fourth time I led a bunch of other quizzers across the balcony doing the horse galloping (without coconuts) from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. With all that, I hope that I can get somewhere on the 2006 quizzing movie!

Quizzing Question of the Post:
What perched on the musterd tree’s branches?