Let me take a break from telling you all the great things about the NYLC and let’s about why I have been busy for the past week

My business actually started with preparing for my hectic weekend. From today, have 8 days in a row with less than 5 1/2 hours of sleep. It all thanx to homework and after school activities.

On Friday at 6 PM, I left for a leadership retreat. I went with some other Christopher Dock senators, as well as chapel committee. The theme was “Fanning the Flame.” The whole focus was fueling our spiritual lives through spiritual discipline. There were youth from all different youth groups there. I even saw Merv Stolfuz there (MERV!) It wasn’t too much of a leadership retreat, in both the term leadership and in the term retreat. It wasn’t too much about leadership. While it did help us grow spiritually, it talked more about spiritual growth then  leadership. It wasn’t really a retreat. Our teachers still piled on their normal amount of weeked homework, which is more than normal week homework. So I had to spend a lot of time doing that. The biggest assignment was that I had to finish my independant book, The Color Purple. 3 hours and 83 pages later, the book was finished, and in enough time. Since it usually would only take me 1 1/2 hours to read 83 pages, I think I may have fallen asleep for two hours when reading it. It was goof otherwords. My favorite part was during the praise and worship on Saturday. The guitarrist broke a string in the middle of the song and he yelled at the the top of his lungs, “OH CRAP!!” He apologized for ruining the moment. He had us Kumbaiya (sp?) with one verse being “Strings are braking, Lord…” In the middle of that, another string broke. He said that was the first time that happened. It was funny.

I got home from the leadership retreat at 3 PM, enough time to see the Eagles lose . I began my last homework assignment, writing a six-page report on my NYLC trip. Ugh, only my school would not believe the NYLC isn’t educational enough and I need to make it educational enough by writing a paper. I only got 2 pages through it.

After dinner I went to ApologetiX concert. It was a youth group event, but only Derk and I went, along with the Hendricks and Mrs. Zona. It was rocking!!! There was technical difficulties in the beginning. They whole right side of the stage stopped working. The ApologetiX improvised by putting on a “talent show”. Things got working quicking and the rocking continued on! Of course, I went down and moshed. I sung along with everyone of their songs. They didn’t do my favorite song of Back Intact, but did do my second favorite, Look Yourself. Karl remembered me from 11 months ago (I was the only fan in Boyertown, so they named my area of fans the Graham club), so he had me look at the camera. My picture is all over the website, most important, on the home page. After the concert, I got my program signed my everyone on the concert. This was my fifth ApologetiX and they get better every time.

When I got home, I went to finish my paper. I was up until midnight.

I got up Monday morning at 5:30 in the morning. Why? I had play practice for Thanksgiving Chapel Skit. The Skit was to be performed in 4 hours and hardly anyone had their lines memorized. It was hectic. Nonetheless, 4 hours later, everyone lines were taken care of. Well, everyone except Jimmy. Jim forget his lines, but he was so comical most people overlooked it. My role in the play was a Puritan leader. I went around accusing characters of being witches. In one whole scene, we did the Witch scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It was funny. I loved my part.

In Senate, I made a bill that mix up the lunch tables in the cafeteria. This idea was to break up the horrible cliques so people got to know each other. Since I made the bill, my job was host. I first had to set up extra tables because I kinda miscounted tables .
Then I had to put numbers on the table. My next job was to make sure students entering the cafeteria found their right table and SAT at their right table (and didn’t mix it up on their own, if you know what I mean). Then for the second half of lunch I handed out ice cream to participants. After I finished that, I finally got my chance to eat. But by the time I did, my table was empty! So I went to another table, to mix it up.

Tuesday morning I had to go to senate at 7 AM, so I had to wake up at 5:30 again. At the Senate meeting we talked about Mix It Up Day. All the teachers liked how it worked out and were glad I got it under way. I got mega brownie points. The students said they heard just as much good as bad and said maybe possibly do it again, but this time mix up outside the grades as well. But in the lunch room, the tables were back to normal. When I got on the bus, the kids wouldn’t talk to me. They were upset that I wasn’t on the bus for the past week and that I didn’t give them ice cream (I was only suppose to give ice cream to juniors). Oh well, it’s not that they matter. I never liked talking to them anyway. They were rude, mean, and insulting to my faith.

Today was a half day. Surprisingly enough, I didn’t get any new homework. I finished all my homework, so I am working on quizzing the whole vacation. Peace out until later!

^Me rocking out at the ApologetiX concert!!^

Author: contextualliteralist

I graduated from high school in 2007 with a 3.9 GPA. I graduated from Lancaster Bible College in 2011, as a Bible Education major, with a 3.4 GPA. I graduated Evangelical Seminary in 2017, earning my M.Div with a concentration in teaching, with a 3.67 GPA. I've been involved in Bible Quizzing since 2002, when I was 13. 8 years as a Bible Quizzer- 2002-2004: Ark Bible, 2005-2009: Spring City. 1 year as a Bible Quizzing Coach- 2010: Conestoga. 8 years as Bible Quizzing staff- 2011-2014: Timekeeper, 2015-2018: Judge. During my 8 years as a Bible Quizzer, I finished on Top 50 Quizzers List for 5 consecutive years, from 2005 to 2009, in 34th, 12th, 16th, 8th and 4th place respectively. In 2005, my team, Spring City, won the local tournament, the ACC Tournament. My faith can be best described as "Moderate-Conservative Mennonite Christian." My spiritual gifts are evangelism, knowledge, teaching, prophecy and hospitality. When I'm not studying the Bible, I'm most likely playing video games. I own a DS, 3DS, Wii, Wii U and Xbox 360. My gamertag is ThatFanBoyGuy. Add me!

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