A few days ago Tim Moss talked about remembering past years of quizzing. It is ironic by coincidence that I was doing the same. I am trying to put together a photo album of all the years I quizzed. I went backwards, starting from this year. The next year was 2004 Exodus. I painstakingly did it, not really wanting to. I came across this picture:

This picture was taken with absolutely no seriousness, only as a funny picture. Sadly enough, by the end of the year, this is how we all felt about each other. We wanted to kill one another. Hard feeling arose, and some feeling were hurt. Sides were drawn. People took sides; some of them forced to. Guys chased girls, girls chased guys. People paired up, others were left out. The supposed “rules” were never followed. It seemed like everyone was quizzing just to socialize and the true meaning of quizzing was lost.

As I looked at more pictures of the year, it got me thinking. A lot of memories came flooding back. I laughed at some, at others I wanted to cry. Some things that I would have cried at back then made me laugh, some things I would have laughed at back then made me cried now.

Sometimes I wished the year never happened, other times I’m glad the year happened. I wish the year never happened because it gave me a harden heart towards some people. At the year’s end, I was so mad I didn’t want to come back. To this day, I still do have bad feelings about them. Perhaps someday I can forgive them. On the other hand, I’m glad that year did happen. If I would have never left the team, I would have never met the great guys (and Julie) from Spring City. So ultimately, I woul have never won the ACC Tournament! (gasp!) My team would never have spread to three other teams. Through them, I got to meet great people on other teams (READING ROCKS!!) If it wasn’t for the team falling apart, I don’t think I would have become such good friends with Angela or Caleb. All those bad events put me in a good position.

Moral of the story: Jeremiah 29:11-
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.