On Saturday, I went to Mike’s B-Day party. That was awesome. I was the first to arrive, the first to leave. Brandon and Bruce were there, along with a bunch of Mike’s other friends who I don’t know. Most of the time, Mike was asking, “So, what do you guys wanna do?” LOL. That’s why I don’t host parties; I’d be asking that question more. It was still fun though. We did volleyball for 5 seconds, until the net that Mike and I horribly put up collasped. So we play dodgeball and football. I realized I am a better quaterback than wide receiver. We won the game in sudden death overtime! They went swimming, but I didn’t. We started to play Monopoly, but that failed miserably. Food was great, too. Hardly ate anything, but good food! It was great seeing those guys again.

P.S. Mike, I already lost the phone no.  So, send it back my way (with the name)

(Unofficial) Countdown to quizzing 2006:
5 months, 1 day

Author: contextualliteralist

I graduated from high school in 2007 with a 3.9 GPA. I graduated from Lancaster Bible College in 2011, as a Bible Education major, with a 3.4 GPA. I graduated Evangelical Seminary in 2017, earning my M.Div with a concentration in teaching, with a 3.67 GPA. I've been involved in Bible Quizzing since 2002, when I was 13. 8 years as a Bible Quizzer- 2002-2004: Ark Bible, 2005-2009: Spring City. 1 year as a Bible Quizzing Coach- 2010: Conestoga. 8 years as Bible Quizzing staff- 2011-2014: Timekeeper, 2015-2018: Judge. During my 8 years as a Bible Quizzer, I finished on Top 50 Quizzers List for 5 consecutive years, from 2005 to 2009, in 34th, 12th, 16th, 8th and 4th place respectively. In 2005, my team, Spring City, won the local tournament, the ACC Tournament. My faith can be best described as "Moderate-Conservative Mennonite Christian." My spiritual gifts are evangelism, knowledge, teaching, prophecy and hospitality. When I'm not studying the Bible, I'm most likely playing video games. I own a DS, 3DS, Wii, Wii U and Xbox 360. My gamertag is ThatFanBoyGuy. Add me!

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