Summer good, school bad

Today was my last day of summer vactation. As always I enjoyed my last day to the fullest. This is how I spent the day-

8:45 AM: Woke up
8:45 AM – 9:00 AM: Eat breakfast of a third a box of sugar-loaded cerea
l9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Shower/Get changed
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Play GameCube (Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004)
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Watch “The Price Is Right”12:00 PM – 12:30 PM: Walk dog/Eat lunch of a box of Mac N Cheese.
12:30 PM – 1:00 PM: Watch “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?!”
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Play GameCube (NBA Street 2)
2:00 PM – 3:15 PM: Sit in hammock swing, reflect on how great summer was and how much I hate returning to school.
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM: Write bible quizzing questions.
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Play GameCube (Mario Party 5/Donkey Konga 1)
5:30 PM – 5:45 PM: Eat Dinner of pork, noodles and green beans
5:45 PM – 6:30 PM: Play GameCube (Donkey Konga 2)
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM: Surf internet/check email
7:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Watch “Jeopardy!”
7:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Blog on Xanga
8:00 PM – ?:?? PM: Watch football/surf internet/instant meesenger/Xanga
When tired: Got to bed

It’s ironic that I made a schedule that last day I am no longer controlled by a schedule. But I did to live this vacation day to the fullest. I made sure I at least did everything I did in my free time this summer once. I also made sure I played every Nintendo GameCube game I own at least once (a custom I started the summer before fifth grade) and I did. I stuffed myself silly since when school starts, I stop eating breakfast.

My reflections on the hammock swing went something like this-

“It was another great summer. It went great. I worked a lot, yet still got some gree time. I enjoyed doing 5-Day Clubs. I especially enjoyed the two weeks of training at LBC and East Swamp. I got to meet so many great people, who were interest in spreading the gospel. I loved sharing bible stories and the way to Christ. Witnessing children come to Christ is awesome and wouldn’t trade it for the world.

The second week of August was VBS Camp with Faulkner Swamp and Peace in Zion UCC churches at Mensch Mill. It was typical camp: stressul. Yet I loved doing it again. Teaching got me more into it. I got to see how the Lord worked through me to bring kids to Christ. We also got a good laugh now and then.

Only one family trip, and I’m glad for that. Family trips to CT are getting boring for me. Nothing to do but watch cable TV. Everyone is either too old or too young. It did force me to read me book, though. Beside that trip, no other trips. However, Aunt Sue, Cousin Matt and Matt’s roommate Andy did come to us once, but it was so short, I didn’t notice. We have to go back up labor day.

Only July 5, I turned 17. My birthday came and went. Didn’t notice, not me, not my peers, not relatives, and hardly my family. That’s they way I like it and they way it should be. (Head’s up: I’ll rant about that one of these days.) With the birthday money, I bought Donkey Konga 1 & 2 with 2 bongos. Mike Williams got me hooked on it and I play it often.
I find it a blessing that I only a few people from school in three days of my summer vacation. I hate seeing classmates outside of school. It’s almost as bad as seeing teachers out of school.
After two weeks of free time, summer has come to a close. I will miss its freedom of laziness, mindless TV, bible quizzing, and endless GameCube.

I dread returning to school. No, it’s not the boring classes, long assignments or hard tests. I understand it must be done and have gotten use to it. It’s the people there, but it’s not the teachers. The teachers are insightful, and are just doing their job (which seems to us as being mean). I actually like most of my teachers. I hate going to school because of the students, my peers, my classmates. They make school life hard and depressing for me. I hate everything social at school. I hate the close cliques that are formed. They make certain people better than others, and close off the lowest from the rest of the school. The lowest feel left out, and I hate that. I hate having to meet up with the popular kids’ expectations and standards of being accepted and cool. Most of these standards and expectations are fueled by Hollywood. And if you go against them, forget being accepted, and expect to be on the bottom of the clique system. I hate noisy, disruptive, obnoxious students in my classes that make it impossible to learn. If they don’t want to lean and have to “suffer” then they make you suffer and unable to learn. I hate it when classmates are immature. You’re in high school, grow up. I also hate show-off couples. They make it look like they’re better than you because you’re single. They make being single bad and it puts you down. It pressures you get a boyfriend/girlfriend and date. That sucks.

I pray that the freshmen class is better this year. Despite having a few cute chicks last year, they were annoying, loud, talkative and sometimes rude. I also pray teachers will have better patience to put up with students. I am sick and tired of getting punished for the stupid things my peers do. It is unfair.

Other than that, I am fine with school. I understand I need it to become smarter and get a good paying job in a career that I like. I have gotten use to homework, projects, quizzes, tests, teachers and classes. It’s a part of life. I will never get use to my classmates, cliques, show-off couples, and the soap opera of high school. Materialistically, I am prepared for tomorrow. I got all new school stuff. I have finished the book report due for school (I actually finished in the beginning of August) and it is 110 words over the maximum requirement. I pray the Lord will prepare me for what I cannot get use to at school: the social part.

This year, I will keep promoting my anti-cliquism book. I will also base everything I do in school senate on it. I will not let my classmates get the best of me. I will try my best not to give in to their standards and not be controlled as who I am and I should act and live. I will not let their commercial holidays get me down, either. I will once again aim for straight A’s. However, I will be fine if I get straight A’s the first semister and my grades drop third quarter because of quizzing.”

Only 360 days left to survive……

I think this is my longest post ever…..

Today was my last day of summer vactation. As always I enjoyed my last day to the fullest. This is how I spent the day-

8:45 AM: Woke up
8:45 AM – 9:00 AM: Eat breakfast of a third a box of sugar-loaded cereal
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Shower/Get changed
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Play GameCube (Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004)
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Watch “The Price Is Right”
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM: Walk dog/Eat lunch of a box of Mac N Cheese.
12:30 PM – 1:00 PM: Watch “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?!”
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Play GameCube (NBA Street 2)
2:00 PM – 3:15 PM: Sit in hammock swing, reflect on how great summer was and how much I hate returning to school.
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM: Write bible quizzing questions.
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Play GameCube (Mario Party 5/Donkey Konga 1)
5:30 PM – 5:45 PM: Eat Dinner of pork, noodles and green beans
5:45 PM – 6:30 PM: Play GameCube (Donkey Konga 2)
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM: Surf internet/check email
7:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Watch “Jeopardy!”
7:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Blog on Xanga
8:00 PM – ?:?? PM: Watch football/surf internet/instant meesenger/Xanga
When tired: Got to bed

It’s ironic that I made a schedule that last day I am no longer controlled by a schedule. But I did to live this vacation day to the fullest. I made sure I at least did everything I did in my free time this summer once. I also made sure I played every Nintendo GameCube game I own at least once (a custom I started the summer before fifth grade) and I did. I stuffed myself silly since when school starts, I stop eating breakfast.

My reflections on the hammock swing went something like this-

“It was another great summer. It went great. I worked a lot, yet still got some gree time. I enjoyed doing 5-Day Clubs. I especially enjoyed the two weeks of training at LBC and East Swamp. I got to meet so many great people, who were interest in spreading the gospel. I loved sharing bible stories and the way to Christ. Witnessing children come to Christ is awesome and wouldn’t trade it for the world.

The second week of August was VBS Camp with Faulkner Swamp and Peace in Zion UCC churches at Mensch Mill. It was typical camp: stressul. Yet I loved doing it again. Teaching got me more into it. I got to see how the Lord worked through me to bring kids to Christ. We also got a good laugh now and then.

Only one family trip, and I’m glad for that. Family trips to CT are getting boring for me. Nothing to do but watch cable TV. Everyone is either too old or too young. It did force me to read me book, though. Beside that trip, no other trips. However, Aunt Sue, Cousin Matt and Matt’s roommate Andy did come to us once, but it was so short, I didn’t notice. We have to go back up labor day.

Only July 5, I turned 17. My birthday came and went. Didn’t notice, not me, not my peers, not relatives, and hardly my family. That’s they way I like it and they way it should be. (Head’s up: I’ll rant about that one of these days.) With the birthday money, I bought Donkey Konga 1 & 2 with 2 bongos. Mike Williams got me hooked on it and I play it often.

I find it a blessing that I only a few people from school in three days of my summer vacation. I hate seeing classmates outside of school.  It’s almost as bad as seeing teachers out of school.

After two weeks of free time, summer has come to a close. I will miss its freedom of laziness, mindless TV, bible quizzing, and endless GameCube.

I dread returning to school. No, it’s not the boring classes, long assignments or hard tests. I understand it must be done and have gotten use to it. It’s the people there, but it’s not the teachers. The teachers are insightful, and are just doing their job (which seems to us as being mean). I actually like most of my teachers. I hate going to school because of the students, my peers, my classmates. They make school life hard and depressing for me. I hate everything social at school. I hate the close cliques that are formed. They make certain people better than others, and close off the lowest from the rest of the school. The lowest feel left out, and I hate that. I hate having to meet up with the popular kids’ expectations and standards of being accepted and cool. Most of these standards and expectations are fueled by Hollywood. And if you go against them, forget being accepted, and expect to be on the bottom of the clique system. I hate noisy, disruptive, obnoxious students in my classes that make it impossible to learn. If they don’t want to lean and have to “suffer” then they make you suffer and unable to learn. I hate it when classmates are immature. You’re in high school, grow up. I also hate show-off couples. They make it look like they’re better than you because you’re single. They make being single bad and it puts you down. It pressures you get a boyfriend/girlfriend and date. That sucks.

I pray that the freshmen class is better this year. Despite having a few cute chicks last year, they were annoying, loud, talkative and sometimes rude. I also pray teachers will have better patience to put up with students. I am sick and tired of getting punished for the stupid things my peers do. It is unfair.

Other than that, I am fine with school. I understand I need it to become smarter and get a good paying job in a career that I like. I have gotten use to homework, projects, quizzes, tests, teachers and classes. It’s a part of life. I will never get use to my classmates, cliques, show-off couples, and the soap opera of high school. Materialistically, I am prepared for tomorrow. I got all new school stuff. I have finished the book report due for school (I actually finished in the beginning of August) and it is 110 words over the maximum requirement. I pray the Lord will prepare me for what I cannot get use to at school: the social part.

This year, I will keep promoting my anti-cliquism book. I will also base everything I do in school senate on it. I will not let my classmates get the best of me. I will try my best not to give in to their standards and not be controlled as who I am and I should act and live. I will not let their commercial holidays get me down, either. I will once again aim for straight A’s. However, I will be fine if I get straight A’s the first semister and my grades drop third quarter because of quizzing.”

Only 360 days left to survive……

Next post is SEPTEMBER 1st, and you’ll want to see it!

Wow, I think that my longest post ever…..

If anyone doesn’t know (like no one know this), I LOVE QUIZZING! I am a passioniate quizzer. I quiz when no one else is, even the best. I am even quizzing now! Why is this? Blame it on a thing I like to call the quizzeranium. The quizzerianium is a small part of the brain. It drives quizzers to quiz. It gives every quizzer the want to quiz. It’s what makes a quizzer a quizzer. You know, the buzzing thumb, the good memory, the silliness to be on the quizzing video. The picture on the left is a normal quizzerianium size. The picture on the right is the quizzerianium size for the quizzer extrodinaire, like me. (The quizzerianium is red)

The quizzerianium has fully taken over my brain. The musical part, the academic part, the athletic part, the social part, the artistic part, the emotional part, every part of the brain is consumed by the quizzerianium. Therefore, quizzing is a high priority and I relate everything back to quizzing. This is why I am constantly quizzing. Below is a good example. I hear songs on the radio, or parodied by the ApologetiX (that Christian Parody band, my favorite). When I hear the song, it enters my brain and rearranges with quizzing words. I have written 11 quizzing parodies. Please click on the link, read the parody and evaulate (but don’t tell me the original is better, I hear that all the time about parodies). More to come later!

Quiz Yourself
(Parody of Lose Yourself  by Eminem)

Quiz On
(Parody of Dream On  by Aerosmith)

Get this quizmatch started
(Parody of Get this Party Started  by Pink)

Quiz Out Tonight
(Parody of Get Down Tonight  by KC & the Sunshine Band)

665/Match 19
(Parody of 867-5309/Jenny by Tommy Tutone)

Contest that Funky Question
(Parody of Play that Funky Music by Wild Cherry)

Complicated Contests
(Parody of Complicated  by Avril)

Buzz in
(Parody of All-Star by Smash Mouth)

Quizzing Busses
(Parody of Vengabuses  by Vengaboys)

(Parody of I Love Rock N Roll  by Joan Jett/Brittany Spears)

Quizzing Practice (Really Matters)
(Parody of In the End by Linkin Park)

Mike’s Party

On Saturday, I went to Mike’s B-Day party. That was awesome. I was the first to arrive, the first to leave. Brandon and Bruce were there, along with a bunch of Mike’s other friends who I don’t know. Most of the time, Mike was asking, “So, what do you guys wanna do?” LOL. That’s why I don’t host parties; I’d be asking that question more. It was still fun though. We did volleyball for 5 seconds, until the net that Mike and I horribly put up collasped. So we play dodgeball and football. I realized I am a better quaterback than wide receiver. We won the game in sudden death overtime! They went swimming, but I didn’t. We started to play Monopoly, but that failed miserably. Food was great, too. Hardly ate anything, but good food! It was great seeing those guys again.

P.S. Mike, I already lost the phone no. So, send it back my way (with the name)

(Unofficial) Countdown to quizzing 2006:
5 months, 1 day

On Saturday, I went to Mike’s B-Day party. That was awesome. I was the first to arrive, the first to leave. Brandon and Bruce were there, along with a bunch of Mike’s other friends who I don’t know. Most of the time, Mike was asking, “So, what do you guys wanna do?” LOL. That’s why I don’t host parties; I’d be asking that question more. It was still fun though. We did volleyball for 5 seconds, until the net that Mike and I horribly put up collasped. So we play dodgeball and football. I realized I am a better quaterback than wide receiver. We won the game in sudden death overtime! They went swimming, but I didn’t. We started to play Monopoly, but that failed miserably. Food was great, too. Hardly ate anything, but good food! It was great seeing those guys again.

P.S. Mike, I already lost the phone no.  So, send it back my way (with the name)

(Unofficial) Countdown to quizzing 2006:
5 months, 1 day

I’ve been getting a lot of jealousy out of this, so I am going to announce to everyone:

For my birthday, I asked my parents to go to a ticket event. I asked for three events and got my number one event. I AM GOING TO SEE SPAMALOT!

You may now all be jealous

And now for something completely different…. (lol, my dad rented that for me once we got the tickets. That’s was very funny.)

“This bird is dead. He has passed away. He is gone to meet his Maker, he is resting in peace, he is picking daisies….”
“This man was about to make the funniest joke ever, being the first to die laughing.” (laughs, then dies)
“I will not buy this CD, it is scratched.””But this is a tobbacco store.””I will not buy this CD, it is scratched.”
“Apparently this man made a false English-Hungarian phrase book, playing a practical joke. For example, for ‘Where is the train station?’ he has down ‘Will you fondle my buttocks?’ (Hungarian guy walks up to man) “Will you fondle my buttocks?””Two streets, go down the hill, take a left.”
“Now the Twits will take part in a car race….Oh, look, no. 5 has ran himself over.””Now the will try to shoot a rabbit, which is tied down, but are still missing.”
“Along with the old grannies gang, there was a baby gang, and a left turn baracade gang.”
“We already did all fruit defense. We did apple defense, pear defense, orange defense, melon defense, cherry defense (both red and black), lemon defense, lime defense, passionfruit defense, we’ve done them all!””Have we done bannana defense?””No….””Alright! Bananna defense it is! The first thing you want to do is take the banana, disarming him, then eat the banana.(Volunteer goes up to help demonstrate)“First, take the banana.” (shoots volunteer and takes bannana). “Then eat it.” (Eats bannana)

Woah, I got totally off track. Back on track

And now for something completely different…..

Despite being done CEF 5-Day Clubs, I took this week to teach VBS Camp. I was a student there for 7 years, and a teacher for 4 years, totally 11 years at this camp. On top of that, this VBS Camp has only been around for 18 years. So I have been there 11 of 18 years. Wow! I was in a room on the top floor of the all-pupose building. It got hot up there, so we had 3 fans in there. I taught along side two other adult teachers: my mom Mrs. Holcomb and a family friend Mrs. Becker. The class consisted of 8 kids, grades 4-6. All were very well behaved. We did Kingdom of the Son by Gospel Light. Despite it not being the CEF program, I still put in the Gospel Points. The teachers were grateful for that. I taught the bible story. Mrs. Holcomb and Mrs. Becker did the intro, conclusion and application to the Lord’s Prayer. Since of their age, I was allowed to use my intellectual side. I did get technical. We did some math showing the kids how much a denarius was worth today, and how much money it work take to feed the 5,000, the first servant needed to pay the king, and the second servant to pay the first servant (the parable of the unforgiving servant). It kept their attention. Another great thing is that everyone had bibles. So intead of me reading the verses, I had each of the kids read verses.That involved them more. The kids caught on to the gospel points once. During the week, of the 8 kids, we had 3 kids get saved and 2 kids get assured. One of them we thought was slow to catch on actually gave me all the right answers during counseling. When I give the invitation, I ask if anyone wants to know how to receive Christ to go to counseling. When I counsel, I teach the kids how to pray the prayer to get saved. One of the girls prayed the prayer during the invitation before counseling and and just came to learn how to grow! It was amazing. The kids actually told me they liked my class and enjoyed. I guess that was to oppose the kid last week who told me I was boring.

In the beginning was a little hectic. On the first day, my mother and I were running around yelling “CAMP! CAMP!” I asked the church to give me NIV Bibles for the students (NIV is the easiest to read bible). When Mrs. Becker began to collect the NIV Bibles, the director said she didn’t need to and there were Bibles already at the camp. We had to put her trust in her. Just in case, we brought 3 NIV Bibles. When we got there, Mrs. Becker asked the director, “Do you have the Bibles?” She said, “Yes.” Mrs. Becker asked, “What version are they?” The director replied, “RSVP.” Mrs. Becker replied, “I don’t care if you’re coming, I just want to know what version the Bibles are!”  LOL. (If you don’t get the joke, the Bible versions are the Revised Standard Version, the RSV. She added an extra letter and called it the RSVP.) So we had two different versions of the Bible, which sometimes confused the kids. Mrs. Holcomb had some photocopying problems. She made extras of things we only needed once, and forgot to photocopy others. We also borrowed a card table that was used in the skit on the bottom floor, so I had to constantly drag the table up and down the stairs. That was annoying. It went really well. Monday-Thursday, transportation went smooth, weather was great and non-humind, no injuries and no lost items. Of course, we were jynxed on Friday and then that all stopped. Transportation home was chaos, items were lost, the humidity spiked, and 3 kids got stung and 1 got bruised when tripped by the ground. Once again, the Jr. Helpers did hardly anything and mostly got in the way, the opposite of what they were suppose to be doing. However, most of them were good in the play. Derek, once again, made the perfect bad guy. One had a monotone voice so his scared and excited voice was the same sounding. My sister was the walk-on.

In short, camp was camp, just like every other year. Done another year, with more years to come.

(Unofficial) Countdown to quizzing 2006:
5 months, 4 days

Chick magnet 4ever

To this day, I have been alive 17 years, 1 month, 3 days. Since the day I was born on July 5, 1988 (at 5:30 PM), I have grown, my life slightly shaped by events that happened to me as I grew up. I’ve grown up and in some places I have changed and been different. Then again, some things never change…

This is me at age 3

This is me at age 15:

This is me at age 17:

Some things just come naturally….it’s almost like instinct. I sometimes swear it’s the Chick Magnet shirt.

To this day, I have been alive 17 years, 1 month, 3 days. Since the day I was born on July 5, 1988 (at 5:30 PM), I have grown, my life slightly shaped by events that happened to me as I grew up. I’ve grown up and in some places I have changed and been different. Then again, some things never change…

This is me at age 3:

This is me at age 15:

This is me at age 17:

Some things just come naturally….it’s almost like instinct. I sometimes swear it’s the Chick Magnet shirt.

This was my last week of CEF 5-Day Clubs. I had two this week, for a total 7 clubs this summer. One was in the morning and one was the afternoon. I had lunch at Sheila’s (the Montgomery County director) house.

Morning Club
Our morning Club was preschool-aged kids. Actually, it was a preschool. The hostess let us have one hour of her home daycare to teach the children. There were 15 kids enrolled. One of them was a Chinese girl just adopted. She didn’t understand many English words, so we don’t think the gospel points got out. It was cute when she would repeat the Bible verse, because I don’t think she understood a word she said. The kids were antsy and it was hard for them to pay attention.One kid actually told us we were boring! As “boring” as we were, we got through to some of them. In this club, we had four first-time decisions and two assurances. Both assurances were from the first-time descision maker. However, I am having trouble believing he was saved. When a person is saved, his life is changed for the better. However, one of the boys who decided to make the decision, he didn’t changed. He was still rude, still name-called, still hit, still insulted. Actually, he was the one who told us we were boring. Pray that he does grow and become a better Christian.

Afternoon club
Our afternoon club kids were aged 3-10. There was 17 kids enrolled. I taught the first four Bible stories, and Missionary story 5. The kids easily lost attention when being taught. The older kids paid better attention than the younger ones. In this club, we had two first-time decisions. I got to witness both. Once again, I had another kid who was saved, but still had a bad attitude. Pray for him as well. The other girl that got saved only came on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, she received Jesus. As we were leaving on Friday, she said to me: “Thank you for teaching me about Jesus.” It was so cute! Now THAT is why I chose to do this. There’s a song about a bible teacher being thanked by his students in heaven for getting them there. I got that, even before I got to heaven. We also hit another milestone on Friday. The LAST club day I was doing we finally got it down to one hour!

Final thoughts over the summer
All together, we had seven clubs. In all the clubs, twelve kids got saved. Eight kids got assurances. Sometimes it was tough, but other times it was great. We had great hostesses. They were very flexible. The wanted to help more than they had to. Every club got to their goal, giving the missionaries the Groomes over $200!! All together, I did teach each bible story and Missionary story at least once. My training and work was well used. I feel more confident doing oral speaking and teaching. It was great seeing God working through me. My favorite club had to be the fifth club, the one in Pottstown. I got to work with my favorite crowd: teenagers. The hardest club was the sixth club, the morning club this week. I’m not too good with preschoolers. It was great working with Deborah. We had good team teaching. Deborah’s interuptions would sometimes through me off, but would sometimes catch the things I was missing. Being a Summer Missionary was a great job.

After these 2 clubs, I’m done. I am completely done CEF 5-Day Clubs. I may do some Fair Evangelism after this with CEF. Next week I will be doing VBS for Faulkner Swamp UCC. It will not be CEF program, but my mom did ask me to teach and through the gospel points, the invitation, and the counseling. Awesome. I think some week I will do Xanga devotions on the saved application for 5-Day Clubs. I will also report on VBS next week.