The fun of duct tape

Last Sunday my youth group had their a “Duct Tape Sunday.” We had a competition on who could make the best thing out of duct tape. My team consisting of Aaron Derstine, Derek Zona, and yours truly, Graham Holcomb, quizzer extrodinaire. We made the duct tape elephant as seen as above. It was awesome, so awesome it won the award as best!

Now, quizzing has a history of using duct tape as well. I used duct tape on my 2004 name plack. I remember Jaron had a duct tape suit of armor one year. That was cool. So next year, don’t be surprised if you see that elephant as my quizzing buddy

Last Sunday my youth group had their a “Duct Tape Sunday.” We had a competition on who could make the best thing out of duct tape. My team consisting of Aaron Derstine, Derek Zona, and yours truly, Graham Holcomb, quizzer extrodinaire. We made the duct tape elephant as seen as above. It was awesome, so awesome it won the award as best!

Now, quizzing has a history of using duct tape as well. I used duct tape on my 2004 name plack. I remember Jaron had a duct tape suit of armor one year. That was cool. So next year, don’t be surprised if you see that elephant as my quizzing buddy

Quizzing a sport?

Today was boring. I started out watching cheerleading competions (I think you all know why ), then I watched a poker competition. And it got my thinking, “: how can someone say quizzing is not a sport, and yet chess, cheerleading, and poker is.” Then I continued to thing, “Is quizzing really a sport? So in mock of the “cheerleading article scandal”, I will defend quizzing as a sport (with as little attack on the other sports as possible).

Quizzing is many things. It’s a time to learn God’s word, an act of worship towards God, a time to socialize with other Christians, and a time to use our God-given gifts. I think it has a sport as well. The dictionary defines it as: “Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.” Now the only physical thing you do in quizzing is press a button. But it’s not just that. The second defintion calls a sport: “An active pastime.” Perhaps quizzing is that. Quizzing is a strong intellectual sport. It’s not a game of chance. It’s not like no skill is required. Quizzing takes tons of painstaking, time-consuming studying and practicing. There is as much stragedy in quizzing as in making plays in football, if not more. Quizzing is just as competitive as any sport as well. I have seen and expereinced the great competition in quizzing. It has led quizzers from great joy and laguhter to overcome by tears and sadness (and vice versa). People will do anything to win, some even will cheat (sadly). If this is not competition, I don’t know what is. Quizzing also can be considered as a sport because of the great dedication to it. Many quizzers go into matches with great seriousness. Quizzing is too a sport.

Now the more negative side of looking at why quizzing is a sport. Quizzing must be a sport if there are other activities that are also considered sports. Such are chess, poker and cheerleading. Quizzing takes just as much thinking and stratergy as chess. In poker, all you do is bluff, bet and hope the right cards come along. Cheerleading is like being a “profesional fan”. All they do is cheer for the team, and occasionally put on a little show. If these are sports, than so is bible quizzing!

Today was boring. I started out watching cheerleading competions (I think you all know why ), then I watched a poker competition. And it got my thinking, “: how can someone say quizzing is not a sport, and yet chess, cheerleading, and poker is.” Then I continued to thing, “Is quizzing really a sport? So in mock of the “cheerleading article scandal”,  I will defend quizzing as a sport (with as little attack on the other sports as possible).

Quizzing is many things. It’s a time to learn God’s word, an act of worship towards God, a time to socialize with other Christians, and a time to use our God-given gifts. I think it has a sport as well. The dictionary defines it as: “Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.” Now the only physical thing you do in quizzing is press a button. But it’s not just that. The second defintion calls a sport: “An active pastime.” Perhaps quizzing is that. Quizzing is a strong intellectual sport. It’s not a game of chance. It’s not like no skill is required. Quizzing takes tons of painstaking, time-consuming studying and practicing. There is as much stragedy in quizzing as in making plays in football, if not more. Quizzing is just as competitive as any sport as well. I have seen and expereinced the great competition in quizzing. It has led quizzers from great joy and laguhter to overcome by tears and sadness (and vice versa). People will do anything to win, some even will cheat (sadly). If this is not competition, I don’t know what is. Quizzing also can be considered as a sport because of the great dedication to it. Many quizzers go into matches with great seriousness. Quizzing is too a sport.

Now the more negative side of looking at why quizzing is a sport. Quizzing must be a sport if there are other activities that are also considered sports. Such are chess, poker and cheerleading. Quizzing takes just as much thinking and stratergy as chess. In poker, all you do is bluff, bet and hope the right cards come along. Cheerleading is like being a “profesional fan”. All they do is cheer for the team, and occasionally put on a little show. If these are sports, than so is bible quizzing!

Secret Sponser shing ding thing

Back on Sunday, we had a secret sponser shing ding thing. It was great to see everyone again. It was during a fellowship meal, so we had lunch as well. I got caught up on events with Christine. Of course, the first thing Michael wanted to know was my situation with girls….. He asked Christine about what she wanted to tell him, but then forgot. I was correct in my assumption on my secret sponser. It was Mrs. Schwager. She wasn’t there (just like my past two secret sponsers), but did call me all the way from Florida. As a final secret sponser gift, I got a puzzle and Swedish Fish. Then the church showed their apprieciation with a $15 gift card to Master’s Merchantile and a gift card for Old Contry Buffet. Then we got a blessing. Let me tell you, we had to sit on the floor for an half hour. It gets to your butt. Thus, officially ended quizzing. It was a great year.

Thank you, Spring City, for a great year. In future entries, I’ll have more flashbacks from 2005.
Quizzing Joke:Q: How many quizzers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?A: Only one, but you’ll need 4 if you want team bonus

Back on Sunday, we had a secret sponser shing ding thing. It was great to see everyone again. It was during a fellowship meal, so we had lunch as well. I got caught up on events with Christine. Of course, the first thing Michael wanted to know was my situation with girls….. He asked Christine about what she wanted to tell him, but then forgot. I was correct in my assumption on my secret sponser. It was Mrs. Schwager. She wasn’t there (just like my past two secret sponsers), but did call me all the way from Florida. As a final secret sponser gift, I got a puzzle and Swedish Fish. Then the church showed their apprieciation with a $15 gift card to Master’s Merchantile and a gift card for Old Contry Buffet. Then we got a blessing. Let me tell you, we had to sit on the floor for an half hour. It gets to your butt. Thus, officially ended quizzing.  It was a great year.

Thank you, Spring City, for a great year. In future entries, I’ll have more flashbacks from 2005.

Quizzing Joke:
Q: How many quizzers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Only one, but you’ll need 4 if you want team bonus

Okay, one of my rants. I promise there won’t be too many of these

Some people are obsessed with soccer…………..considered normal
Some people are obsessed with volleyball……….considered normal
Some people are obsessed with track…………….considered normal
Some girls are obsessed with field hockey……….considered normal
I’m obsessed with quizzing……………………………considered abnormal, weird, crazy and insane

Okay, the big question: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Is it because there is no one popular quizzing? Is it because no one shares my talent? How can it be sports is more important than bible study? What is it??!! Just something to think about.

At LBC…….again

Friday I school off (last time for another 7 weeks). So I had a college visit. I know it’s kinda early, but why not? I visited Lancaster Bible College AKA LBC. I had already been there for 4 days before about 3 weeks ago, so it hardly felt like I left . We listened to the college president talk, then attended chapel. Then I went to a bible class. It was great! I actually went to bible class that everyone wanted to be there and participated (unlike some mennonite high school I know….)! Then we went on a tour of the campus, followed by lunch. Then they did Q&A, which they avoided most of the negative answers. That concluded everything.

Just of the fun it, we got a student handbook. It was set up like Dock sets up theirs….except….more strict. There was a bunch of stupid rules! You can’t have TVs in your dorm room. You can’t watch DVDs on DVD players or your computer You can’t go to the movie theatre during fall-spring classes. You have to dress up for chapel and classes. You have to go to every chapel, plus go to a local church on Sunday. You can only watch approved videos on campus. No shaggy hair. If you leave campus, you must get permission. The worst: unless you live with you parents, you cannot live off campus! I thought Dock was bad too! The classes and cirruculm is good, but the rules and tight. It’s like getting a second pair of parents….except their extremely conversatist!

I’m glad that they will allow to go to other churches. Now I can still quiz when at college! So if any quiz team is near LBC, please tell and convince me to come. Or there is another choice. I could be able to start a quiz team at LBC. But I would also have to get quizzers below the age 20. Most unlikely. Yet I still have a few colleges to look at.

The honor of the display case

At my school (for those who don’t know, that is, Christopher Dock Mennonite High School), there is a display case in the commons. Teacher Mr….make that, DR. Bishop…displays the unique talents/collections/hobbies of the student body in that display case. So early in the year I mentioned my bible quizzing. Around 7 months later, Dr. Bishop finally asked for my bible quizzing stuff. Now it is displayed in the Commons

I hope this will not only be a good show-off tool, but also a good recruiting tool. We need more quizzers for the Spring City team, with only two definiates and two maybes. I wish Dock had a quiz team, it would be awesome!! Hmmm, who would I want on the Dock quiz team? I would want-

Graham Holcomb
Aaron Derstine
Adriel Santiago
Emily Graber
Ben Bergey
Jake Snyder (possibly…)

Ah, wishful thinking. No one would do it. Besides Dock sports, plays, and choir, they don’t have many extra cirricular stuff. But having quizzing shown off at Dock is cool. It makes me want to get a display case for my room. If I ever become rich and famous, I’ll build a quizzing museum.That reminds me- I’m getting my Top 50 Quizzer Award with the Top 50 Quizzers List plaqued! It’ll look awesome!